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Author Topic: Kasha Roswyne  (Read 321 times)


Kasha Roswyne
« on: September 09, 2005, 04:28:00 pm »
Kasha Rosewyne
Currently at 20th Level
1,204,033 until 21st

The life of Kasha Rosewyne

Kasha is the only child of Ash and Karin Lyonard. Her father was a very skilled Miner and her mother was one of the finest Gem Crafters in the area. She was closest to her as he treated her as the son that he never had. She was and still is very free spirited and full of life. He introduced her first weapon, a Longsword. He taught her how to use it when she was very young and he was amazed at the rate she progressed in her skill. While she was closest to her father, she spent many hours with her Mother learning the skill of Gem Crafting. She only wanted to please her parents and make them proud of her. One day while Kasha was out practicing with her sword her hometown was attacked by bandits and her parents died in her arms. That day she vowed that her parents would receive the justice they deserved.

With Kasha now being all alone in the world she headed out to find a new land. She wanted to find a place where no one knew her and where she could hopefully find a place where she belonged. She came across a small town called Hlint. She was amazed at what she saw before her eyes. There were open crafting areas in town, an Inn, a Temple and even a Town Guard. She met many people as unique and individual at the town. She thought maybe she finally found a place she could call Home.

Using her skills taught by her parents, Kasha began mining and crafting once again. She made quite a name for herself as a skilled gem crafter as her mother did before her. Her skills for mining were far from forgotten but she had to make a decent living for herself. With her parents being taken away from her she vowed to fight evil and help those who could not help themselves. She would travel through out the lands with almost anyone that would ask her. She has always preferred to travel with a Cleric at her side. One of her very good friends was a gentleman that she met shortly after arriving in Hlint, Dargoth Lighthammer. He would show her around and tell her about the evil that plagued the land. Many times he healed her wounds and brought life back to her body.

One day shortly after returning from the Seilwood Forrest she was resting by a tree when she saw him. A man dressed in armor walking with pride followed by a man dressed in dark robes. She did not know who he was but there was something about him. She had to know more and would do whatever need be in order to do it. She was to shy to speak to him. Later that day she found out who that man was and he told her that his name was Quintayne, Head Cleric of Rofirein. Her emotions stirred out of control every time she was near him. She could not speak a word when he spoke to her other than a simple “Hello”

The day came where he requested her presence. He walked into town with glory and honor. The rain that was falling that day did not seem to affect him in the slightest. Kasha was wearing her finest gown in anticipation of his arrival. She was almost to shy to even speak. She entered into the Courthouse with him and was terrified that he had heard of her feelings for him. To her relief he had not. He had come to ask her to join the High Council to fight the evil in the lands, to help others that could not help themselves. She of course accepted his invitation and still to this day does her best to abide by the Council’s goals.

One day she found Quintayne sitting in town in a somber mood and sat there with him just listening and being a friend. She hated to see him suffer in any way. She spent a few hours with him before returning home that evening. The next day she was sitting by the lake in Hlint and received a message via messenger asking her to join him for the day. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her to Fort Llast where he waited alone for her. As the day drew to an end they sat by a towering waterfall; she could not hide her feelings any more. Never did she imagine that she would find a true love like that of her parents but she did. Since that day they have been together. They spoke their Vows in front of that waterfall in the presence of their friends and Allurial the Queen of Mistone.

Kasha was summoned to return to her hometown. She and Quintayne gathered their friends and headed out to help where they could. Upon arrival she discovered many things were different than before. She found her families plot and began to study the stone and was approached by a spirit which proceeded to kill her. She found herself standing in an area of mist speaking with her father. She spoke with her father for sometime and he told her how proud he was of her skill and of the things she has accomplished in life. She asked him why he was not at rest and he told her that the man that killed him and her mother needed dealt with so they could be set free and countless lives could be saved. Knowing her mission and eager to help Kasha was returned to her body.

She awakened at the grave and vowed to not let her parents down this time. Kasha felt a new strength flowing through her unlike any she had felt before. She fought off the enemies with grace and skill. One would say she was a symbol of deadly beauty. Many enemies fell before her sword. Not without heart, Kasha gave the man that killed her father a chance to surrender and end the suffering of those she loved and cared for. The man wanted no part of this bargain and succumbed to justice. Upon the death of this man the spell was lifted from the town and people were set free of their burdens. She was able to speak to her parents one last time getting their blessing on her marriage and her life up to that point. There was one thing she learned that day...a secret that he father had kept from her since the day she was born. This was certainly not something she expected and not one of her fathers’ finest moments in life, a half-brother.

The Rosewyne family had been blessed by the birth of fraternal twins. The first child born was a girl whom they named Jadaria. The second was a boy whom was named Aurhinius. The moment the children were born time stood still and for a few moments the entire world was at peace. This was something which no one had ever experienced before. Jadaria appears to have a bit of magical ability and loves to read and study with her father. Aurhinius is a bit rebellious and ambitious like his mother. The children are definitely a great blessing by Rofirein and Dorand.

Kasha knows there is a great destiny for her. She hopes to be prepared for any challenge put before her. She believes that perhaps one day she will be able to wield the sword that will put and end to one of the great evils in Layonara. Until that day she continues to make herself and her family proud of her.

//What I would like to see in my epic cdq. She will be becoming a Weapon Master at 20th or 21st level. Quintayne and Kasha will be doing their quest at the same time. We are still working out what we would both like to see. I think Kasha’s alignment should be shifted so she is LG. The GM’s we would like to run this are Leanthar and Seth.

"Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings."
Ralph Blum

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Kasha Roswyne
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2005, 12:15:00 pm »
Character does not have sufficient experience to apply for an ECDQ. When Kasha is ready, please reply to this thread.

