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Author Topic: JET - A note is slipped under your door  (Read 280 times)


JET - A note is slipped under your door
« on: December 27, 2007, 01:23:34 pm »
*Slipped under the door of Jet's House*

Dear Sir,
I happened to notice your door swinging in the wind, and thinking perhaps someone was ill or in need I hollered and looked about. Your home appears somewhat abandoned. I have secured the door as best I can, and if you are alive and well, then my apologies for entering your home. If you are off traveling on other continents, and only staying here on occasion, then I would be happy to keep the place tidy and clean, free of vagabonds, and in fact I would happily pay ye for the privileges, and rent a room of your house.

Please leave me a note tacked to your door in response.
Enjoy this day, and hoping you are hale and hearty.


Re: JET - A note is slipped under your door
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2007, 05:58:56 pm »
*A slight elven woman with long black hair and startling emerald green eyes picks up the note as she steps through the door, frowning slightly, reading it, the frown deepens, muttering quietly to herself*

I know there is a problem with the lock but you'd only know that it you tried the door....No matter, I'll look at it and see what needs to be done

*sitting she pens a quick note in a flowing script before fixing it to the door*

This house is already taken care of and I suggest in future you don't try people's doors


Ireth Astendor


Re: JET - A note is slipped under your door
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2007, 02:08:44 pm »
*The spikey-haired wanderer adjusts the weighty pack on his back as he eyes the note tacked to the door. He shrugs, grins, and mutters to himself*

"Well, been having a hard time renting a room with a chest! Can't seem to find a friendly resident in Hemp or Hlint who minds a roomer. Bit hard to make a living without a place to store goods! Heh....guess I'll keep looking for an abandoned shed or rat-occupied hovel. Or...could move on I suppose, try a different town."

*He untacks the note and folds it and puts it in his pouch, and ambles off.*