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Author Topic: A Show for Beginning Adventurers  (Read 163 times)


A Show for Beginning Adventurers
« on: November 09, 2005, 12:53:00 am »
A dusty half-elf walks through the door of the Wild Surge Inn. "Doria, welcome me home!" he shouts, before the hostess can even speak a word. She smiles a bit at the sight of him, and dutifully shouts "Ifion Witseeker, Welcome Home!" with her usual enthusiasm. "Or is this still your home?" she asks. "I haven't seen you in weeks."  "Ahh, so you missed me, that's heartwarming, Doria" Ifion replies to her mock sincerity, dropping his worn pack and traveling cloak onto the floor. Ragrian looks over at the sound of the gear striking the wood floorboards. Now it is his time for duplicity. Ifion shoots her a lukewarm smile and waves slightly. "If that cheap hack were even half a bard, do you think this place would have a jukebox?" he mutters, mostly to himself. "She can't even work a necklace clasp, let alone a crowd."  Once seated, the travel-worn Aragenite pulls out a leatherbound book from its carrying case cradled under his arm. He peers at some notations made on one of the dog-earred pages, then sighs. "Oh, I mustn't forget that. But with the war on, everyone who is up to the task is too busy. Or too expensive." He strokes his stubbled chin a few times, then says, "Well, I'll have to get help from somewhere. And all kinds, too." His oddly colorless eyes flash for a moment. "Everyone loves a good performance from a bard." He glances over at Ragrian, then amends his statement, "From a skilled bard."  Slowly, he pulls his body, still aching from repeated deaths on Rilara, and, with ink, paper, and pen in hand, trudges to the bulletin board. He writes out a short note, using his knee to steady the paper, then sticks it onto the board.  Ifion Witseeker, Bard Extraordinaire, will be performing a free show for the residents of Mistone. To be held one night only, at the grand venue known as Moraken's Tower.   He pauses, thoughtfully. "That's going to get the whole town out. I've got the narrow the field a bit."  He continues writing...  As orcs have been seen in the area, attendees are advised to be prepared for battle.  He finishes the notice with the date and time. As he walks back to his seat, he lets out these words with a chuckle:  "Anyone successful would rather pay for their entertainment. And anyone cowardly won't risk the orcs. So this should attract just the right sort."    // This is an event specifically for players new to the server, part of what will hopefully become a series of player run "Welcome Wagon" events  Tuesday Nov 15th 7 pm PST / 3 AM Wed 16th GMT  // Please sign up using this calendar event:  // This is in response to the thread found here:  // For this event to meet its objectives, the following ground rules are necessary: Levels 1-6 only please Party Size Limit: 8 Max (Probably won't be a problem, but too many people can ruin these things) No running (except from monsters) There will be a "mandatory role-play period" at the beginning and during at least one "campfire intermission" Please arrive with arrows/bolts, food, water, potions, flint, tinder or whatever you need to last the trip The goal is for everyone to survive the outing, so patience, restraint, and caution will be necessary  :) This IS: A chance to see a little more of Mistone and learn how to move safely between Hlint and the wide, wide world An opportunity to ask in-character questions about world events and locations, NPC quests, where to find CNR, whatever  A good place to ask in-character those questions people on the forums tell you to "ask someone in-game"  A great time to trade crafting items and resources with people who can't use items better than the ones you can make A setting in which to meet people to go adventuring with later An acceptable time to use OOC tells to ask questions about the more frustrating aspects of the game's mechanics (eg I just can't get my character to fish ?! )  :( This is NOT: A GM run event Run by a player with much knowledge of many in-game happening (I set this up so I could learn) An opportunity to "kite" or "draft" behind a high level tank character, soaking up  XPs for fast leveling A chance to quickly group up and go 'hunting/bashing'


RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2005, 08:10:00 am »
I am happy to see something like this and support it 100%.  I hope everything goes well, or at least well enough, that these will continue.

Grid Blader

RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2005, 08:51:00 am »
*Quantum enters and reads the note*

Good for him I like his idea.


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RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2005, 11:07:00 am »
 GREAT!! I see someone has decided to implement my suggestion, which I posted in the forum on the 8th which has sparked so much interest among people who have viewed it  . . .


RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2005, 11:35:00 am »
*Luna walks by, notices the notice and nods, smiling*

Excellent idea. I know when I was new to Hlint I was frightened and alone and confused.

Something like this would be helpful.

*she adds a small note*

If you would like any assistance, please do not hesitate to ask. I would be more then happy to answer questions about the surrounding areas as well as what is going on in the world.



RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2005, 02:18:00 pm »
*Passes the note and then backs a step back. As he reads, he notices Luna is offering some aid. *

*Adds a few words to Luna’s note.*

I will be happy to assist, as well. I, as a ranger, have much knowledge to share about the lay out of the surrounding land. I will be available, if needed.

In addition, you can ask Aralin, the leader of the Vahkar Guild, which is a nature’s guild, for assistance.

Good luck,


RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2005, 02:33:00 pm »
"Ifion performing, I just have to see this" remarks Pendar to himself.  The thought of the impromptu performance in Fort Velensk and the bouts of friendly teasing bringing a smile to his lips.
To himself Pendar says "If I run into Ifion I will see how I can aid, although he may not want me along, I may ruin his credibility".  With a chuckle, Pendar heads out the door.

Moments later, an attractive man walks up and reads the note.  After a moment he disappears back into the crowded inn, seaming to flow past the patrons in the room.  The proposed even has captured his interest.


RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2005, 03:57:00 pm »
// Umm...excuse my ignorance, but how do I sigh up for this?  I went to that link and I don't see an option to sign up.  The only action I have is 'Return to the calendar'.

// edit:  nevermind.  Seems like a problem with Firefox.  When I clicked on that URL it logged me out.

  • Guest
RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2005, 05:00:00 pm »
  On the title, I would think that "Around the campfire" might be a good one, since we're all to low a level for a house of our own *smiles*


RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2005, 07:16:00 am »
*Writes beneath the note

If you are looking for another venue to sing and tell some tales then I invite you to come to the Leilon Arms.   The Leilon Arms is open every Friday eve from 6:00pm till. . .

The Leilon Arms is located in the port city of Leilon.  The road between Hlint an Leilon is relatively safe as it passes through Fort Llast to the west and then north the Road winds by Blackford Castle.

Come sing fer yer dinner and who knows...  if yer good enough the patrons are know to tip well. . .

If yer bad... expect rotten fruit instead. Har!


RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2005, 07:13:00 am »
Ifion sat in his usual corner of the Wild Surge, the contents of his pack spilled out across the table. He seemed to be taking inventory.

"Having to recruit help right after my show tonight puts the whole party at a disadvantage. Even the greenhorns I expect to enlist would bring some gear if they knew what to expect. But we have to leave right after the show. I guess I'll have to bring along enough for everyone. Now, how many do I have? 1,2,3,..."

He stops when he has placed 20 healing potions into his pack. "That ought to cover it. After all, I just have to deliver this letter and my obligation is met. I'll owe that ranger nothing. Debt paid. I am not, really, absolutely not, going to get pulled into something larger..."

// Just a reminder bump. If everyone who has signed up or otherwise contacted me shows up, then we're full. If you want to show up for the show and ask some questions, you're welcome to do it. And doing so puts you on "standby". The 8 person party size is an absolute hard cap. Sorry.


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    RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
    « Reply #11 on: November 15, 2005, 06:56:00 pm »
    Where are we meeting?

    Sneek AKA Gildor


    RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
    « Reply #12 on: November 15, 2005, 11:49:00 pm »
    The grate lumbaring hulk that is Spugly Fuglet half gaint and some times Captin in the Gaints war Company. Placing his grate sword by
    the wall looks long and hard at the note. Then look back and says to Ifion seating there

    "Hay Mr Witseeker dis very good idear, its best thing for thows new in towns. My take ones new here out in  ones and twos must best have a few
    dat way there safe yes. Will you lets old Spugly knows how dis god may be me dos one some days"

    Spugly smiles and Ifion hefs up his sword and gos of for war training with Glokk
    //could you post a report about the event thanks would like to know how it gos thanks


    RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
    « Reply #13 on: November 16, 2005, 06:52:00 am »
    /////////////// Well, this first Orienteering event is mostly over. Some of us are still looking for some items, but the rest is history. The evening consisted of three parts. First, I tested the new characters by subjecting them to an aural assault masquerading as bard songs. Then, the real pros took over and gave a great exposition of Bloodstone and the efforts to stop him.  Finally, a small group of adventurers headed out to deliver a message, which led them into a task to gather items from all over Mistone. Things went fairly well, no one died, and I think most people learned something.  Many thanks to all those who contributed to this effort. In particular:  
    • Gildor, Adin, and Vire, for coming on the quest
    • Nez, who rode shotgun, and especially helped out when the party had to split
    • Nagi Mina, who did a dress rehersal of the event two nights before the real thing, and provided some fine-tuning suggestions
    • Luna and Plen, a huge thank you for providing a ton of information about the main plots, most of which I didn't know
    • All of you who offered to help but I couldn't fit in (there will be a next time, so stay tuned)
    • Anyone else I'm forgetting  Apologies to the following, for general rudeness and not being able to use them better, include them, or role play properly with them. I was stretched pretty thin at the time, trying to keep track of who was doing what, writing down what skills different people had revealed, understanding their characters so I could bring things up later that would be interesting, trying to move things along to keep people from getting restless. I really don't know how the GM's do it, honestly. It takes a whole set of skills that I clearly don't have. The GM's must be some kind of psychotic, multitasking superpeople. (But in the best possible way...)  
    • Pyyran & Silool (though it appears they had a good time anyway...)
    • Nameless elf druid * wink*
    • People who wandered by (including the orcs. You know, I checked to see if they would spot us, and thought we'd be safe)
    • All those that had to sit through Ifion's performance. Rest assured the next Orienteering event will not include a bard show. :)

