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Author Topic: Sin'Dolin Val'entalith  (Read 501 times)


Sin'Dolin Val'entalith
« on: April 02, 2006, 04:41:52 am »
name- Sin'Dolin Val'entalith
race- Gray Elf
class- Wizard
god- Ilsare
alignment- CG

Current level :20th
experience: 6,604,267
Experience needed:6,860,000

original Bio:
 Sin'Dolin grew up near the la'Mune Forest it is located on the Isle of Voltrex.
He was Born to a poor family of Hunter/Trappers.All his childhood he was taught the Family Buisness as it was called by his siblings.He didnt think there was any buisness, and dreamed of one day being Important.He did like to read and had great hand eye coordination. Another one of his Gifts was the ability to memorize what he read just seconds before.

As the years passed and Sin'Dolin was falling into the position his family had set for him.Until one day he was out in the forest trying to memorize a scroll he found.He thought it was just some ancient elvish he was memorizing but in fact it was a scroll of Light.The Local Wizard's familiar was flying by as Sin'Dolin cast the spell .Instantly the Wizard was told by his Pet.Later that evening while his family was having dinner the  Wizard Malor stopped by to inquire about Sin'dolin's Apprenticeship.
At first it was a dream come true but as the years wore on he grew restless.

One Night he Prayed to his Godess Ilsare to be set free and see the world .He wanted to become a great wizard. Oh how he wished........
Be careful of what you wish.

Sin'Dolin has Traveled all over ost of Layonara persuing his crafting.He was at first an adventurer who traveled Layonara just for the hunt.Helping here and there when needed.His main drive was his Carfting next to his persuit of the study of the arcane.He has in that time become a master Tailor,Woodworker as well as becoming acomplished in many other crafts.He Likes selling his wares to all who has the gold and even those who dont.He spends most of his days in Hlint on the bench by the bank selling his crafted  items and some he has found along the way.

Sin'Dolin has had his Hands in many quests since his arrival to Mistone Via the Dragon.
He has helped In other quests but its been a year and a half and my memory is kinda foggy.

(// most of this is from memory since I didnt keep track of the quests Ihave been on.)
He was with Ozy and others when they were finding clues on the Tol'eflor.
He was with the group that tried to prevent Mist from having Carocsa Killed .
He was in many Naval Battles against Bloodstone's  forces.
He Is involed in closing a Rift in which Sladd are using to invade Layonara.
He helped Repair a smaller rip in the weave Caused by a man outside of Haven.
He helped recover the Shadow Blade from Drow in the ancientDwarven City.
He was once Hired with a group to Kill a ruling family in the underdark city.
He helped stop Dougal and the 7 deadly Sins.
He helped an ancient Dwarven warrior in Shoulfal be reunited with his axe.

What i want to happen for Epic possibles.
Recently Sin has encountered the Black Wizards.The Power from the man he encountered was evidant and it peeked Sin's intrest into maybe seeking this Group of mages and possibly becoming one.
Sin has also Dreamed of one day driving the demons from his people's(Grey Elves) ancient lands on Voltrex.
he has vowed to return to the city in the underdark and destroy the family who tried to hire him and the group he was with for Killing them.

Other than That Sin is saving to maybe one day buy or build a Tower from which he can Train those who have the Gift of the arcane.He will travel the lands far and wide looking for Youths who exibit the gift.Mostly he will look in the places other institutes wont which is the poor and the common people.

// I know Sin was once one of those who hunted day and Night.In the last year I have tried to change that through many hours of Rp and Quest attended.
As for a DM to run my quest its open to whoever wants it. I have no prefrence except that it be in the evening and in Eastren time zone.


Re: Sin'Dolin Val'entalith
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2006, 05:42:35 am »
i just remembered more quests of importance.

Operation Bloodwar
I forgot the name of the quest but I acompanied a group with Phlen .We Broke into 2 groups I went with the one that went to rescue a spy from the Jungle village.


Re: Sin'Dolin Val'entalith
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2006, 08:04:01 am »
"....// I know Sin was once one of those who hunted day and Night.In the last year I have tried to change that through many hours of Rp and Quest attended...."

*nods* yeah, you have done MUCH better over the past six - eight months. Thank you.

Approved. Grab a GM to have it run, one that is alloed to run ecdq's. Keep in mind the phased time off as well the current line of ecdqs and cdq's.


Re: Sin'Dolin Val'entalith
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2006, 07:14:15 pm »
Not sure if I am suppose to name the GM id like to do my quest here or not.
I already PM'ed him.


Re: Sin'Dolin Val'entalith
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2006, 01:24:12 pm »
Please post in the GM's CDQ thread. Thanks.


Re: Sin'Dolin Val'entalith
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2006, 04:47:45 pm »
This character is no longer able to make an ECDQ. As per the players agreement.

