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Author Topic: Gotak Gungur  (Read 583 times)


Gotak Gungur
« on: March 18, 2006, 02:55:30 pm »
Character Name: Gotak Gungur  Current Level: 20  EXP to Level to NEXT level: 300k or something    Original Bio was lost in the old forums, same goes for my old Character Developement Thread.    New Character Thread started when I came back:      A sum up of what Gotak have been doing since his arrival to Hlint:    Gotak came to Hlint odd 20 years ago. He soon found him amongst elven and other types aswell. Having hard to adjust he stuck to himself since he didnt know anyone. That soon all changed as he began to meet the people that he would call friends. Reventage was the first person that Gotak learned to trust on, and even thou she was an elf, he never questioned her trust. He met other people to call friends. Brac'ar the fire Wizard. Plenarious the Cleric. Rhizome the Druid. Enzo the Ranger. Among the few the Gotak have met and travel with. Gotak always been a little hottempered and there have been many a times where these people would scratch their heads and mumble something when they saw the dwarf runnning into the thick of midst of enemies. But equal number of times when they saw him cut asunder everything in his path. Gotak decided long ago that he would not devote him self to a single weapon, versatillity is the one pride that Gotak have above all others. His skills with the battleaxe and the Great Axe is unmatched and very similar. You can hardly notice the perfect switched he makes during battle, when he flings his shield aside only to wield his mighty Greataxe with such force you would believe that there was a earth shake. Gotak took great pride in being able to help whereever he could. There was not a place nor an occasion that did not include Gotak in some way. He did not know much about magic, infact he dont know anything, but if there was fighting, many people understood that Gotak was the one to have on their side, even if he was abit frantic and hard to control. Dispite all his friends and all his courage, this way of life took its toll on Gotak and many occasion a shard of his soul was stole during his many deaths. But Gotaks friends were always quick to revieve the dead dwarf cause surely his skills were in great demand. But that all ended one night were Slaads began to attack Mistone. Gotak and a large party of adventures tracked the source of the slaad to the resting place of Arindor. And it was in this place that the final shard of Gotak's soul was ripped out and he left Layonara for good. His friends could do nothing but carry his body to Willows Weep.
  Fast forward 14years.
  Gotak wakes up with a sudden rush near the outskirts of Hlint, he feels tired, hungry, and he feels his strenght have been drained. He managed to drag himself to Hlint, only to notice that all his backpacks are missing. And this is where the new life for Gotak began. Confused and feeling old, Gotak had trouble adjusting to the new world he found himself in. Many things had changed since his death. He even denied to have died, until he was show his tomb at Willows Weep. Gotak slowly found new friends in these hard lands, cause along a single dwarf do not make a diffrence anymore. He learned to enjoy the compagny of Alantha, Kobal, The entire Freelancers Guild, and many others. Gotak began to thrive again, and he adventured many new places to learn this new world better. He set it opun him to master the secrets of ultimate strenght, cause only this way could he hope to survieve. Also the Oath Gotak took many years ago, became apparrent for him again, as he was forced to face with the mistakes of the past. The very reason why he choose to come to Hlint. Gotak is not searchig for a home, nor is he searching for fortune. Gotak is searching for to be the best of what he does. He seeks battles whereever they are, and he yearns to become a respected person amongst all. He hopes that the upcoming war will give him the opputunity to prove himself as a mighty fighter, the best of them all.    
  Quests:  Pre v2 Layonara:    Gotak became a member of the T.A.S. Mistone Alliance force, after a lengthy series by Milo, which was about some mystic blackboxex that fired Hellballs.    Gotak Was part of the questseries that Milo ran called Give in to Hope. I think there was a weapon called Gotaks Revenge in that quest.    Gotak helped killing The Vampire that resided in Broken Halls and was therefore part of lifting the random shadow attacks that appeared all around Mistone.    Gotak was there when a party went into the Ancient Lichs Crypt and made him leave his place outside Krandor.    Gotak was also a part of the first that encountered the scorpion statues that appeared around mistone. Helped find the cause to why the drow kept destroying the crafthouses in Hlint and other cities.    Gotak was part of defending Fort Llast when they were sieged.    Gotak was part of the reason why the sielwood witch disapeared for a time.      This was all done 2½ years back. My memory is not what it used to be, and if some of this stated is wrong, then tell me so.      Accomplishments:    Operation Bloodwar     Gotak took part of the invasion and was able to push Bloods Demon forces back from the Kingdom of Roldem. Gotak was part of Team 3, that had Reventage as their leader.    Kobal ECDQ     Gotak was part of the army that Kobal enlisted to venture deep into Mount Norand to destroy a bloodpool. He met up with Kobal and the rest of his team at Xoras Tower and pushed forth deep into the forgotten Dwarven Stronghold, where he battled many undeads deep beneath the earths surface.    Gloin ECDQ     Gotak was part of the team of adventures that had answered the call to help Clan Stonebrow. He was able with the help of many other, to secure a safe path throught the tunnels inside greypeak to Lar, so that the supply lines could run freely.
  A cure is needed... time is running out.     Gotak was part of the team that helped rush a team down into some ancients ruins on the islands of the Kingdom of Roldem. There they sought a cure for the dwarf Gloin who was deadly sick having failed to retrieved the treasured leaves of a rare plant that could save his clansmen.  Having found the plant that gave the the leaves they fought their way out victorius.    Port Hampshire Lighthouse:     A quest of Epic status. Who would have thouhgt that a lighthouse was so complicated. ¤ crystals to be found, all in places where you would never go, unless you had a small army. Two crystals secure so far. And the places keep getting more dangerous if thats even possible.    The Thousand Year Promise     An ungoing quest by Milo that is to secure the world from being overrun by Slaadi. The very same menace that killed Gotak in the first place thus meaning his soul being taken for good. This have a special meaning to Gotak
  Ideas for ECDQ:
  Gotaks a figther with big F. He loves to fight and he does it so he can be respected for his skills. Hes not a defender, hes not a person that yearn to find his original mountain home. Hes just Gotak. Gotaks wish is properly to become a Epic Fighter, and I dont mean the class, but the kind of fighter that beats the impossible, and lives to tell the tale. Althou this is almost impossible with Gotak as he is played. I was thinking that maybe he could be involded in a battle for a place, or maybee be involded in a place where a figthers courage and strenght is appreciated without all the majiks that flucatuates around Layonara. I see this ECDQ as a chance to develope Gotak fighting abillties, and not as a way for him to become a better defense fighter. His build have many flaws, but they all illustrate how fragile Gotak really is, and why he must be as strong as he is to survieve. Gotak = Lost founder of dwarven stronghold: No. Gotak = Warhero of the war of a million deaths: Yes.
  Thank you for considering this application.


Re: Gotak Gungur
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2006, 12:35:38 pm »
You were here for about 10 months before leaving before right?  Have you been back for 2 months now?  IE, in total have you been playing Gotak for about a year?



Re: Gotak Gungur
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2006, 02:13:06 pm »
I came back after you approved my return from perm threah found here:
  So its been a little over 2months ive been back. And yes Ive pratically been playing only Gotak in that time.


Re: Gotak Gungur
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2006, 02:22:39 pm »
Alrighty. Approved. Request a GM but keep in mind a few are going on phased breaks and some already on. It could be a waiting list. Good luck.


Re: Gotak Gungur
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2006, 04:26:59 am »
Thank you very much. Ive talked abit with Orion about running it, and im just waiting to see if he feels like he can pull off a ECDQ. Otherwise im finding a new DM.


Re: Gotak Gungur
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2006, 06:00:54 pm »
Sadly this character has perm'd.


Re: Gotak Gungur
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2006, 02:59:35 am »
He'll be back in the next 3-4 years, as soon as someone teaches the mother a lesson again.