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Author Topic: A note left for the Seilwood Witch  (Read 61 times)


A note left for the Seilwood Witch
« on: May 28, 2005, 03:10:00 pm »
*Hastily scribbled note left on the table in the Seilwood witches house by Jacchri Abianca, Reef Ohagan and Celewin Creath*

Good Lady

I have important news I must pass to you; regarding blood wells. We seek your  audience, at your earliest convenience.

Jacchri Abianca


RE: A note left for the Seilwood Witch
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2005, 11:27:00 pm »
*Small note attached at the bottom*

Thanks again lady for seeing me.

If you need my assistance in any way please send me a message with a badger or racoon.
Seeing that all the birds have left us.....very strange.


