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Author Topic: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application  (Read 3542 times)


Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« on: January 10, 2010, 12:13:49 pm »
Character Name: Eleandilthessa Quil'lyn
 Level: 20
 Started: Feb 2009
 See attached file for details (for some reason, thi thread will not take my coped text, so I have put it all into the file): [ATTACH]16632[/ATTACH] (this link is to the same file as the latest request dated March 22nd)


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2010, 01:09:11 pm »
Hello there, Xaltotun,

According to our records here, Eleandilethessa is not eligible for WLDQ application until March 14, 2010. All WLDQ applicants (character not player) must have been approved for a minimum of one year before they are able to apply.




Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2010, 07:38:53 pm »
Hello Row,
 Your records will be correct. Did you read the attached file. Duchess has been played almost daily since her creation, so I was hopeing that would make a difference as opposed to a new character who was played once a month.


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2010, 07:53:00 pm »
I'm sorry Xaltotun, the rules are crystal clear, posted here. Every player, regardless of daily play time amounts, must meet the same standard. Indeed there are people who play every day who make no mark upon the world where as people who only get to log in once or twice a week and leave a large footprint in the world print with their roleplay. So hours logged in really has no bearing on the issue.

The reason people are asked to have their characters be one year in age before applying is because that is the minimum we like to see for a well developed character to first reach level twenty.

Good luck and perhaps we will see you again in a few weeks for reapplication.



Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2010, 07:24:16 am »
Dear Row, my deepest apologies for not seeing the reference to length of time the character needs to be in-game. I am sure you can understand given the volume of material one has to wade through, how easy it may be to miss one aspect.

I thank you for bringing this to my attention and I will, of course, re-apply and hope my role-playing becomes all the better for the extra time I will be able to devote to her before heading out on her WLDQ.


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2010, 10:14:19 am »
Dear Rowana,
 I would like to apply for WLQ and have attached a new version of my information. [ATTACH]16622[/ATTACH]
 Regards and thanks in advance.


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2010, 02:28:30 pm »
Hi Xaltotun,

Thank you for your reapplication for a WLDQ. We will read through your application carefully and discuss it before getting back to you with a decision. We usually aim to do so within around a week to a week and a half, but sometimes these things take longer if GMs are particularly busy. We will try to get back to you with a decision or at least let you know things are taking a bit longer as soon as we can.



Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2010, 04:27:00 pm »
Thanks for the fast response Carillon and understand the time issues.

Best wishes

~~ Xaltotun


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2010, 10:13:26 pm »

There has been a good deal of discussion in relation to this application and Ele's candidacy for WL.  We value our World Leaders and the application process and like to make sure each GM has a chance to offer their comments and insight on new candidates.

Unfortunately I am sorry to have to inform you that you were not approved to attempt a WLDQ with Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn at this time. I am about to send you a PM with more details.

The GM team encourage you to apply again in two months time. Please take a look at the rules and guidelines below, so that you are clear on the requirements:


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2010, 05:54:16 pm »
I am more than a little saddened by this news Dezza, but thank you for your kind words and offer of hope for the future.

I shall indeed read your pm and take the team's suggestions to heart and hope that the future will bring about welcome changes.

~~ Xaltotun


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2010, 05:25:02 am »
I'm a bit bummed by this too. Though I am no longer on the GM team, i'd certainly have thrown my vote your way for reasons of play consistency, quest involvement, imaginative roleplay, plot involvement, guild involvement and cross timezone character interactions. I hope you aren't too discouraged and reapply in a couple of months and good luck when you do.


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2010, 09:08:27 am »
Thanks again Dezza, and after an endorsement like that, I will be panting at the gates in in a couple of months :D

//as an edit, this post was copied and pasted before Pseudonym's post, so apologies if anyone got confused by it.


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2010, 06:38:01 am »
And Pseud?  
i'd certainly have thrown my vote your way for reasons of play consistency, quest involvement, imaginative roleplay, plot involvement, guild involvement and cross timezone character interactions

What can I say except Dezza, you have lost your laurel :)

Thanks Pseudonym and this post has cheered me up even more than Dezza's message.

Your turn Dezza :)


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2010, 04:30:52 am »
Dear All, I would like to reapply for consideration as a world leader as two months have passed since my last application was refused.
 I have updated my request and amended some parts and addressed some points raised at the last submission.
 Thank you for your time in considering my request.


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2010, 10:02:44 am »
This is to finalise this matter in an official capacity. As discussed already I am now simply confirming that this application has not been successful.

As per the PM's we have discussed reasons for this and specific actions for moving forward.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2010, 11:00:31 am »

I am confirming I have read the pms and had discussions with you directly and I thank you for your words and consideration.



Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2010, 12:38:29 am »
Better luck next time, squeeky wheel thingie!

Dun worry Luv, ya can still hang out with ol' Dogboy *grins*


Re: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - WLDQ Application
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2010, 06:10:41 am »
*She snorts derisively at Dogboy, but anyone who knows her would realise there may be just a little hint of respect and appreciation there as well.*

