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Author Topic: Bilvikki  (Read 563 times)


« on: February 05, 2006, 09:46:11 am »
Character Name: Bilvikki Current Level: 20 EXP to Level to NEXT level: 232788  .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................  Original Bio below:  Full Name: Bilvikki Age: 25 Class(es): Wizard Race: Goblin Subrace: NA Alignment: Chaotic Good Deity: Shadon Domains (if cleric): NA Short Bio/Description:   This is the life Bilvikki thought, soaking contentedly in the large wooden tub of steaming hot water. He ducked under the surface for a moment then shot up, blowing soapy bubbles at his familiar sitting attentively by the side of the bath. The sight of the wizened old Imp desperately trying to get soap bubbles out of its eyes caused him to giggle inanely for a few moments. This is sooo much better than  that dank old cave he said aloud. So much better. He became sombre while he remembered those poor deluded relatives of his, all 485 of them...dead and forgotten now of course. He sighed, all those lives wasted...all those hours shut up in the dark working the thin veins of silver that laced through the stony walls of their home. Always at the beck and call of their dark masters, the drow. Kill this, pillage that, murder this man, steal this was always the same. No wonder his now deceased clan had served a god like Shadon, to whom life was irrelevant. Bah he murmured Bah and humbug the gods had no appeal to him.  He settled back into the tub again, sighing with pleasure. Oh what a marvellous decision he’d made after his clan was massacred by those maurding Gnolls. Who would have thought a Goblin could live and prosper in a human city. He thought back to that night...when alone and badly wounded he’d somehow ended up outside the city. It was the last place he’d wanted to be...the humans, his races  ancient enemy would kill him on sight. He remembered how he’d collapsed into the defensive ditch that surrounded the city. Certain  that this was the end, come the morning some patrol would find him and cut his throat. But it didn’t happen... no it didn’t he said. His Imp  smiled wickedly...he knew exactly what was going through his masters mind. Bil never thanked you for that Anoxis, did Bil?...Well Bils thanking you now faithful companion” he said to the Imp. As he had laid there exhausted from fear and loss of blood, the Imp had lured  an old gnome to his masters body and then killed him swiftly before he could report the injured goblin. Then it had dressed his masters wounds and helped him into the gnomes volumous clothes. Bil then had the great idea...didn’t he? he said looking at the Imp, which  sighed and nodded faithfully. Bil thought, Bil thinks Bil looks like gnome maybe man thinks so too and there it was, the decision made. So into the city he went and he had never looked back.  Oh it was hard at first...he didn’t know how to live in a city for a start, he didn’t know how to speak to people and how to make money to live. But he’d worked it out. He’d always had a talent for magic...small magics really, that impressed his relatives and made his place within the clan. Now he passed himself off as an old gnome magician and had soon become very popular and more importantly rich, preying on the fears and personal problems of the weak and feeble minded, of which there seemed to be an awful lot in this city. But  as the years passed, his hunger for knowledge had increased rapidly so he’d studied every piece of literature he could find on the arcane arts and recently he’d learnt enough to study with Rim Hawthorne a renown wizard of the city. He’d had his first lesson that very morning. He sighed and relaxed in his bath thinking of the glorious future life had in store for him. As soon as he could, he would learn how to cast a long lasting glamour to cover his racial heritage he thought...yes that would be the best.  His Imp suddenly flew up to the window over the bath and knocking a heavy plant pot into the water. Soil rapidly turning to mud and  bits of plant stuck to Bilvikis body Anoxis...what do you think you doing? You spoil Bils bath Bilviki shouted leaping out of the water.  But the Imp ignored him. It was peering through the window looking anxiously into the street. Oh what got you so scared? Bilviki  grumbled wiping the filth off himself. Bah he said as he pushed his familiar out of the way. Something seemed to be happening  down in the street below, vague figures moved about but he couldn’t make them out through the dirty glass. In his anger he forgot  himself and opened the window. Oh...” he said as he realised that what he was seeing below was hundreds of angry human eyes  looking back up at him in the window. In front of the mob was Rim Hawthorne his tutor and in his hand he had a small flask of dark  oil. Obi di et dua an kat he intoned, throwing the oil through the front window of the house. It burst into a brilliant column of flame  which quickly spread throughout the ground floor.  Think you could fool me Rim shouted “ knew what you were from the moment you stepped into my school GOBLIN!!.  Its true...It’s a  goblin someone shouted in the mob. Kill the beast someone else cried out. And then the whole mob erupted, shouts and cries of  Burn Burn Burn and Die stabbed upwards at Bilviki like hate filled daggers.  He screamed and jumped back from the window Oh  Oh Oh what Bil do?  he cried in a panic. The floor was already hot and he knew it would soon burn through. He felt faint suddenly  and almost fell to the ground but Anoxis was suddenly there throwing soapy water into his face. His mind cleared Bilviki knew what  he had to do. He turned to the window and climbed out onto the narrow sill, to his left was a cast iron drainpipe which he grabbed  hold of trying to ignore the hatred of the crowd below. Bil no can die no can die he sobbed over and over again as he slowly climbed  to the roof. A sharp pain flared in his shoulder...they were throwing things at him now he realised, trying to make him fall. In his fear  he climbed faster and soon reach the roof helped by Anoxis who flew alongside him pulling him upwards with sharp clawed hands  and feet.  Suddenly a horn sounded and the crowd quietened. Bilviki looked down and saw that the city militia had arrived armed with heavy  crossbows and long steel pikes. They were led by the captain of the guards himself, a giant of a man looking almost godlike to Bilviki  with his plate armour shining brightly in the afternoon sun. Oh Bil scared Bilviki murmured under his breath. The captain went over to  talk to Rim who nodded and looked upwards. The wizards spread out his arms and made a few strange gestures whilst chanting quietly.  A blaze of white light erupted upward catching Anoxis in its embrace and knocking the Imp into the wall. Anoxis shrieked as the light ate  into his body and he faded from view. Bilviki screamed and nearly fell as the pain of the familiars banishment danced along his nerve  endings like tiny knives. He leant against the chimneystack fresh tears upon his cheeks.  You have three choices Goblin the captain shouted upwards. One you get a crossbow bolt through you wizened little throat. Two if you  escape that you burn to death with the house. There’s nowhere for you to run. Or three you give yourself up to us for questioning and if  your information is useful you may receive leniency. The crowd grumbled at this they wanted blood. Its up to you Goblin..You have three  minutes to decide.  Bilviki thought quickly, he knew that the first two options were true...there was nothing to be done about that. But the third...he didn’t trust  the men folk below but he couldn’t see another way out. At least that way would assure his survival for another few hours at least and if  he died he hoped it’d be quick. He looked over the edge of the roof...the flames were licking out of the bathroom window now. He’d have  to go now if he hope to escape the flames. Fearfully he made his way down.  He sat sobbing in the damp cramped cell nursing his burns from the fire, he’d only just made it down in time and his bruises from the  guards interrogation ached fiercely. He’d told them everything once they’d brought him back to the jail...what else could he do? He was  to unsettled to lie convincingly and besides he couldn’t think of anything that would make them let him go. Plus the captain had only just  told him that he’d be put to death in the morning. What Bil do now? Do now he sobbed. He was doomed. A heavy lethergy crept upon him  and soon he felt himself drift off to sleep, but before the blackness took him he had a feeling of being watched, as if great and all seeing  eyes were gazing steadily into his very soul.  He dream't of a ruined stone temple...there was a faint mist in the air and the smell of moist soil soothed his nostrils. A great voice bade  him welcome and as he turned around he almost died in fright. Before him stood a great dragon...It spoke of many things but mainly of a  coming war and the heros called to fight and save a threatened world. Bilviki was to be one of those heros. He felt that if he wasn’t so afraid  he’d burst out laughing...but as the dragon spoke he felt the truth of the words in his heart and the spark of something else....hope.  .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  Recent History  I was going to make a list of all the quests that Bil has been in but when I looked back on the calender for the past year and a half I realised that it was about 70% of all the quests I'd been on and that is an awful lot.  So I decided to write a quick precis of a couple of  the things that have most affected him and which could be used for an ECDQ.  Firstly is the relationship which Bil has with the god Shadon.  Like most goblins Bil was a Shadonite although he was not devout in any way (probably like most goblins who knows?).  But as Bil grew in arcane knowledge and power he became more and more aware of Shadon and begin to feel that the god was starting to notice him.  Bil didn't really like this at all.  Although he didn't dislike Shadon as such Bil is too much of a snob to really be seen as worshiping him, after all its not really the sort of god that a powerful wielder of arcane magic would follow.  He tryed to convert to other gods but Shadon always had the upper hand and Bil would come off worse ending up embarressed and humiliated as well as still being under Shadons power.  Bil also felt that he was at the rough end of the gods pranks, stupid things would  seem to happen to him all the time.  Nothing really bad but the sort of thing that the god would find amusing.  So Bil used to pour scorn on  the god at every opportunity he could, unfortunately he always had the suspicion that the god found this amusing too.  On the other hand he knows that Shadon has his best interests at heart but he wishes that Shadon had no idea who he is, even though it seems to Bil as  evidence of his growing power that a god has an active interest in him.  Then during the quest of angels tear Anoxis was killed and ripped to pieces by a golem and Bil was devastated.  Bil buried him close to were he fell as he couldn't pursade anyone to raise an evil old imp. Shortly afterwards Bil was also killed and when he was raised by Plen the goddess Katia wrenched him from Shadons grasp and he became  a follower of Katia.  At the time of writing this is the situation.  But hopefully by the time of the ECDQ Shadon will have won him back and  raised the imp Anoxis too.  I've no doubt that there will be ramifications to this and I'll post them on the end of this submission when I know them.  Secondly Bil bought an umberella from an innoculous looking travelling salesman in Krandor a long time ago but shortly after buying it he realised that it was not all it seemed to be.  Firstly it seemed to have miraculous powers it once carried him hundreds of yards through the air from a ship to the shore when all the others had to swim.  It floated him down from cliffs when otherwise he would have been badly or seriously hurt and he seemed to feel a sense of limitless power emanating from it, although he couldn't tell what it was.  Then one day  he discovered that it could transform from an umbrella to a staff although he still couldn't determin what else he could do, although he realised that its power was deeply connected with the power of illusion which of course is Bil's specilist school of magic and more  importantly perhaps; the domain of the god Shadon.  Bil began to belive rightly or wrongly that the staff was sent by Shadon to him for  some reason although he still hasn't a clue on why or what for.  Thirdly Bil was part of the party that helped rid the world of Xandrial and this he has added to his his list of things to write in his memoirs.  Fourthly When Bil was new to the world he found living in Hlint very difficult.  Goblins had only just started to be called by the dragon and adventurers were not used to seeing them in town.  Consequently he spent most of his time avoiding people in an effort to stay alive, but ironically perhaps Bil befriended two dwarves...Kobal and Harg, and for a long time he would aid them in their quests around the world. Later when he grew stronger in power he had the confidence to strike out on his own or join other parties in their efforts to rid the world of evil.  Recently he has helped Kobal along with a group of intrepid adventures in his ECDQ and aided in the destruction of the blood pool. Now as a goblin he is recoganised as an offical friend of dwarves, he has a sneaking suspicion that Shadon actually insigated all the  elements of this quest just to put one in the eye of Vorax.  Fifthly Bil is carrying one of the dreamers from the nightmare quest series...he's not sure how he feels about this but since its not put any real demands on him him uptil now, he has in typical goblin fasion put it to the back of his mind.  Lastly Much to Bil's chargain he had to represent Shadon in the congregration of the faithful quest series, even though he wasn't a cleric  or a paladin like all the others were.  For months afterwards as he fell asleep he could hear the god laughing in his dreams.  .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................  ECDQ  I'm happy for the DM to decide all the aspects of the ECDQ although I would ask if that it could somehow involve Shadon, perhaps he will be behind it all in the end...I don't know.  Another suggestion might be Bil trying to unite the various goblin tribes into an army to fight blood the goblins have always been the cannon fodder of the more powerful.  Maybe that could change but it would need a leader...however Bil is not a skilled negotiator (zero persaude and 10 char), on the other hand he could end up as a prophet of Shadon, maybe as a cleric an emissary  from the god might have more luck but thats all up to the DM to decide, I'm happy to go along with it as I don't mind if he multiclasses or stays  as a pure wizard.  Or maybe Shadon will have another task for the reluctant Bil especially if he does end up a cleric.  The staff might be a good  prop as well, a staff of illusion sent by Shadon perhaps (although Bil can't actually carry quarterstaffs so it is in fact a gem setting tool).  Maybe it will prove to be something else, perhaps a dagger or even a servant of Shadon trapped in the staff needing to be freed. Whatever happens I'm happy for it to be a surprise :).    .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................  EPIC LEVELS  This depends on the ECDQ.  Bil will have to come to terms with Shadon eventually.  If he stays a pure wizard that will take longer than if he's a cleric although I'm sure his relucance regarding his god will continue to some degree.  I'd like to see Bil being involved with other goblins to some degree although if they do fight with us against Blood I'm not sure what effect that will have on the NPC's in the game...mainly the  redlight goblins, I can't see us continuing to kill them indiscriminately if they're our allies.  But whatever happens I can see Bils epic levels more in a religious sense than they have been upto now, that and his determination to excel in the school of illusion.


Re: Bilvikki
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2006, 10:30:22 am »
Approved. Grab a GM that you wish to run the quest. Keep in mind the lines and such.

Really happy to see Bilvikki make it here--great character.


Re: Bilvikki
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2006, 11:31:16 am »
Heh thanks :)
  There was something else that I forgot to add...Bil is a member of two guilds (L approved this):
  The Grey Circle...which has his full and undying loyalty as he is pathologically afraid of becoming undead. The Arcane Alliance...In which he is a double agent for the Grey Circle.


Re: Bilvikki
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2006, 01:36:04 pm »
I am removing Bil from my cdq waiting list due to your absence from the world. You can reapply once youve been back for a while. I hope all is well with you Steve and I look forward to your return and reapplication.


Re: Bilvikki
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2006, 04:55:01 am »
I'd like resubmit Bilvikki for WL now that I'm back in the world.  Nothing has changed from my original submission above.  Sorry about disappearing for so long but it was due to something I'm not comfortable talking about on the public forums.

Thanks again.


Re: Bilvikki
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2006, 02:57:35 am »
Thank you steve, good to see you're back.
You will hear from us within a week.


Re: Bilvikki
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2006, 08:12:01 pm »
You are approved. Please grab a GM and get a quest scheduled. Keep in mind the long lines. Understand that you can still continue to gain XP and level during the waiting period. Good luck.