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Author Topic: Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu (Mith)  (Read 542 times)


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Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu (Mith)
« on: June 10, 2006, 01:52:49 am »
Character Name: Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu (Mith)
Current Level: 20
Current EXP: 6279200ish

Original Submission


Well Mith has come along way from what he was at day 1. In the biginning he was a loyal fallower of Aragen, but his desire for power, and use of necromancy found him looking into shadows for that power. This hunt eventually led him to to travil with the Corathnites. After traviling with them for months he noticed that at sometime, he had, or Aragen had, given up on the other. He had little proablem with this, he could now except Coraths blessings, as well as thouse of any god. Mith was often temped to join the Corathnites, but whill he looked into darkness for his power, he could never bring himself to truly walk that path, to be as they are, or to kneel to another for there power.
 Over his time here he learned much, studding and taking what he could from the Corathnites without falling to far. He once fallowed Acaccea and a few others into the swamps near Karthy, he was invisable, simply there to asure there safty, aid them if need be. Weel things quickly went south as the trolls charged in greater numbers then antisapated, Mith tried to help them, and though i dont recall, i think they got away, but Mith did not, and he got a Death Token from it. This he was not expecting, at that point he went into a deep meditation for a few months(2 and a half weeks rl). On his return he thought he was different, his hopes were to be less concerned with the well being of others and more with the power he sought, though this later came to be a false hope for him, sence he went on to die tring to help others many times, the last of which, though it was likly not needed, was Milara. Mith had tried to slow him as the party ran, but only got himself killed(DT 9) and it appeared Milara wasent going to chase them far anyways.
  Well after his return, sitting around hlint he meet the women that would come to change Mith again and again over the rest of his story. Mith had little concept of "love". He had wondered how she could love a human, who would die so soon, and who would give her childeren that would also die, far before her end. She tried to explain the concept of love though tis not an easy thing to explain, and Mith dident come to understand much more from that talk. I belive they had a few talks here and there, but not often. At one point he dident see her for a fwe months, and on his return she was rather pregnant(aranna). Mith was shoked by this, afarade he would somehow hurt her, or her child. Ireth asked if he wanted to feel the baby move and he quickly declined, for fear of him hurting her somehow. Though she did not listen to him, grabing his hand and pressing it to her belly as the baby kicked. Miths first reation was horror, but as he calmed and came to see he wasent hurting her or the baby, he experienced the biggest change thus far. It was at that moment that a part of Mith he lost, something he never remembers having before this point, love. It was at that moment that Mith fell inlove with Ireth. Throughout the Aranna ordeal Mith stayed be Ireths side as much as possable, to suport her int he end when she lost Aranna, and was kicked tot he curb by Remiel, Mith was there to guide her. Some time passed, Mith having little to do with the Corathnites along the way if i recall correctly, Ireth came to love him as well, though he feared once again, that he would hurt her, that what he was (necromancer) or who he associated with (corathnites) would somehow hurt her, he sought to protect her, though he never inteneded to lose her at this point. He wanted her to know full wight his fears, and he wanted to test her feelings, becouse only through total trust and true love would they be able to endure what mith Feared... well, with all his pushing and tring to make her understand, he lost her. Pushed her into the arms of another(Jet), who had dangers of his own mith later came to find.
 The night she came to tell Mith she had chosen jet was.. well it was not a good night for Mith. He had to leave, to return to his studdies, to return to his original path and to once again seek out the corthnites, fearing that the person Ireth loved would not be able to live through the trials ahead, he bound his heart to her, she would keep it safe, as a guardian of sorts((this was all RP really, though we later talked about it more and we came to something of an Elven bonding, the marrage thing, but it was basicly a one way thing, dosent effect anything IG)) Mith then left, his main reasions were to excape the pain, and becouse he did not want to be a wedge in there new relationship, he would return to her someday, but he would wait many many years, intell there realtionship was stronger.
 So he left for many years, IG, something like 5 months or so RL i think. Over this time i dont recall much, just alot of crafting and bashing, Rping with Corthnites, ect ect. Then the time came to return, he found her in Fort Hope. It was an odd meeting, neather knowing what to say. He tried to be hard, cold, and uncarring, but the pain he saw this to cause quickly melted his reslove to be uncarring. They got to be close friends again over time, and Mith sought to fix the thing he cosideres, to this day, to be the greatest mistake of his life. Letting her get away. He spent much time with her, not so much tring to get her to leave Jet, but tring to be there for her has fully as he could, so that if she needed him, he would be by her side, to show her that he could take care of her, basicly tring to win her back, though he wouldent go so far as to sugest or say anything directly concenring it. They were not married, nor did they yet have a child, he saw hope in that, hope that he could win her. So he waited for her, much time passing, him waiting for her and throughout all this he still have heavy activity with the Corathnites, keeping both as far apart as possable, and the corthnites never knowing about this other life of his, which they never have learned of, as far as i know.
 Well not alot happened for some time, same thing with Ireth, the Corthnites, crafting, learning new spells, quests, ect ect. Then came Ice's Horses of Pandamoniue thing. This was a hard time for mith as he sought to help, to take the weight off Ireth and sholder it himself, but he could not,. nor was there anything he could do, be there, for emotional support.. but this was not enough for him, he wanted to find a way to release Ireth from her horse, and he was willing to pay anything to do it. His plan had been to seek out the Black wizards, to make them an offer, securing her sfaty and breaking the horses conenction to her, payment being whatever they wanted. Thankfully for Mith, and likly Ireth, this meeting dident come fast enough, much was learned before the Black Wizards set up a time for him, and he never went to them, no longer needing them as he thought. I think it was just before Ireth was bound to Fear that Mith met AnnaLee. He had seen her with Remiel, and not wanting to see him get another, he took her aside and told her everything he knew of Remiel, and what he had done to Ireth. He then refered her to Ireth, which i think she later went to for more information. At the time Mith could care less for AnnaLee, doing this act simply as an Attack on Remiel, not in tring to defend her. Well things move on with the quest, Mith feeling helpless and stressing himself out tring to think of something anyways. He had been talking to Lee atop the platform in Hlint wht Denial came for her, he tried to stop it, but once again was helpless to do anything. I dont actually recall when he started to consider Lee a friend, originally it was more something along the lines of him seeing her as a little sister, it eventually evloved. Mith had been without rest for some time (weeks) and it was apperent, but he couldent calm his mind enough to sleep, not on his own. Sitting on the bench by the poond in Hlint talking to Lee he found rest at last in her embrace, with her calming voice and a soft song he was able to rest. This was when his feelings for her changed and grew. A feew weeks later he told her he thought he was falling inlove with her as they sat by the lake in the rolling plaines area. Moving over some things here... He was later possesd by Insanty and during that time Lee expreced her love for him as well, as he was mostly calm around her, though when in town or around others he would be quight out of control. Well moving forward though this, he did what he thought right, helping the girls as best he could. After that ordeal was over he and Lee grew closer still and he asked her to marry him, in a Mith like fasion that is. Though he wanted it kept quite, between them, for both of there safty. This dident go over well with her, though she did try, she was effected greatly, he could see, becouse of the lies she was needed to tell her friends. He told her eventaully, after he was unable to see her in such pain, that he wanted her to tell ehr friends, and that they were going to have a privet ceramony, that she could invite her friends to, he dident want her to keep it a secert anylonger. so after being married for a few months they had a second ceramony, one for there friends to see. a while after that they decided to have a child, which is still in the works.

As for Miths current statis, he is happily married to Lee, with there baby on the way. He has a rather sucessful business that Ireth fronts for him (better sales). He is a member of the Acrane Allince. He is invloved in the Freelancers efforts on Rilara, though most of it seams to take place when im at work sadly.

So i think that updates his life from start to finish, ill have a few of the people that were there along the way read through and let me know if i missed anything, sence im sure i did.

 well im sure there are aot more then what i have here, but this is a nice handful.

Waking the undead
7 Ghosts Series
The Orcish Hordes
The Creation og XWSE23
Maze of the Minotar
Ireths Trial
The Feline Connection
Opperation Blood Striker
Port Hampshire Lighhouse
Lost and Found
The Thousand Year Promis
Soul of the lost Ancient, Nature, Tolefler and Sha
Mists Retribution
Dawn of Ages
Battle of Stone
Pandemonial Horses

Now do to work, school, or just something else, i was unable to attend all of the parts of some of these quests. I think ive made 2 or so of the Dawn of Ages, i think it was originally run at 2am my time, but later changed to 4am, at which time i couldent attend. Different reasions for many of the quests, sadly.

As to where i see Mith going in Epic. He will continue to learn magic, tring to master Necromancy to levels none have before. He still hates people in general, but he does try to help. He is tring to become a better person for his Family, wanting his childeren to have someone to look up to, and he donset want to see them as he was, thus he tries to better himself. Though few will see that becouse as ive said, he dosent like people in general. As to what id like himt o do for his epic, id like to see Vanavar given back to the elves, or at least get it started, or something along thouse lines.

If im missing something, please let me know and ill update it asap. Thanks


Re: Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu (Mith)
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2006, 09:48:10 am »
This is now under discussion with the GM team.  You will be notified in a timely manner .  Thanks


Re: Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu (Mith)
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 05:57:19 am »
At this time you do not qualify for a WL. You may continue to level and you may apply again later if you wish.  Good luck.