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Author Topic: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling  (Read 176 times)


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Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
« on: September 26, 2005, 01:39:00 pm »
Young halfling, new to Hlint, wanted for on the counts of -

1. Petty Theft of gold from Trysk Yaegar. ((this was only emoted so he didn't actually PP, just to be clear))
2. Indecent Exposure in a public area
3. Brandishing deadly weapons in Hlint Town Commons, without due cause.
4. Evading arrest

If you should encounter this halfling, contact Quin Cromwell, Acacea Chasm-Jumper, Trysk Yaegar, Aleister Grumpyman, or Zeos, or contact the town guard captain, Garrent.

Thank you fore aiding in upholding the law -

Quin Cromwell


RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2005, 03:27:00 pm »
*Daeron reads the notice and becomes furious. At first he ripped the notice of the wall, but after a few seconds he reattaches the note on the wall and angrily scribbles a few lines on it.*

"I sincerely believe the writer of this message has delusions about his authority in this matter. If this spellbegger of Toran continues putting out warrants without consent of the local governing body in Hlint, I will do everything in my power to have this fool reported to the Guardians of Justice."

"Let this be a warning, if this warrants isn't withdrawn I will make sure these actions will be reported to the Guardians of Justice and the Divine Court."

*The note is unsigned*


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RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2005, 03:35:00 pm »
*quin sees the note, and writes another note*

With the absence of a solid town guard and considering Garrent is too busy to do this on his own, I am posting this notice so that others may know of the crimes this person has committed, and so that we may help him to understand what he has done, or arrest him accordingly.

I have no court authority, nor is this an official warrant, though many can collaborate the story of this halflings crimes.

I am offering no reward, only hoping that the people will act to keep their town safe where I can do nothin.

The person who wishes to bring the court down on me for upholding the law obviously has no respect for the laws in place, nor for the safety and wellbeing of the people of Hlint.

~Quin Cromwell


RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2005, 05:23:00 pm »
*That furrows his brow as he reads the notice and mutters to himself*
  "I need to find him first..."


RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2005, 09:07:00 pm »
After passing the note several times and having thought of this when it was first put up, Acacea finally makes the effort to regretfully add her own comment in a barely legible scrawl.

While Taislin Woolywhatever does have the brain-sick, what with the fireballing and all, this other guy is a completely different Taislin and is more annoying than the first one. So...whack that one on the head for being silly, and not for any of the things Quin listed. Whack them both! And stick 'em together. And...

"Oh, bugger. Out of room again! Honestly, I think they plan their paragraphs to make absolutely sure I won't have my proper say."


RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2005, 02:26:00 am »
Spugly Fuglet looks long and hard at the notes
Say to him self

What point of this day should have clobered him when he take shinys he be long gone bys now

wrights under note
Will he be put in twon Stocks for being bad


RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2005, 08:22:00 am »

*Later Daeron returned realized the mistake he made*

"Two Taislin.. bah, who would have thought of it. And now I have met the little runt, I understand why he is wanted."

*He adds another note of his own*

The halfling in question, Taislin Burrik, has freely admitted these claims of theft in public. He proudly called himself "The Thief of Hlint". In the future it would be wise not forget to add the last name of the person in question.

*the note is again unsigned*


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    RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
    « Reply #7 on: September 27, 2005, 10:07:00 am »
    * a another note is placed on to the side of the othernotes
    It is written in a very elegant manner even though it seems rushed*
    Bah! I would have rid Hlint of this petty thieve if Quin hadn't complained!
     *the letter then abrutley stops half way through the word 'I had my sword to his thro...'*


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    RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
    « Reply #8 on: September 27, 2005, 06:13:00 pm »
    Taislin Burrik is repenting for his actions, an serving the township of Hlint for his misdemeanors. I ask all others forgive him aswell.

    ~Quin Cromwell


    RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
    « Reply #9 on: October 02, 2005, 05:43:00 am »
    But dont get used to it

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    RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
    « Reply #10 on: October 02, 2005, 04:14:00 pm »
    *reading the note posted*  hmmmm *thinking to herself, could this be the same annoying halfling that was easedropping on my conversation**muttering to herself* I bet it is, since he declared himself a thief...I did see him just yesterday rob someone....she was quite distressed....*walks away with her head down thinking*


    RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
    « Reply #11 on: October 02, 2005, 05:32:00 pm »
    I was under the impression that thievery is punishable by death.  Why is this fellow still around?


    RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
    « Reply #12 on: October 02, 2005, 06:37:00 pm »
    *Ne'er looks at the poster and says to himself*

    Punishable by death? Eech.... harsh laws.


    RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
    « Reply #13 on: October 02, 2005, 08:27:00 pm »
    A shadow falls across the poster written on by several hands. A red steel studded forearm length gauntlet reaches forth to trace the lines indicating that thievery is punishable by death. Seeing no reward posted Massanissa allows his gauntlet to drop and rest on the large pommel of a thick bladed sword. Around the top fo the scabbard a red glow emanates.

    Shaking his head he turns and strides away muttering in a deep voice as he does so.
    "Dis no good Mon, If dey no be giving gold for his head den I go find dese other two people I get gold for."


    RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
    « Reply #14 on: October 02, 2005, 09:57:00 pm »
    * Someone has changed the name of the person sought. In ever instace where the name Taislin was it now reads Acacea*


    RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
    « Reply #15 on: October 03, 2005, 02:30:00 pm »
    A young Paladin puts a new note on the old
    I Qin Qi Paladin of Toran have seen the halfling know as Taislin
    Aka The Theft of Hlint
    Brack in to a house, Brandish swords openly in teh street and resest all atemps to brng him to justice.
    Should you see this halfling aproch with cusshen as he is armed.



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      RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
      « Reply #16 on: October 03, 2005, 02:50:00 pm »
      *a quick note is written underneath the writing. '5000 gold reward, which can be collected from Acacea after you have his head'*
      The man with the metal arm walks away laughing insanely...


      RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
      « Reply #17 on: October 03, 2005, 04:07:00 pm »
      Rhizome - 10/3/2005  6:04 PM    A thick human looking figure clad in black approaches the board.  He looks at the heap of papers, curled and tattered at the ends by now and gives a calculating smirk.  He looks around the room to see if anyone is watching.  It's in the middle of the night, or early morning actually, and the inn is basically abandoned.  You just happened to be in a part of the inn, obstructed from view, conducting your unrelated business.
        With a quick gesture from the dark figure the signboard begins to smoulder and then erupts into flames.  The notes are consumed first, but they make perfect fuel to set the whole board and in a few moments the wall of the inn ablaze.  It takes several moments before the smoke alerts the innkeeper, who bolts through the door and screams out for help.
        Many buckets of water later the fire is put out and the inn seems safe.  The arsonist, however, seems to have vanished with the smoke.
       A man clad in somewhat worn-looking violet and black leather armor strides into the Wild Surge's common room, his eyes passing over one of the tables as he walks by. Seeing the letter he had left there earlier gone, a small smile comes to his face, though there is a slightly frustrated quality to the expression, as if he had hoped to see the one it had been adressed to sitting there, waiting for him. He gives a small start, however, as he looks over to the signboard, which is usually covered with much-vandalised notices. Instead of the disorganized shamble of parchment, paper, and linen normally adorning the wall, he sees only a hastily-repaired hole from a human's waist level, to well above his head, and nearly twice his shoulder's width apart. Noticing the badly scorched edges of the older boards, he wonders why he hadn't recognized the smell of woodsmoke the second he entered the inn.  "Well burn my eyes..."  A look of mild indignation on his face, the man walks over to the nearest table, and pulls a slightly crumpled sheet of parchment from a pocket of his pack. Drawing an oilcloth-wrapped stick of charcoal out of the same pocket, he bears down on the worn wood of the table, scratching out a quick, crude poster.  WANTED:  THE GOAT-KISSING SON OF MOHRG-BRAINED TROLL WHO BURNED THIS WALL.  REWARD: PERSONAL SATISFACTION, MUCH PRAISE, AND A NIGHT OF DRINKING AND REVELRY PAID BY PYYRAN RAHTH.  Hastily tacking the notice to the wall, Pyyran steps back to admire his work for only a few moments, before swiftly going out to find Acacea.


      RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
      « Reply #18 on: October 04, 2005, 11:31:00 am »
      You will never get me. I have th young elfs of my side.


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      RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
      « Reply #19 on: October 04, 2005, 01:54:00 pm »
      *Syn shakes his head upon seeing the message*

       No one is safe forever, even the gods can be reached.

       *shrugs and walks away*

