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Author Topic: Where to call home  (Read 75 times)


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    Where to call home
    « on: October 26, 2005, 06:01:00 am »
    *Neat and functional penmanship*


    A few, two to be exact, dwarfs looking for a place to call home away from the Great Halls. Looking for information about house availiable to buy or rooms to rent on long term basis. If ye be renting we got one Dorandite who, shall we say, has the Faith in a bad way... So storage is the main concern.

    If yah also be looking for a home and are not object like of Dwarf company you is welcome to throw your lots in with us.


    Günter Hatt

    //PM me with info or reply here


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    RE: Where to call home
    « Reply #1 on: October 27, 2005, 08:08:00 am »
    Speaking from experience, I'd recommend the Leilon Arms to any of my kin.  It has the added benefit of being one of the few establishments with decent brew.  I believe they have double occupancy rooms.  You should check for space with the management.

    -Victor Firefall

