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Author Topic: Congregation of the Faithful  (Read 116 times)


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RE: Congregation of the Faithful
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2005, 10:35:00 am »
*Rhizome walks slowly to the notice board where he has read these messages and stood thoughtfully many times previously.  This time, however, he pulls a note from his pocket and tacks it up in line with the others.  It is rather well written for a druid and you get the impression straight away that it has been processed by another for Rhizome.*
  Dear friends and fellow seekers of unity,
  I am elated to see such plans in action, as they are akin to interests closest to my heart.  The philosophy of harmony is at the core of my belief system and my passionate duty to nature, the Great Oak and Aerdin.  I lament the fact that I could not attend your meeting, which I hope was very productive for all.
  I will not assume to assert myself into the role of the representative of Aerdin, the Great Oak or nature itself.  Rather, I am writing this note to bring together our efforts on our shared, and universally crucial objective.
  I have had a plan for many moons now, which I have conveyed to fewer than I had intended.  This plan is to convert the sacred island at Corax Lake on Dregar into an island of harmony and unity.  There are others already working on this project with me.  Together we will erect shrines or temples to each of the gods on the island and along the water's edge.  Every god will have a place, even those whose followers openly scorn and mock each other.
  In the center of this island will be a place to gather and communicate our ideas and plans.  A place to share beyond the sometimes divisive boundaries of our own faith and identity.  In these dire times, such a thing will in the end be our only saving grace.  As such, it simply must be done.
  I am writing you now to inform you of this project, and to request your involvement, as it seems our concerns and objectives are in harmony with each other.  This project will take great effort from a great many people.  It is a demanding request, something all should understand before agreeing to assist.  But any assistance, regardless of scale or scope, will be welcomed.
  Thank you for reading these words and considering my proposal.  Should you agree that such a thing will take us in steps toward our common goal, then in the days that come I hope we will be able to call it OUR project and see it through.
  May your path be always fruitful.
  Rhizome, High Druid of Mistone


RE: Congregation of the Faithful
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2005, 10:47:00 pm »
*Makes a note to visit Rhizome to discuss his plans*

//Following is a transcript of the meeting the other day. If it appears disjointed a bit it is because I have tried to keep main points together for better understanding.

*Scrolls sealed with a seal of the Dragon arrive at temples, and to those who attended the congregation of the faithful, across the world*

To the Receiver of this scroll you will find within the main points in the meeting held recently to discuss matters of Faith rather than Religion. I urge you to make this information available to those of your faith in this time of troubles.
Yours in Faith,
Tarradon Duvall

Tarradon Duvall: What we are here for is not to build any grand organisation, not to create more orders, not to boost up any institutions. What we are here for is to discuss and pool knowledge that  can be passed to the followers of our each respective faiths.

Tarradon Duvall: Some of you know there is a new constellation that appeared a little while ago of the Viper. if you don’t know there is also a new god in ascendance in the skies
Reventage D'vinn: It bit the heart *she almost hisses*
Tarradon Duvall: It has been discovered the name of this new god who threatens those of our own. *pauses before saying* Shadision from all that has been seen so far stands against all that we love and cherish in this world. I know for a fact that Rofirien and Toran stand against a threat to the gods in the heavens.
However Toran has since disappeared mysteriously how long before other gods begin to disappear, and.......most concern is for.......*struggle to say it*  some followers have indicated to me they suspect some of the gods, facing the threats to their existence are considering leaving Layonara....I can tell you the results that will have for us all
We must encourage the faithful of the orders to look to the gods, to show them we are here and not give them cause to leave, aid them as we can
I ask what information we have of this new god?

Reventage D'vinn: Some. Of his origins or rather how he was released but I wager most of you know that story already..
Plenarius Ashaley: Let's first be clear he has not achieved ascension yet. We responded to a call for aid to seek out an item to aid in our fight against Blood, and a horn to quell the storms. The setup was elaborate, the forgeries, the armor of the guards... anyway that's aside the point.
We ended up on Xantril in a cave of snakes and retrieved a box which was purported to have this said horn. We returned to the surface and the captain asked to see it, then promptly changed into a Black Wizard.
 "You would expect to some Mistone world renowned adventurers to know better then to trust some random people in a house in Leilon" he stated.
He put up a barrier, nothing any of us could counter.
He muttered some words and the box from corner to center disappeared and all we saw was a small piece of skin with stars on it.  He slowly cut out each little star with a dagger until they were all in pieces. Snidely remarking "I wonder if you fools even know what you just did".  One by one he dropped the skin tattooed stars into a separate flame muttering words.  Then he proclaimed "Dark viper, great Shadision, we call on you to return to our sky.  Fill the gap, begin your return.  Your stars await you..."  He tossed the last piece of skin in.  "Your return to the world awaits...."
Slowly but surely all the pieces of the glowing skin rose into the air and didn't seem to stop. That night there was no gap in the sky and the cobra sat poised to attack
that's how it all began I suppose.

Tarradon Duvall: So this ascending god was once part of the ethos?
Plenarius Ashaley: Well I heard from Ozy he was once a deity
Bilvikki: If this Shadision was god before and was banished or forced out...if we's know how it done perhaps we can do it again yes we might.
Reventage D'vinn: This black wizard.. my other sources were somewhat unclear, do you think he was in any way affiliated with the Black Wizards who are known of causing some trouble?
Plenarius Ashaley: I'm not sure there is a link

Reventage D'vinn: About a week ago I heard this story for the first time.
Shadision threatened Her!(Ilsare) This is something I will not allow and I have been looking into him since.  After hearing the story I have decided to explore these dungeons the serpent came from.
I have already secured a guide and a few friends for an escort.  And if I find something I'll be willing to share my findings with most of you. More heads can figure out how to use it than just my own.  This place is in Xantril, on the region of Demon Mountains
I will not take anyone with me who is not prepared to face the dangers in there.

Jacchri Abianca: but for any god to continue to exist he would need followers......
should we not try and gather that information.....
Reventage D'vinn: For a god to ascend, as far as I know, you need a countless amount of followers

Tarradon Duvall: I also have information about Shadision albeit suspected at present and not proven  some are concerned that this ascending god or a follower of his...perhaps even the black wizard is called 'one in the tree'
I may be wrong but he or they may be plotting to interfere with the Dragon alliance recently forged. If servants of Shadision are trying to thwart the alliance then that needs to be made aware to those working closely to it....

Synal'dur  Hano'del: Toran's dissapearance was already mentioned, so what I can report, is what I have felt since that happened. Even though he is missing, my powers have not faded... Somehow he is still there. Sadly, I wish I was a diviner so I could know, but for now, I can only hope He comes back.
To all who share a strong link, and are moved by your faith, I have one piece of advice...
Do not lose it! I've been through that... And I can guarantee you, the emptiness is unmatched.

Tarradon Duvall: *nods and pauses before continuing* The Seilwood Witch has also spoken of the threat to Rofirein and Toran in the heavans by the rising of the snake and as Rev points out they are not the only ones in  danger from this ascending god.
What is the most concerning about Toran's strange absence is that the witch has said that should they fall the rest of the gods are extremely vulnerable.

Rolf Havblod Bjoernsen: Are the ascending God (s) different from the present gods?
Tarradon Duvall: I guess time will tell that Rolf...there must have been a reason that this Shadision was cast from the heavens we have only seen glimpses of his potential power I believe...correct me if I am wrong Rev.  I hope by pooling information gathered by different faiths and also encouraging followers to pray to their gods to let them hear our voice then we can make a difference

Reventage D'vinn: Tho ye need to remember. There are rumors that the soul mother threw out a god or two.  And there's always other such reasons why a god would fall. But it, as far as I have heard, has never been due to a direct act of a mortal that a god has fallen.

Tarradon Duvall: I am convinced and perhaps a Priest of priestiess of a particular god could acclaim that the more one prays to their god the more power you give to them
and I think in this time they need all the power we can give...for if we cannot aid them what chance have we here. It is my firm belief that what is occurring here on this world is reflected in the heavens

Trenton Wetteel: In a meeting before we talk about a Shadow blade, it was broken  and the parts hidden from us this may aid us with our problem.
Reventage D'vinn: The blade it's the blade of the defender of the last Elvin plant
And it's the item that is said to be needed to kill Milara
Tarradon Duvall: The last Tol'elfor defender
Reventage D'vinn: But it's not somethin' that can kill gods and it's not an easy thing to gather. We tried to gain a piece of it..
Reventage D'vinn: Also, could we return to the the three thing.  One in three? Where did ye hear that and in relation to what?
Tarradon Duvall: but Rev the information I heard was from one in the tree? It was in a letter sent from Thorden to the Rosewarnes and made available to High Council members.  In it he stated that 'he has heard of one involved in the dragon alliance known as one in the tree.
Synal'dur  Hano'del: Could this... 'one in the tree' you speak of, be by chance, Ozlo?
Bilvikki: he be involved with dragons yes he was

Reventage D'vinn: Was the trouble with Katia purely an internal matter with no outside influence whatsoever?
Plenarius Ashaley: Er to which trouble do you refer, the recent with the birds?  Yes, Eon had stricken the existing Eyes of Katia with a disease that transformed him to construct, if he was unable to transfer her Eyes before Eon overtook him, Eon would have those very eyes.
Incidentally is everyone here aware of the dungeon we found? Might be handy to know for any investigations into him.  It's underneat the Thalos Tower, look on the top floor on the east wall.  Filled with vermin.ooze, undead and constructs, it was Eon's old tower before he betreayed Katia.
Tarradon Duvall: Katia is now under Lucinda’s protection is she not Plenarius?
Plenarius Ashaley: Her protection?
Reventage D'vinn: Katia forced Lucinda into an alliance
Plenarius Ashaley: I heard Katia's very words "She is with us" upon speaking of Lucinda.
Reventage D'vinn: A rather one sided one. Durin' the library discussions.
Plenarius Ashaley: Interesting.  I'll find the real one
Reventage D'vinn: The real story on what was agreed on?
Plenarius Ashaley: Yes
Reventage D'vinn: I remember it bein' somethin' in the lines of "When ever Katia is in trouble and calls for assistance, Lucinda has to answer", as long as she lives anyway.
This was the condition on which elves allowed the Lucindites to open a portal to the library and granted free access to all.

Plenarius Ashaley: Have we spoken of the weave being under attack?
Bilvikki: Bil hear rumour it by dragons now yes he did
Plenarius Ashaley: It is under attack. Along with Toran and Rofirein. *smiles* No, not by Fisterion.
Tarradon Duvall:  Plenarius? Do you know the source of these attacks?
Plenarius Ashaley: I have some theories on a grander scale that I haven't ironed all the kinks out. I truly believe history is repeating itself
Tarradon Duvall: That is interesting Plenaruis so do we look to the past for the source of the attacks? or the future?
Plenarius Ashaley: Well I think a good thing we need to find out is more about Shadision of before. How he fell from the pantheon maybe?
Reventage D'vinn: There are rumours...
Plenarius Ashaley: Perhaps we can all go to the library and dig
Reventage D'vinn: As I said before.. of course, of no reliable source... but still. The way I've heard is that when the Soul Mother came to be what she is now. She... gained some of the portfolios a few former gods held. It was suggested that one of these gods would have been Shadision.
Plenarius Ashaley: Gained as in they were vacant already or replaced?
Reventage D'vinn: Replaced. The way I understood it they were loosing power already, a fact which the soul mother took advantage of and delivered the finishin' blow.
Bilvikki: so that mean he snatch 'portfolio' back or gain new one Bil wonders
Tarradon Duvall: I was told Rev that the Soul mother at the time was excluded from the Binding, giving her power greater than many of the gods, she slew two gods before she was halted in her quest to take over the world and more. I have no idea I am afraid if one of those gods was Shadision
Reventage D'vinn: *she nods* It's similar to what I've heard.  I.. well she might be a larger threat than most things but on the other hand she is not our current problem. But she is movin'. Again', some rumours on souls and their usages. I would really like to hear more of this Bindin' and the Deal the Gods struck with her, *she sighs* sadly the sources datin' back that far.. Nonexistant.
Tarradon Duvall: No they are not.....the sources still exist. If they will tell us is another matter however.
Reventage D'vinn: But I'm not goin' to ask anyone who was there when the deal was struck.  She isn't telling me and there's no one else I'd ask

Plenarius Ashaley: OKay well the dragons were busy 1100 years before the cataclysm.  There was a difference with this war though as opposed to the others, anyone remember what?  It's not quite a major difference, or maybe it was.  In previous wars it was the dragons fighting each other.  In this one they got their mortal armies to fight.
Synal'dur  Hano'del: But Blood started rallying his own army.
Plenarius Ashaley: Correct. And he ended up fighting both sides to submission.
But the dragons only agreed to that surrender to a Counsel of Seven based on his banishment.
This time it's not the Dragon Gods at war!
It's the Humanoid ones!
And we are certainly warring amongst ourselves.
Synal'dur  Hano'del: Do you think that Blood wanted to ascend to godhood back then and the dragons foresaw that?
Plenarius Ashaley: No he wanted peace. His evil comes from vengeance for his banishment. But he's familiar with tactics The gods are warring, best time to strike back
Tarradon Duvall: He knows he can get to the gods through their followers as well
the more of us he can destroy the more damage he causes to the gods, which is it is important that we encourage those of our respective faiths to show support for our gods
Synal'dur  Hano'del: Gods are powerless without followers.
Tarradon Duvall: Exactly....we also give them strength, it is a symbiotic relationship

Plenarius Ashaley: Let me tell you something my old friend Klaasen told me just recently.  I asked him why he speculated the gods warred.
He said "I think they are in their personal battle, for something perhaps greater, something we can not yet comprehend.  And in this great battle they are losing touch with our land. And losing touch is causing us to lose touch to them and allowing others to gain power.
Tarradon Duvall: *frowns taking that statement in* If....and I say if...that is true.....then  the repercussions are....enormous
Balit Glenhobber: Indeed, quite. A godless world.
Tarradon Duvall: Not godless.....but potentially full of new gods of unknown origin
Plenarius Ashaley: He also said something of Katia, though we both follow her so I'm not sure if you all wish to know.
 "Somehow I think Katia is the heart of all that happens at this time.  If nature fails how can the world sustain or maintain civilization.
Bilvikki: *wonders* But if new god take her place would that happen Bil wonders
Plenarius Ashaley: I will stress this with all my heart. The Great Oak is the heart of Layonara, if it falls, the world does.  Never forget that and be their to defend it.
Reventage D'vinn: But many of the gods are necessary..
Reventage D'vinn: If the Archer of Love disappears, the Melody will be gone and you will not have the will to fight and defend those who you love.
Tarradon Duvall: But as the Soul Mother took over power of the former gods there will be those who will ascend and take up these.
Bilvikki: But they must have been new as well once though Bil thinks
Rolf Havblod Bjoernsen: And what is the land without the Sea.
Reventage D'vinn: *with a quieter voice* This, of course does not mean that they can't be replaced.
Tarradon Duvall: *shakes head* This is..............disturbing
Synal'dur  Hano'del: Truly.  I believe we should end today's meeting to dwell on this.
Tarradon Duvall: *nods* I think we all have much to consider.
Balit Glenhobber: Indeed. We all must not forget our faith, inflame ourselves in prayer, and learn as much as we can.
Tarradon Duvall: I thank all of you for coming, I beg that you have your faithful let the gods know we are here and not to be forgotten.


RE: Congregation of the Faithful
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2005, 11:54:00 pm »
//If you have read what was covered in just one meeting then you can see the potential for the future of these. This is the last time you will see this information like this. In future it will only be conveyed to those who attend and its up to them to spread the word to their faithful followers.

This is an opportunity for all those people who say they don't understand the plot stuff, can't make it to plot quests but still want to know whats going on etc and its a massive chance for RP and character development threads to occur.

I would like to see this continue and I would like to see representatives of every faith present. We had just under half the faiths represented last time and look at the information gained...pretty impressive I say and also pretty sobering from an IC perspective.

My thanks to all those who took the time to attend and also to those who could not attend but took time to send messages to be read out at the congregation.

The next one will be posted on the player calendar as soon as I have my schedule for next month worked out which should be in a few days.

Hope to see you there!

Raiden Kitsune

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    RE: Congregation of the Faithful
    « Reply #23 on: June 22, 2005, 07:43:00 pm »
    Selinde examines the note, noting that it looks old and she may already be too late, even if she would be able to do any good.  But, it certainly couldn't hurt...

    She searches for a piece of parchment and ink and begins to write, starting over after a moment when she realizes she's instinctively begun writing in her native Drow language.  Still wasn't used to this...

    "My name is Selinde Evrine, and I am a priestess of the Lady of Dreams, Ilsare.  I am but new to this realm, having been called here by Her from the Underdark.  Though I have little experience, my belief in and love for my Goddess is strong, as is my desire to protect this realm.  If no greater priest or priestess can step forward to serve this council in Ilsare's name, I would do so, and do everything in my power to aid this noble goal.  If you have any use for me, you will be able to find me with little trouble around Hlint, likely at the Inn."

    She almost hoped she wouldn't be called.  What would she be able to do for them, anyway?  Probably not much.  But if they needed her, she'd be here.  Perhaps this was the reason Ilsare had called her here, after all...


    RE: Congregation of the Faithful
    « Reply #24 on: June 27, 2005, 11:17:00 pm »
    // Its on again! Check the PLayers calendar!


    RE: Congregation of the Faithful
    « Reply #25 on: July 11, 2005, 12:51:00 am »
    *A letter posted for all to see on the gates leading out of Hlint*

    To all those who have been brought to this place for a purpose. The recent Congregation of the Faithful while lacking in numbers more than made up for in determination and information. Those present contributed what they could to enlighten others and aid us in returning to our own followers and spreading the word.

    It is our duty to look to the gods, to pray and let them hear our voices. If we do not one day we shall turn our face to the heavans and no one will answer...on that day there will be a terrible silence across the lands. The silence will be broken by the rending of the fabric of the world as we know it. Some of us have seen chaos....I fear that it is this chaos that will engulf our world and most likely consume it.

    The war on the ground is nothing to the chaos that could face us should we loose contact with the gods....

    Think on this as you talk with a friend, revel in a lovers embrace, hold a newborn child in your hands, walk through a forest full of life, descend into a cavern of wondrous minerals, or just simply be a part of this wonderful world.

    Yours in Faith,
    Tarradon Duvall

