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Author Topic: WARNING! *Set up on several locations on Northern Dregar*  (Read 136 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

WARNING! *Set up on several locations on Northern Dregar*
« on: November 16, 2006, 10:49:36 am »
[SIZE=16][SIZE=13][SIZE=16][SIZE=24]* Newly placed signposts made of mahagony and oiled against the harsh weather have been placed near roads and paths in the areas surrounding the Singing and Wildland Forests. In broad letters they read... *


This is an official warning to those that pass through the Singing or Wildland Forests. Stay on the roads and paths while you pass through the woods. Avoid any confrontation with the guardians and creatures that are natives of these areas. Should you stray from the paths and come upon a Quetil or other defender of the forest and be attacked by said defender - flee back to the road and the nearest village or town. You will not be followed. Fight back at your own peril!

An agreement has been made between the dwarves of the Crescent Moon and Shield that call the halls beneath Mount Norand their home and the Fey of the Forests. Dwarven patrols will from this day onward patrol both the Singing and the Wildland Forests. These patrols will offer aid to those that have lost their ways in the wilderness and guide them back to the safe paths to enable them to travel safely through the Forests.

Should a patrol come upon travelers that refuse to use the paths shown to them they will be kindly escorted back to a road anyhow.

Should a patrol come upon travelers that have engaged the fey or other creatures in battle, the patrol will send for reinforcements and then step in between the warring factions. Should the need arise, the patrolling dwarves will raise arms to defend the natives of the forests. Be warned - if you refuse to lay down your arms you will be met by skilled warriors that know their mettle! They will not stand down until you stand down and agree to be lead back to the safe passages through the forests.

Kobal Bluntaxe, Steward of the Crescent Moon & Shield[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]


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    Re: WARNING! *Set up on several locations on Northern Dregar*
    « Reply #1 on: November 16, 2006, 08:38:36 pm »
    *Hearing news of these signs, Uilliam wonders if there is perhaps going to be some call for wilderness scouts, or rangers to help in these efforts. As there will no doubt be need of ones able to guide the lost, an deal with pochers.*


    Re: WARNING! *Set up on several locations on Northern Dregar*
    « Reply #2 on: November 17, 2006, 12:11:35 am »
    Acacea grins as she reads it on her way back through the 'pixie woods' from the Dreamer's Sanctuary, and can't help but giggle afterwards.

    Who can possibly NOT think of a bunch of fey dwarves running around in leaf skirts with the dryads? Heee...

    She apparently needs a moment to recover from the image, expression visibly alternating between shaky amusement and grossed-out, even though it's clear she's pleased about the news.

    Bet some dwarven patrols will keep some from attacking the fey just for laughs, now at least...


    Re: WARNING! *Set up on several locations on Northern Dregar*
    « Reply #3 on: November 18, 2006, 12:18:01 am »
    *While scouting the wildlands forest and checking on the inhabitants of the forest for any effects from the plague, Jacchri sees one of the warnings and reads it*
      *A smile is seen under his hood and he bends down andspeaksto Achane*
      Seems our fey friends will get more aid and protection. I am very glad to see Kobal making good on his promise, not that I ever doubted he would.
      *Hetouchessomething around his wrist and with a smile he disappears into the forest again, the bear following closely*

    Harlas Ravelkione

    Re: WARNING! *Set up on several locations on Northern Dregar*
    « Reply #4 on: November 26, 2006, 10:28:34 am »
    * The signposts remain in place. *

    Harlas Ravelkione

    Re: WARNING! *Set up on several locations on Northern Dregar*
    « Reply #5 on: February 07, 2007, 07:25:11 am »
    * The signpost remains. Those pulled down by travellers or beasts are simply replaced shortly thereafter.

    If you have attacked and killed the que'til of the forest and escaped the dwarven patrols, consider yourselves lucky. Although you cannot help but wonder if this kind of luck will hold... *

    Harlas Ravelkione

    Re: WARNING! *Set up on several locations on Northern Dregar*
    « Reply #6 on: June 15, 2007, 01:22:02 pm »
    * Slightly smaller boards of oak have been tacked on the pole. They read... *


    Should you be on your way to harvest from the earth what for generations has been taken for granted, do NOT forget the ancient rites before you begin with your work. Honour that which grants you your harvest. Give thanks and praise to rock and stone, so that in the future the harvest may again be freely given and plentyful.

    Do not anger the spirits of the earth by taking without offering. You will pay in blood if you do not heed this message. The spirits are restless and hunger for blood after a few recent expeditions acted without consideration and wisdom.

    If you are in doubt regarding the ancient rites and blessings performed before the actual mining begins, seek out a priest of Dorand or visit a temple of Dorand for guidance in this matter.

    The dwarves patrolling the forest will stop you and offer guidance on this matter.


    Kobal Bluntaxe, Steward of the Crescent Moon & Shield