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Author Topic: Yardislan Echron  (Read 559 times)


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Yardislan Echron
« on: July 22, 2006, 08:30:37 am »
Exactly one year to the day of Yardislan's creation.

Character Name:  Yardislan Echron
Current Level: 21 (roughly 1,070,000 to next)
Development thread
Original Character Bio

What an adventure.  If I were to list every quest that I've attended with Yardislan, it would be a long and drawn-out list, and not all of them have had much impact on his development.  The following are those that I feel Yard has been most deeply involved with, as well as plot quests that I was fortunate enough to attend.

Soul of a Lost Ancient - not many episodes until the end, but Yard had made a personal promise to his brother that he would make the world a better place for him to return to, having absolute faith that the latter would indeed come back one day.  Being among those who made strides to remove the taint of Sinthar Bloodstone from Layonara is the most concrete and blatant effort he could offer.

the Orb and the Lich - I feel that Yardislan really came into his own during this series.  Taking a pivotal role early on, it was through Yard's time spent reading that his memory of the tale of the bound demon was revealed, its cracking chains being strengthened by practical application of Light spells.  When the party had fallen due to the dangers of Firesteep (run.  like now run) along the way to destroy the Orb of Light and Dark, it was Yardislan who accompanied Daren down the rest of the way to be rid of the thing.  When the orb returned and Thomas Arterius stole away Daren, Yardislan was naturally among the first willing to rescue, shelling out 15,000 of his own gold (and still owing more) without expectation of repayment to hire a guide to lead them into the Underdark.  Cutting down certain drow involved in the Vierdri'iran enclave to rebalance the struggle of powers in the city of Cezene'Tolan and hating to have to work with drow all along the way, rescuing Daren, and then turning to face the ongoing efforts to seek out and bring down the lich who is still at large and prevent the Orb from falling into hands that would misuse its power.

Operation: Blood (Fall, Striker, Seeker) - Milo's plot series involving Roldem was a prime opportunity to show what Yardislan could do.  Yardislan walks the islands of Roldem with some pride, knowing that he offered everything available to him, including a willingness to embrace the revulsion he had at taking zombie shape via polymorph in order to take part in the recon mission under the noses of the occupying fiendish forces.  The aftermath and involvement in Jennara's work at rebuilding as well, Yard was one of the collection list until the Mistone Alliance dropped their support.

The Silent War - another Milo series, the corruption festering within the temple of Rofirein in Fort Velensk hit very home with Yardislan.  Exposing it, and the resulting replacement of clergy and serving of justice to those involved, as well as placing Alek Carniman at the head of House Dower to provide favor to the Mistone Alliance was a great accomplishment.

Ael Rynthien CDQ (Fall of the Temple of Ca'Duz) - one of Yard's proudest moments came when he aided Ael in rescuing Aylahadratha from the clutches of the followers of Baraeon Ca'Duz beneath the hills of the River of Shadows.  Ael was the first dark elf who Yard ever trusted.  Striking out at a racial and religious enemy in such a way as to crush the temple utterly, caving it in and aiding the deity of his closest human friend, Daren (despite the fact that Rofirein does not look favorably upon Az'atta), this quest series was almost as significant to Yardislan as it was to the character it was meant for.  This series firmly cast the distinction in Yard's mind between drow (evil) and dark elf (redeemed).

These are just a handful, but a shining example of what Yard has been up to in the past few decades on Layonara.

Aside from quests, as anyone could tell (because I talk about it too much), Yardislan is without a doubt the most prolific scribe at present on the face of Layonara.  Originally taking up the quill for himself so as to augment his spellbook through trades as well as to make a reliable store of arcane magics for use while wearing armor too heavy to reliably cast in, the number of people who have learned through word of mouth (as Yard has never ever advertised, seeing his skills as primarily for his own purpose) of his ability to put magic on paper is quite extensive.  A number of spells have been offered throughout the community due to Yard's efforts in buying more common spells from others and researching (i.e. through level-up spells) the more obscure ones for reproduction personally.  Even the current Sun Archer of Voltrex can boast having learned a spell scribed by Yardislan, as his sister once contracted a copy of Ultravision to give to him.  As well, it has led to involvement in quests he is not even an attendee of, an artifact's writing copied from the Exploring the Past series being asked of him by Rhynn.
Without the time and energy of a number of people (Jacchri, Daren, Jil, and Plenarius are the ones coming first to mind), it would not have been possible, as they provided the raw materials in the form of blank scrolls and other components.  Daren's player once referred to Yardislan as the "Scribe of Layonara," and while it wasn't overly serious I still took it to heart.  One needn't be well-known to be the best at a skill, but perhaps all Yardislan really needs to be well-known is a more notable accomplishment with it.

Rofirein has been a constant presence to rely upon.  Not as inherently *there* as would be with a cleric or paladin, but that allows more flexibility to Yardislan than it would to a clergyman.  While many of Yardislan's decisions are tempered by who Rofirein's enemies are, the simple fact that one of Yard's closest friends is the highest PC priest of Az'atta shows that it is not blind faith.  Never praying unless it is absolutely necessary, Yard believes that he should do everything he can before asking for divine assistance (he feels that such attention is meant for the clergy, and to ask takes some time away from them).  A handful of times weakening in his faith, knowing that his brother has often broken the law in their brief period adventuring before the latter left the plane, wondering how the god he follows would look upon such acts.  However, upon realizing that while Rofirein is a god of discipline, it is not meted out unfairly, he became more secure in his faith, not less.  Breaking the law to good ends is, to Yardislan, following the spirit of those laws.  Of course, Yard has always been more "Good" than "Lawful", believing most strongly in the "Protector" angle of Rofirein's dogma.

Yard has learned much in his time adventuring on how to combine arcane magics with martial training, without going so far as does a Spellsword.  There is a certain art to managing spells to work around rather than through armor.  For the near future however, Yardislan will be spending a deal of time to learn how to do precisely that by studying more deeply into his scholarly side and expanding his knowledge of spellcraft for a time before returning to focus upon his skills as a fighter.  

I don't know for certain what the future holds for Yardislan.  An adventurer at heart, leaving things such as opening a scribing trade store or a school for young spellcasters or budding fighters to those who would prefer to root themselves in one place for a time.  Still young by elven standards, even by Layonara time Yard has only barely reached his second century, and is keeping up the active trade that he and his brother Shileth set out to do more than fifty years prior.  Roving the world, righting wrongs, gaining glory, finding and working new magics, and fighting the good fight.  Having seen three planes already, including helping to open a temporary gate to the home of the devils themselves in order to seek aid for his friends, I would like Yardislan to seek out Shileth, or be sought out and take the "good fight" to the demons and devils themselves.  Yard knows something of planar balance and that the tide of devils and demons is literally endless.  But that won't stop him from trying to make a dent, keeping them away from those he cares about.

Yard was once referred to by Ozy metaphorically as the Archon half of a pair with Daren.  With the Eladrin of his brother, they could make things happen.


Re: Yardislan Echron
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2006, 09:36:54 am »
Thank you for the application.  It will be appraised and we should have an answer for you within a week.


Re: Yardislan Echron
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2006, 06:12:36 pm »
You are approved for a WLDQ. Please grab a GM but keep in mind the long lines. As everybody else you may continue to gain xp and levels until the quest is completed. Good luck.