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Author Topic: Kyle Pandorn  (Read 948 times)


Kyle Pandorn
« on: February 13, 2008, 05:44:33 pm »
Application for WLDQ

Character: Kyle Pandorn
Classes: 12 Fighter / 8 Weapon Master

Updated bio (with references to journal posts):

I've had a good life so far. Well...certainly didn't turn out as I thought it would. I've had many an adventure since the dragon called me to Mistone...I'd better get it down so my grandchildren can know about what that "crazy old grandpa" did.

Let's see...there was that time I helped preserve a ceremony which created the Blade of Shadows. Believed to be the blade that struck down Sinthar Bloodstone...I literally gave my all so that the ceremony that transferred a soul to a gem was not interrupted. I fought demons and was even sent to the Void for a while till I was brought back by Quantum Windward. Ayla Bineau said it was a success and my effort had not been in vain. (Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land posts 48,57,59)

Then...the event that sticks in my mind. The Battle for I call it.(KP: posts 33,65) Here...I was among a small group bent on freeing the town of Stone from the occupation force of Bloodstone's troops. Although Stone wasn't 'freed' as we know 'freed'...the town was totally razed by the demons guarding it...but there are a few gnome families that are around today because we went and delivered a blow to the enemy there. my was the beginning of the end for Bloodstone.

And then there were the Riders. 5 women bound to horses that kept certain emotions in check while they were near. This halfling named Anxiety wanted to unseat Koralawyn. She was the Guardian of Pandemonium...and had gotten there under dubious circumstances. And from what I gathered...she did not want just Pandemonium...but Celestia as well. We had to get Koralawyn to bind to a horse call Insanity to defeat her. The way to do that was to find an amulet that we could couple Insanity to her. I had located the amulet in a run down temple in Arnax. Ozymandias infused the amulet with Insanity's energy and we set out for Pandemonium. We battled elementals and demons and finally came to where Koralawyn was. Ozymandias tricked Koralawyn into putting the amulet on herself. This saved not only Pandemonium...but the ladies were freed of their bonds with the horses. I actually missed the horses when they left. The halfing Anxiety was in reality the rightful Guardian of Pandemonium...Elezandor. He was restored when Koralawyn bound to Insanity...and the horses unbound from the Riders.(KP: posts 69,70,71,75,79,80,81)

And I had a hand in restoring water to the arid region of Audira and restoring balance between Shindelaria and Mist.(KP: post 124,140.144,148 ) It was part of a expedition with the Mistone Archelogical Foundation which saw us finding the lost city of Estibana. And releasing a long dammed river by piecing together a musical puzzle. My friend Jharl had sung his heart out to get these globes to open the dam and get the water flowing again. Now Audira is an oasis because of it. I was proud to have been a part of that.

And the High Priest of the Rofirein Church Barvanth is at his post today because I was among a group who rescued him from the clutches of insurgents against Prantz and Rael. Now...I'm not a fan of Rael...but kidnapping the head of the Church of Rofirein definitly wasn't the way to go about it. It would have brought every Rofireinite against any resistance...even if deep down they do not approve of Rael or his rule. Rael will get his...eventually.

And the Kingdom of Erylin is restored. (KP: posts 189,199,200,201,202,203,204,205) Not exactly the way we wanted...we had created a rift in the planes while investigating the reason for King Briant's disappearance. He disappeared to a curse placed by Milara which caused the entire nobility of Erylin to become immortal. Honora...a very dear friend...was determined to see that we correct that mistake and restore the King to his rightful place. We first had to restore a portal mirror that was put itnto a pool of water that was also a portal. We had to fix the mirror in the rift...and then remove the intact mirror from the pool. This sealed the rift and gave us access to where King Briant was being imprisoned. To break his curse...we had determined that certain family heirlooms held the key to breaking the curse. The heirlooms were the most simplest of craft...and put in the right order by spelling out 'Estibana' using a poem we had...freed King Briant from prison...broke the curse...and gave Erylin her King back. Honora is also a decendant of one of the King's Knight's Councillor and now holds that position today.

And Katrien Hommel has gained the ability to be very persuasive in her music and speech. Her father had this ability to create beautiful pieces of music...but was unable to sing or play the music and therefore unable to express himself through it. Kat made the music her own and was able to persuade Cassandra...A Tide of leave us be.

I hope that my grandchildren can look upon this and be pround of Grandpa Kyle.

The following is a possible starting point for a WLDQ should I be approved. I hope it will give the GM who will run it wide latitude to come up with a worthy quest for Kyle. Not to mention a total surprise to me.[/b]

Approximately 45 years ago...[/b][/u]

Krindo Pandorn was tired. He and his wife Darcee been travelling for days. A tip that their persuers were close forced them to leave Arnax in a hurry. They were going to try North Hampshire on Vanavar. That would take another three days. Time to make camp and rest. As they were setting up the tent and starting a fire...their son stirs and starts to cry. Darcee picks him up and gently rocks the baby.

"Hope we got away unseen...Krindo...are you sure we did the right thing? I mean...I'm proud of you for defying orders and not killing him. The very thought of it angers me...but you could have put Kyle in an orphanage..." Krindo just shook his head.

"No...he would have been found and killed. And the orphanage as well for harboring him. We are in danger for doing this. Defying orders doesn't sit well with that...that..." He composes himself befor continuing. "But...I am at peace with my decision. How Kyle could be a threat escapes all reasoning...." His voice trails off. It was a few moments before he spoke again. "Let's rest. We are off before dawn." Krindo douses the fire and they settle in for the night...but he couldn't sleep. He goes into a pocket and pulls out a pendant. He runs his finger over the engraving of the word 'Rowan' on its face. "Let's just hope Kyle never finds out..." he whispers to himself as he settles in to sleep.

There you have it. It is what I came up with after many thought on how I could possibly make Kyle a World Leader. It is actually what I wanted to do with a former PC (since deleted for bad RP). Kyle is a fairly successful businessman in a guild...but he has the heart of a warrior. And a possible threat to someone.

That title should wait until the end of a hopefully successful World Leader quest.


Re: Kyle Pandorn
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2008, 07:30:52 am »
This application is under discussion. Should hear back in one to two weeks.



Re: Kyle Pandorn (Amended)
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 07:10:05 pm »
Amended Application for WLDQ

Character: Kyle Pandorn
Classes: 12 Fighter / 8 Weapon Master

Updated bio (with references to journal posts):

*letter written to Krindo Pandorn, North Hampshire, Vanavar Island*

Hi Dad,

I'm not quite sure why I'm writing this. Guess I'm just trying to figure out something. Something I was supposed to have done....something I'm forgetting to do...I don't know.

I was supposed to be content just serving in the guard in North Hammpshire...but Ozlo the dragon had other plans. He said I was to be a hero. To fight against Sinthar Bloodstone...but I am beginning to feel that was only part of it. I never heard of Bloodstone before then...and now that he has been vanquished these years past...something is still missing. Something I hope you can help me find.

When Ozlo took me from you...for a long time I was a sheep looking for a shepherd. I had my katana...the weapon that the guard was equipped with and Cardiana was training me with...but I was not ready. Not ready to fight wolves let alone this Sinthar Bloodstone. I had no will to fight or train. But something happened to change all that. Ferrit walked into my life. She became my true love. I felt a renewed will to train again. We travelled together...fought together...and married. And have two wonderful children together. Oh...Cardiana will always hold a place in my heart...but Ferrit is the one Ilsare has blessed me with and will always be first in my life. If it wasn't for Ferrit...I might not have done what at I did do.

Let's see...there was that time I helped preserve a ceremony which created the Blade of Shadows. Believed to be the blade that struck down Sinthar Bloodstone...I literally gave my all so that the ceremony that transferred a soul to a gem was not interrupted. I fought demons and was even sent to the Void for a while till I was brought back by Quantum Windward. Ayla Bineau said it was a success and my effort had not been in vain. (Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land posts 48,57,59)

Then...the event that sticks in my mind. The Battle for I call it.(KP: posts 33,65) Here...I was among a small group bent on freeing the town of Stone from the occupation force of Bloodstone's troops. Although Stone wasn't 'freed' as we know 'freed'...the town was totally razed by the demons guarding it...but there are a few gnome families that are around today because we went and delivered a blow to the enemy there. my was the beginning of the end for Bloodstone.

And then there were the Riders. 5 women bound to horses that kept certain emotions in check while they were near. This halfling named Anxiety wanted to unseat Koralawyn. She was the Guardian of Pandemonium...and had gotten there under dubious circumstances. And from what I gathered...she did not want just Pandemonium...but Celestia as well. We had to get Koralawyn to bind to a horse call Insanity to defeat her. The way to do that was to find an amulet that we could couple Insanity to her. I had located the amulet in a run down temple in Arnax. Ozymandias infused the amulet with Insanity's energy and we set out for Pandemonium. We battled elementals and demons and finally came to where Koralawyn was. Ozymandias tricked Koralawyn into putting the amulet on herself. This saved not only Pandemonium...but the ladies were freed of their bonds with the horses. I actually missed the horses when they left. The halfing Anxiety was in reality the rightful Guardian of Pandemonium...Elezandor. He was restored when Koralawyn bound to Insanity...and the horses unbound from the riders.(KP: posts 69,70,71,75,79,80,81)

It was about this time I came to be training with Addison of the Riders. A Master of the Katana like Cardiana. During the time she was bound to her horse, Indulgence, I had the opportunity to relieve her of her indulgent whim to kill. There is an arena in Fort Vehl here on Mistone where death has no sway. She wiped the place with me. But I lasted long enough for her to say I had potential...and she showed me some techniques. She became my mentor and friend then...and after she unbound. The path Cardiana started me on...the way of the Master...Addison finished. Addison taught me that to truly master the weapon was to master one's self. Something I missed when Cardiana was training me. I am now a Master of the Katana like Addison was...she had died in a place called the Underdark. I miss her.

And I also became a founding member...actually it's first leader...of the Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla, The Angels of In'Darsus or just simply...The Angels. A trading and crafting guild that has become quite successful. I'm grateful to my friend and dare I Darsus for asking me to be a part of it. But I don't think this was what Ozlo had in mind when he said 'do something'.

I had a hand in restoring water to the arid region of Audira and restoring balance between Shindelaria and Mist.(KP: post 124,140.144,148 ) It was part of a expedition with the Mistone Archelogical Foundation which saw us finding the lost city of Estibana. And releasing a long dammed river by piecing together a musical puzzle. My friend Jharl had sung his heart out to get these globes to open the dam and get the water flowing again. Now Audira is an oasis because of it. I was proud to have been a part of that.

And the High Priest of the Rofirein Church Barvanth is at his post today because I was among a group who rescued him from the clutches of insurgents against Prantz and Rael. Now...I'm not a fan of Rael...but kidnapping the head of the Church of Rofirein definitly wasn't the way to go about it. It would have brought every Rofireinite against any resistance...even if deep down they do not approve of Rael or his rule. Rael will get his...eventually.

And the Kingdom of Erylin is restored. (KP: posts 189,199,200,201,202,203,204,205) Not exactly the way we wanted...we had created a rift in the planes while investigating the reason for King Briant's disappearance. He disappeared to a curse placed by Milara which caused the entire nobility of Erylin to become immortal. Honora...a very dear friend...was determined to see that we correct that mistake and restore the King to his rightful place. We first had to restore a portal mirror that was put itnto a pool of water that was also a portal. We had to fix the mirror in the rift...and then remove the intact mirror from the pool. This sealed the rift and gave us access to where King Briant was being imprisoned. To break his curse...we hadd determined that certain family heirlooms held the key to breaking the curse. The heirlooms were the most simplest of craft...and put in the right order by using a poem we had...freed King Briant from prison...broke the curse...and gave Erylin her King back. Honora is also a descendant of one of the King's Knight's Councillor and now holds that position today.

And Katrien Hommel has gained the ability to be very persuasive in her music and speech. Her father had this ability to create beautiful pieces of music...but was unable to sing or play the music and therefore unable to express himself through it. Kat made the music her own and was able to persuade Cassandra...A Tide of leave us be.

Well Dad...guess you can say I had a very interesting life. All that I've done...I've done for those I love. But still...I feel like there is a hole...a hole that needs to be filled. For the life of me...I can't fathom what needs to be done to fill that hole. I'll write to you again soon.

Your loving son,

How do I see Kyle becoming A World Leader?

Kyle had lost his path when he became Dragoncalled. He tried to find that path when he became a successful businessman and being a devoted husband. While those two events are personally noteworthy...he is still looking for that path. Becoming a Weapon Master gave him a glimpse of the path he had lost...the 'hole' in his life that needs to be filled. That path is akin to the samurai of Japan. I see him finding that path and becoming more than what he has become.

Title and/or position?

Maybe this little narrative will present a possible title or position. I had this in mind for another character (Since deleted for bad RP). It could be set anywhere on Layonara but it could end up in Erylin. (This of course is up to the GM running the quest)

Approximately 45 years ago...[/b][/u]

Krindo Pandorn was tired. He and his wife Darcee been travelling for days. A tip that their persuers were close forced them to leave Arnax in a hurry. They were going to try North Hampshire on Vanavar. That would take another three days. Time to make camp and rest. As they were setting up the tent and starting a fire...their son stirs and starts to cry. Darcee picks him up and gently rocks the baby.

"Hope we got away unseen...Krindo...are you sure we did the right thing? I mean...I'm proud of you for defying orders and not killing him. The very thought of it angers me...but you could have put Kyle in an orphanage..." Krindo just shook his head.

"No...he would have been found and killed. And the orphanage as well for harboring him. We are in danger for doing this. But...I am at peace with my decision." His voice trails off. It was a few moments before he spoke again. "Let's rest. We are off before dawn." Krindo douses the fire and they settle in for the night...but he couldn't sleep. He goes into a pocket and pulls out a pendant. He runs his finger over the engraving of the word 'Rowan' on its face. "Let's just hope Kyle never finds out..." he whispers to himself as he settles in to sleep.

I would like to thank you in advance for considering my application. And I await your decision.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Kyle Pandorn
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2008, 02:06:58 pm »
Hello SteveJW.

Your application has been thoroughly discussed by the GM Team and I am sorry to inform you that based on it you were not approved for an atempt on WL status for Kyle Pandorn. I have sent you a PM with more details.

You may apply again in two months time. Please take a look at the rules and guidelines below, so that you are clear on the requirements:

