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Author Topic: Hargranar Craggenhilt  (Read 885 times)


Hargranar Craggenhilt
« on: September 09, 2005, 04:36:00 pm »
Character name: Hargranar Craggenhilt
Current lvl: 20
EXP to next lvl: the lvl'ing sign has appeared. Not sure how long to lvl 22.

Bio Update:

Hargranar was born into a dwaven family as the youngest of two brothers. His childhood with his brother was not an unusual one. They were as brothers are, always fighting yet close beyond their blood. His brother destined for leadership in the clan made their everyday lives and training to that of a dwarven statesmen, the learning of reading and writing the several dwarven tongues and writings. Yet Hargranar’s life was destined to be lived outside the clans protection, and the brotherly bond was weakened as they were seperated. Hargranar’s future was sealed aswell. The Craggenhilts are kown worshippers of Vorax and as tradition, hargranar was given away to the clergy of Vorax in his early manhood. After many years of service in the clergy of Vorax, Hargranar was sent out on his final test, a lifelong test in duty and service of Vorax, his goal to show the world the meaning and word of Vorax.

*arrives on Mistone, and goes through several ordeals*

On mistone Hargranar learns fast, his skills and powers increase. He makes a friendship which is to last for many years, the Stout dwarf Kobal.

He helps a restles soul to find his peace, a soul which has been devided into six for many hundreds of years. The soul is once again wholae and able to rest. (this was a long series Hargranar came in the middle of, i think it was 20+ sessions, led by Storm.)

Defends the Drow’s attak on Hlint. Barely succeeding. At that point the Drow has taken over Spellguard as a base. Families united into attack against Hlint and Mistone.

A series of strange events ahppen in Hlint and the sorounding townships, members of different deities appaear and wants heroes to deliver a certain object to a cleric of that Deity. Hargranar and several others find out that a powerful demon is trying to lure these clerics into his submission, and the gods in time. They (the party) amongst other things, poison the sielwood, makes sure that Toran is in the end attacked by the now Dark Angel, which has rissen to godhood, and severall other mishaps. As Hargranar sees he’s yet again been fooled into doing the bidding of an evil power. He decides to leave it at that point. He feels hes doing more wrong then right. (and at that point the quest moves over to Remiels ECDQ).

Hargranar unwillingly helped an Ogre mage (*sighs* off all stupid things!) Gather an item made of Grand, the item was in the hands of his brother in the Haven mines. His brother leading the mines and killing everyone trying to rise to his position with this mighty weapon of a bastard god. Well hargranar and several others ventured into th mines and quickly foind that the Ogremage was an imposter, really trying to lure stupid people down the mine and kill them. Which he succeded in. Some members of the party made a few rash and not so bright descisions resulting in the party going unconscious. They were thrown in jail and questioned by the Ogre mage and his minions. Yet...all Hargranar saw was Gloin storming out of his jail cell getting killed. (though it did’nt seem so at the moment the Ogre’s intentions were’nt hostile, he wanted to question us, not kill us) So Hargranar thought, that the end was coming unless he tried something even more stupid and heroic. So he did, and died. And while Harg’s cold corpse was on the jail floor, the ogre guard saw his hance for an early lunch and featsed upon Hargs leg (yummy!). Well without Harg’s help the party made their way our of the cells miraculously and fled with the others, corpses included. Harg was rissen back to life by a powerful healer. And because of a witty lass in the group, he was now known as Hargranar Threeleg Craggenhilt.

Hargranar and others are led to believe a mighty artifact is located on Xanthril, this artifact will be of great importance in the war against Blood. Supposedly a small golden box. Official members of the guards and others are pressenting the group with the task, which deletes all distrust in harg, since the guards are to be trusted...
They travel to Xanthril and locates the artefact in the Dungeon of the Serpent. The smash and kill as usual, finding the artefact after much rouble. They return to the base on Xanthril, where a guard captain is waiting for their return. On their return the “guard captain” shows his real self as a great mage, he then seals off himself with the artefact, the party only capable of watching his actions.
He then starts what i to be the reawakening of an ancient slumbering god. Shadison the viper. For a long time the skies are now also adorned with his symbol, a srpent shown in stars.

Hargranar assists in the rebuilding of a dungeon they succeded to cave in on the Dark angel Quest. The expedition led by Terradon Duvall. The Dungeon a holy ground for Roferein. A safekeeper for a holy relic of Roferein. ((Terradons CDQ, for becoming a Paladin)) On this quest the guards again appear as Lawful, yet respectless of it. The clergy in Pranzis also “currupt” in harg’ eyes.

This quest and several before, also including the Dark angel, has resulted in the distrust of the law. Harg no longer has the respect he used to. He makes a journey back to Dregar to gather his thoughts, seeking reason to stay, helping against Blood. (a three month break from Layonara)
On his return he quickly gets back to hs old ways only change is his trust for the law. (Harg’s alignment is changed form LG to NG, something planned for...long)

On his return he finds his brother murdered by the Albino. One of the greatest assassins ever seen. Hargranar has yet to return to his clan’s caves and pay his respect. Yet many problems stood in his way.

Well for one it would be nice to start it with him paying his repect to his now dead brother and family on Dregar. And take it from there. Which wil resuslt in Harg promissing the clan to kil the Albino when/if the chance arises. Another idea would be to pay his respect to the Clergy of Vorax. And Vorax himself. Maybe retrieve a long lost Artefact.

From his 21st lvl i want to lvl Harg as a fighter. All through his time on Layonara his skills with the Greataxe really isnt matched by many, so the fact that he now focuses in that training only makes sense.(to me anyway) He’s a cleric, yes. But a cleric of Vorax, the Father of Battle. All things fair he will also choose feats reflecting this, feats in his favored weapon the Greataxe.

//im pretty sure i've convinced Storm and Pan to run it for me. Those two are probably the two DM's that would have the most knowledge of harg aswell. In Kobals submission here he stated that we probably would do out ECDQ's together, but we've not been able to make that work. So we're going to have them run seperately.


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RE: Hargranar Craggenhilt
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2005, 10:07:00 am »
Hargs epic is in the sketching stages, and will be dealt with in the near future.


RE: Hargranar Craggenhilt
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2005, 08:18:00 pm »
Update on this please.


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RE: Hargranar Craggenhilt
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2005, 09:52:00 pm »
heh one at a time, harg will follow kobal.

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Hargranar Craggenhilt
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2005, 12:10:00 pm »
ECDQ is being worked on by Asandir and Calem.


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RE: Hargranar Craggenhilt
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2005, 11:29:00 am »
I will join Kobal's ECDQ, and i hope vice versa.


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RE: Hargranar Craggenhilt
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2005, 07:40:00 pm »
In the pipes, one being done one to follow..


RE: Hargranar Craggenhilt
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2005, 09:16:00 am »
Is this being handled still?  Nearly completed?


RE: Hargranar Craggenhilt
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2005, 12:49:00 pm »
[orange]Still same situation. The player has accepted to wait until Kobal's is done and so we are following the player's wishes in this regard.


RE: Hargranar Craggenhilt
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2005, 12:55:00 pm »
Thank you.


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RE: Hargranar Craggenhilt
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2006, 03:16:36 pm »
Sending Pm to harg to see where he is at, if not moving straight to Rev.
  Pm sent, giving harg till the end of Kobals next week to get to me, after that week planning time off and then I will move on.


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Re: Hargranar Craggenhilt
« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2006, 07:54:45 am »
Reapplying for Storm and Pankoki (Or Storm alone) to run the WLDQ for me. Back after prolonged vacation from Layo.

Character name: Hargranar Craggenhilt
Current lvl: 22
EXP to next lvl: 300k (ish)

Bio Update:

Hargranar was born into a dwaven family as the youngest of two brothers. His childhood with his brother was not an unusual one. They were as brothers are, always fighting yet close beyond their blood. His brother destined for leadership in the clan made their everyday lives and training to that of a dwarven statesmen, the learning of reading and writing the several dwarven tongues and writings. Yet Hargranar’s life was destined to be lived outside the clans protection, and the brotherly bond was weakened as they were seperated. Hargranar’s future was sealed aswell. The Craggenhilts are kown worshippers of Vorax and as tradition, hargranar was given away to the clergy of Vorax in his early manhood. After many years of service in the clergy of Vorax, Hargranar was sent out on his final test, a lifelong test in duty and service of Vorax, his goal to show the world the meaning and word of Vorax.

*arrives on Mistone, and goes through several ordeals*

On mistone Hargranar learns fast, his skills and powers increase. He makes a friendship which is to last for many years, the Stout dwarf Kobal.

He helps a restles soul to find his peace, a soul which has been devided into six for many hundreds of years. The soul is once again wholae and able to rest. (this was a long series Hargranar came in the middle of, i think it was 20+ sessions, led by Storm.)

Defends the Drow’s attak on Hlint. Barely succeeding. At that point the Drow has taken over Spellguard as a base. Families united into attack against Hlint and Mistone.

A series of strange events ahppen in Hlint and the sorounding townships, members of different deities appaear and wants heroes to deliver a certain object to a cleric of that Deity. Hargranar and several others find out that a powerful demon is trying to lure these clerics into his submission, and the gods in time. They (the party) amongst other things, poison the sielwood, makes sure that Toran is in the end attacked by the now Dark Angel, which has rissen to godhood, and severall other mishaps. As Hargranar sees he’s yet again been fooled into doing the bidding of an evil power. He decides to leave it at that point. He feels hes doing more wrong then right. (and at that point the quest moves over to Remiels ECDQ).

Hargranar unwillingly helped an Ogre mage (*sighs* off all stupid things!) Gather an item made of Grand, the item was in the hands of his brother in the Haven mines. His brother leading the mines and killing everyone trying to rise to his position with this mighty weapon of a bastard god. Well hargranar and several others ventured into th mines and quickly foind that the Ogremage was an imposter, really trying to lure stupid people down the mine and kill them. Which he succeded in. Some members of the party made a few rash and not so bright descisions resulting in the party going unconscious. They were thrown in jail and questioned by the Ogre mage and his minions. Yet...all Hargranar saw was Gloin storming out of his jail cell getting killed. (though it did’nt seem so at the moment the Ogre’s intentions were’nt hostile, he wanted to question us, not kill us) So Hargranar thought, that the end was coming unless he tried something even more stupid and heroic. So he did, and died. And while Harg’s cold corpse was on the jail floor, the ogre guard saw his hance for an early lunch and featsed upon Hargs leg (yummy!). Well without Harg’s help the party made their way our of the cells miraculously and fled with the others, corpses included. Harg was rissen back to life by a powerful healer. And because of a witty lass in the group, he was now known as Hargranar Threeleg Craggenhilt.

Hargranar and others are led to believe a mighty artifact is located on Xanthril, this artifact will be of great importance in the war against Blood. Supposedly a small golden box. Official members of the guards and others are pressenting the group with the task, which deletes all distrust in harg, since the guards are to be trusted...
They travel to Xanthril and locates the artefact in the Dungeon of the Serpent. The smash and kill as usual, finding the artefact after much rouble. They return to the base on Xanthril, where a guard captain is waiting for their return. On their return the “guard captain” shows his real self as a great mage, he then seals off himself with the artefact, the party only capable of watching his actions.
He then starts what i to be the reawakening of an ancient slumbering god. Shadison the viper. For a long time the skies are now also adorned with his symbol, a srpent shown in stars.

Hargranar assists in the rebuilding of a dungeon they succeded to cave in on the Dark angel Quest. The expedition led by Terradon Duvall. The Dungeon a holy ground for Roferein. A safekeeper for a holy relic of Roferein. ((Terradons CDQ, for becoming a Paladin)) On this quest the guards again appear as Lawful, yet respectless of it. The clergy in Pranzis also “currupt” in harg’ eyes.

This quest and several before, also including the Dark angel, has resulted in the distrust of the law. Harg no longer has the respect he used to. He makes a journey back to Dregar to gather his thoughts, seeking reason to stay, helping against Blood. (a three month break from Layonara)
On his return he quickly gets back to hs old ways only change is his trust for the law. (Harg’s alignment is changed form LG to NG, something planned for...long)

On his return he finds his brother murdered by the Albino. One of the greatest assassins ever seen. Hargranar has yet to return to his clan’s caves and pay his respect. Yet many problems stood in his way.

Well anything concerning his faith/church/Deity. Dont have any specific ideas at the moment, but i trust in Storm to have some lined up.

From his 21st lvl i want to lvl Harg as a fighter. All through his time on Layonara his skills with the Greataxe really isnt matched by many, so the fact that he now focuses in that training only makes sense.(to me anyway) He’s a cleric, yes. But a cleric of Vorax, the Father of Battle. All things fair he will also choose feats reflecting this, feats in his favored weapon the Greataxe.

//After returning to Layo once again Harg has helped Varka in completing his quest to save Bloody Gate from the grasp of Tyranny. Furthermore developed a friendly relationship with a very devout young boy. Garth, who in Harg's absence and Varka's kept the shrine in Bloody gate clean and neat as promised to Harg. Helping him restoring the old Altar to again being a beacon of Vorax. Led an army against Bloody Gate as Varka threw the old King off the throne.


Re: Hargranar Craggenhilt
« Reply #12 on: December 25, 2006, 11:06:09 am »
We will take this application into consideration and will reply within a week.

