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Author Topic: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facilities across Mistone and Rilara*  (Read 209 times)


*in large script*

This is an invitation to all the freeblades, to all the mercenaries, to all the ex-soldiers, and to anyone else interested in search of a fitting occupation, steady pay, and excellent equipment.

My name is Cole Norseman.  I am a well-known, well-traveled mercenary.  I have military experience under Queen Allurial and am considered one of the best Greatsword wielders in all the lands.  I have connections that span continents and the knowledge to prove it.

My aim is this:  To form a mercenary army unit under my command.  The army of the Norseman.  The Dread Blade.

The pay will be per month, in gold, to be distributed at the monthly gathering.(///actually weekly, just that a week of Real time is so much more in game time.  not even really equivelent to a month, but it makes it easier///)
300 for regulars (//privates//)
325 for file leaders (///private first class///)
400 for lieutenants and seargents
500 for captains

In addition, all soldiers will be outfitted with Iron equipment and magical rings will be given for promotions or outstanding accomplishments.

Currently, every rank is available, to be determined by field drills.  Experience does not necessarily give you preference.  I will watch the drills and determine for myself who is best to lead each Cohort (///unit, platoon, etc///).

There will be four captains under me, at least for now.  One captain over a Cohort of Archers, one captain over a Cohort of shieldmen, one captain over a Cohort of shocktroops, and one captain over a Cohort of support troops, which include battle mages and war priests.  Each Captain will have two Lieutenants, and there will be a seargent for every three files.  A file is no more than ten regulars.

Race, background, gender, and faith will have no impact on your enrollment or advancement.  Your actions within the unit will determine your status, and, of course, I will always have final say.  

As a mercenary unit, our work is on a contract basis.  We will discuss each contract at the monthly (///weekly///) meetings, and each Cohort will be assigned responsibilities according to the nature of the contracts.  Most contracts will not be to fight in wars across the seas.  Most contracts will involve protection, escort, and provision.  On occasion the unit will be called upon to lay sieges.

Monthly meetings occur on Wedlars (//wednesdays//) in the campgrounds outside Leilon.  The first meeting is this coming Wedlar and will hold the trials for those interested in becoming an officer, as well as the issue of equipment and cohort assignments.  It is assumed that all who show are enlisting.

The Color standard is Red and Black.

/////check the Calendar, the time will be at 9pm PST/////

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*
Cole Norseman


RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2005, 07:46:00 am »
*Spugly looks at note*
Thinks:- Me go dat good pay

(how about taking into count the Time zones fo the comanders)


RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2005, 08:55:00 am »
////actually, thought of that and forgot to mention it.... kind of wrote that whole thing over the course of several hours with many interuptions.  as far as that goes, it would be ideal if i could have at least one lieutenant and/or captain per major timezones here (PST, GMT, Aussie time =P).  we'll see how it works out.  as it is, the building process will be slow at first, but i have several major contracts out already, so the work is plentiful.


RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2005, 11:23:00 am »
////everything should be up on the calendar now.


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    RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
    « Reply #4 on: September 02, 2005, 05:09:00 pm »
    *a note, in small but neat script is posted by the original*

    I would be most honored to be part of this military unit. My skills aren't exactly of the normal soldiery though, as I'm pretty adept at stealth, and with a crossbow, but I can be trained to use a shortbow. If there's anything you deem would fit me best, in terms of rank or division, I'd be happy to do all I can to fit in.


    Balit Glenhobber


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    RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
    « Reply #5 on: September 03, 2005, 02:20:00 pm »
    I believe this fits me well, but I do not know to which kind of unit you deem me best; I will list my skills here. I practice the Kyone Veldrin of the drow fighting styles, complemented by the Draa Velve, and I am also adept at archery and stealth, though I could also aid the mages and clerics through scrolls and wands.


    RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
    « Reply #6 on: September 03, 2005, 08:23:00 pm »
    *Pendar stops and reads the note muttering to himself*
    Interesting, a great possiblity to learn.  I will have to find out more about this troop. Although the location does not suit as much.

    *Sighing, Pender turns and walks down the road in Hline*


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      RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
      « Reply #7 on: September 03, 2005, 09:46:00 pm »
      *a response written directly on the bottom of the notice*
      Hrm... is there a conflict meeting for this?

      // 9PM PST is way out of my waking hours on a Wednesday night.  I'm only up until 7PM CST/1AM GMT


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      RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
      « Reply #8 on: September 05, 2005, 10:26:00 am »
      //Just noticed the hour, and I must say I can't make that, I'm GMT. If you moved it to 5 hours sooner or later, I would certainly go.


      RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
      « Reply #9 on: September 05, 2005, 04:35:00 pm »
      //// sorry for the slow response time, out of town for Labor Day weekend.  I *can* make it two meetings:  would a 5pm or 6pm CST meeting be good for you GMTers? and then would a 10 or 11 pm slot, which already exists, remain good for the rest?  please indicate your preferences here or in a PM.  Also, is the day good?  I can't do as much on the weekends, as most can, but my weeknights are nearly always available, so tell me what's good for you people interested.  see you in-game!!


      RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
      « Reply #10 on: September 06, 2005, 08:07:00 am »
      /// eh... need a response on times soon, so i can plan my life around it =P


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        RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
        « Reply #11 on: September 06, 2005, 12:33:00 pm »
        I'd prefer a 5pm CST meeting.


        RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
        « Reply #12 on: September 06, 2005, 12:57:00 pm »
        /// okay, there are two enlistment times this wed.  one at 5pm CST and one at 10pm CST.  check the calendar.  hopefully this will make it so all those interested can be involved.  thanks!


        RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
        « Reply #13 on: September 07, 2005, 06:34:00 am »
        *Hmm.. this could be interesting Orrin mutters to himself as he carefully notes the time and location inb his battered journal*

        //I'm in EST will probably make the 10PM CST ...but may be an issue with RL


        RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
        « Reply #14 on: September 15, 2005, 09:26:00 am »
        *displayed below the original poster*

        The pay and training day for the Dread Blade has been moved from Wedlar to Threas, at the time just before dusk, on the outskirts of Leilon.  

        *signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*

        Cole Norseman

        ////////  the new time proposed is thursday at 6pm.  if those involved and those who would still like to become involved would please send me a PM and let me know if that is a time that can work.  this time is only for recruitment, pay, and training.  missions and contracts are carried out throughout the week.


        RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
        « Reply #15 on: September 19, 2005, 12:28:00 pm »
        *Derrick pulls down the poster and scratches his chin as he look it over.  Shock troops catches his eye end he grins coldly for a moment remembering something from his past.

        "Dread Blades huh?"

        *folds the note and sticks it in his pack.

        "Maybe I'll show up an see what this Cole Norseman is up too."



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          RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
          « Reply #16 on: September 21, 2005, 11:05:00 am »
          Late at night in the shadows Blight approches. "The dread blades . . . hmmm. . ." he murmers in a low voice and then dissapears into the streets.



          RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
          « Reply #17 on: October 20, 2005, 01:33:00 pm »
          ///// to those involved, check the calendar.


          RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
          « Reply #18 on: October 20, 2005, 01:53:00 pm »
          //// oh, and Cole did not leave a note of where he would be, etc, because >he< didn't know he was going to get stuck down in the depths of the earth for who knows how long.  However, there are people that would have known, heard, or seen him head off in the direction of Arabel, and then not be seen after that.  So if the others in the Dread Blade want to find out where their crazy leader is, they'll have to RP looking for him.


          RE: *tacked to inns, taverns, temples, and arcane training facil
          « Reply #19 on: October 21, 2005, 07:21:00 am »
          *note left on board* it an't to late for a dwarven battlemage to join ye army is it


