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Author Topic: Party Wanted - Haven Mines Expedition  (Read 160 times)


Party Wanted - Haven Mines Expedition
« on: March 19, 2007, 06:27:17 pm »
*you find a large notice posted on one of the boards in the Tavern.  It is written in a scratchy hand*

[SIZE=24]Adventurers Wanted[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]I be lookin' fer a group ah at least four skilled fellers
willing tah enter dah Haven Mines tah get at dah ore
and gems below.  All professions welcome, including
Mages, fighters, Priests, sneakers and thieves.

All party members will have an equal share ah any
and all gold and ore we manage tah collect, but as
dah organizer I claim dah right tah one Quarter of dah
Gems we find, and dah rest can be split up amongst
dah party.  Any and all inter'sted adventures please
send me a letter or post a message along side dis
one.  A date will be decided on when I figger out how
fellers er goin'.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18]Shiff Dragonheart[/SIZE][/FONT][/I]


Re: Party Wanted - Haven Mines Expedition
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2007, 01:40:05 am »
*a small note is next to the bulletin with details*


Re: Party Wanted - Haven Mines Expedition
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2007, 12:14:57 pm »
*Shiff walks in and tacks this message on the board, write below his original bulletin*
We be leaving from Hlint, in dah Wild Surge.
Meet there er yer not goin. I want tah make
sher everyone knows the plan, and that every
one knows what tah do. Every person comin
will have a specific job in dah party, and I'll
be assignin' them. That way everyone knows
what tah do.

Date of trip - Threas, Mai 26, 1414
(March 27, 11:00 EST)
Be dere, er be witout dah rewards

Shiff Dragonheart,
Expedition Leader and Organizer

