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Author Topic: Rodlin Serim  (Read 570 times)


Rodlin Serim
« on: June 07, 2006, 05:51:10 pm »
Character: Rodlin Serim
Level: 20
EXP to Level to NEXT level: 2,990,000

Original Submission --

Full Name: Rodlin Serim
Age: 132
Class: Ranger
Race: Elf
Subrace: Wood Elf
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Folian S’pae
Domains: N/A
Short Bio/Description:

Rodlin is from a broken family deep in the forest of Ulambree; located on the continent of Voltrex, also know as Elf Island. He was raised by his mother and grew up with his only brother. His father left when he was very young. He knew and loved his father, but rarely saw him. His brother was just a few years older then him but had totally different interests. His brother was more of the intellectual type and spent most of his time reading books.

Rodlin, which is uncharacteristic and sort of breaking the mold for wood elves, is and always will be the adventurous type. His curiosity, the desire to do good and help others drove him from the forest. He has never been very social due to the isolation from large populations, which makes him somewhat modest. He always found friendship and companionship with the animals of the forest. However, this did not keep him from being a skilled hunter.

Rodlin is compassionate, polite and respectful. His word is his bond. He will help anyone, anytime. However, once crossed or looses trust in someone, he is done with him or her. Forgiveness is not beyond him, but it would take a lot. As a young elf, Rodlin had a secret friend that was human. He built trust and fondness with his friend as they met almost everyday. Over the years, Rodlin’s friend, being human, aged quickly and passed away. Rodlin is seeking to fill the void left by the passing of his child hood companion.

Rodlin’s Story --

*Rodlin starts to stroll along a river bank. As he looks into the water he sees his reflection. He notices the toll and wear that adventuring has taken on him. The three scars on his cheek stand out and remind him of his run in with a dragon. As he touches the scars, he starts reflect on his time away from the safety of his home.*

I left home and everything I knew over 12 years ago now. I left the one person that meant the most to me. As I arrived on Mistone, I was no longer surrounded by a people like me. I was only an elf among many different races. I heard stories of the other races, of wars among races, heroes of different races, and the mentality of other races. I knew I had much to learn.

I met a few people that I started accompanying to start learning about this land and about who I was and what I may become. The party consisted of three humans, a dwarf and only one elf. I was hesitant to associate with the humans due to my knowledge of the race. The dwarf was friendly and it was fun to watch him run. The elf, the one I could relate to, was so different from me that I was even stand offish from him.

Our first goal was to roam; to see what the new land had to offer. We completed all the tasks that people in near by towns needed done. During these tasks, I learned the power of a well balanced team. I was not here to win the battle against Blood along. I was to AID in the battle. I was to render my skills to the party that will be fighting the ultimate battle. The bonds in this small party grew. Our skills grew together as we learned how to utilize the skills that our party had together.

Once I was comfortable with the land, I started honing the skill of woodworking that my grandfather started. It is the way of the woodelf to make his/her own bow. I shall not buy a bow. I shall make all that I use. I will offer my skills up to the party to aid them. As I improved my ability with the bow, I heard and sought out the ultimate of bow users. The ways of the Arcane Archer would have been a path that would improve the use of the bow; however my skills as a tracker would not develop. After many hours of praying to the Longstrider, it became clear that my ability as a tracker, as a fighter, as a person of stealth and knowledge of the land would better aid me, the people I join, and the fight against many foes that I will face.

*Chuckles a bit as he recalls the look on Esimon’s face when he was attacked and help by an Ogre mage.*

He came running up to use, winded and tired, talking like a maniac describing the event the best he could between breathes. As we confronted the group of ogres, it was clear that they had a plan for the spells that Esimon had to teach to their mage. We battle ended in our victory and as we searched the makeshift fort, papers uncovered the plot of this now defeated group. As I stood by and watched the magic be used, I was impressed. I knew that the way of the Arcane Archer required the use of magic that I did not possess. Again, I my prayers were answered, the magic that I did possess was sufficient for the purpose that the Prince of Wolves had for me.

*As he walks along the bank of the river, he recalls the first time he met some of the most powerful of the heroes at that time.*

Leilon was under attack! That was the message a flag bearer gave us as we were mulling about. We headed directly to Leilon to see if we could save the people. Pirates stormed the docks, invaded the city, and were wreaking havoc. The pirates were subdued and the town was spared. Upon investigation of the pirate’s ship and the ship’s logs, their plan was revealed.

*He bends over, chooses a nice skipping rock and skips it across the river’s surface.*

The most precious gem in the world was uncovered by a member of our party. This was the break that would outfit the party and start our own guild. Yes, our own guild. But the hope began to fade rapidly as the gem was stolen during the process of selling it. A thief snatched the gem right before it was handed to the buyer. We tracked this thief down to a ship at the Fort Valensk Docks. The thief was planning on selling the gem to save his family, his people. The thief turned out to have gills like a fish. His people…sea elves. I have never seen or heard of such a race. We got the gem back and told this sea elf that we would aid in his mission to help his family and ultimately, his people.

We met the sea elf again in Hurm. A large party had gathered to aid in this elf’s quest. I learned of the Shark Lord, Shindaleria, and the High Druid Carocsa. As we attempted to aid the people the unspeakable and the most horrific thing happened. A member of our party struck down the druid while she was in captivity. I was in shock. I am still not sure why it happened. I knew there were reasons that were beyond me. However, due the killing, the sea elves could no longer stay in the homes of the water world. They were forced to the lands.

*He removes his boots as he stops near a small drop off into the river. He sits and puts his feet into the water thinking about his home, thinking about his companions, thinking of his recent past in the new world.*

As we adventured together, our individual talents and our group talents grew and matured. We discovered that a lot of these skills were not practiced by all adventurers. Many people would die from poor tactics. Many people were not equipped properly for the battles. We decided to take this onto our own shoulders and start a guild to aid the fellow adventurer. The Crimson Shield was born. Our skills of tactics, battle field strategies, and crafting would prove fruitful. We began to mentor young adventurers. We began to produce equipment efficiently to aid other adventurers quickly. We began to give back what we had learned in our time here.

The guild has done great since its establishment. The Mistone Alliance was going to war. They needed equipment and money. Each guild was tasked to provide a certain number of items and funds. I knew that these requests were a minimal. I know the people of the Crimson Shield were very giving and had taken an oath to aid all they could against the enemies of the world. I gave a final warning and gathered everything that was not tied down. It was easy though, the others members gave freely and only kept what they needed. The amount of items and funds that came from the guild was staggering. The guild was near the top of the list for the aid that was rendered.

I did learn of some of the supplies that were donated were being stolen. A party went to seek what had happened to the wagons and the people that were guarding them. The wagons were recovered, but that was only the beginning. There was corruption in the Fort Valensk. Order must be maintained and the right person had to be found to take the his rightful place as heir.

The call has recently come again for the people of Roldem. Again, a warning was given and the ‘great collection’ began. As before, the Crimson Shield gave until the chests were near empty. Bank accounts were tapped and the coins provided. There is still more to deliver.

As I am committed to the Crimson Shield, another guild needed to be established. A nature’s guild with definite purpose was to be built. The Longstrider guided my feet to help this guild get started. And what a great guild this has become. It continues to grow in numbers. We have tried to gain favor with the satyrs outside of the Folian S’pae’s Temple to make easier access to the temple for the young followers of the Longstrider. However, these partying fauns had a purpose and they could not be swayed. Other means to gain easier access achieved. Our new mission that has begun is to build another temple for the Prince of Wolves. This is one of the most noble of missions and I pray for Folian’s favor, guidance and aid.

* He clinches a fist and pounds it onto the ground next to him as he recalls the manipulative and selfish behavior of dragons. He once again rubs the scars on his cheek as he recalls dealings with Yzyartkadrania, the Blue Dragon, and Fisterion, the Great Red, the Lord of Dragons.*

As we were going for silver, Yzyartkadrania showed herself and accused us of stealing from her. She wanted restitution. She wanted a person. Looking around at my companions, I felt that I was the most expendable. I also favored my companion and did not want them to suffer at the mercy of this dragon. I stepped forward and submitted myself to her. As long as I did what she wanted, she would let my companions go. Once they were free from her, she gave me my final ultimatum: visit Fisterion and become an offering from Yzyartkadrania. That is when she clawed me and left the scars, the marks as reminder of this meeting. I would have to surrender willingly to the Great Red. If I did not do this, then she was going to kill us all.

To hold up my end of the bargain, so I thought, we went to Firesteep. I met with the Great Red. I informed him of my pledge to Yzyartkadrania. He snatched me up in his maw and took me to his lair. I was to pledge my allegiance to the Fisterion and become his servant. The first task was to sign a contract in blood to swear my loyalty to him. My loyalty has and will always be with the Longstrider. Therefore, I could not sign the contract. Secondly, he produced a flag, a flag of Folian S’pae and demanded that I burn it. As loyal as I am to Folian, I could not complete this task either. My last chance was to do one of three things: shed my blood on the altar of Pyrtechon and kill the healer of the Temple of Folian S’pae, find someone that will take my place as a servant to Fisterion, or
find a worthy offering to fulfill our contract. We were let go that night.

My first destination was the temple. I had to pray on the matter to determine the best path. I approached the temple and met the man I was supposed to murder. His name is Eliniawith, the healer of the temple. I confronted him and told him of the plot for his life. I reassured him that I would not be taking it now or ever. If I did the followers of Folian would start to leave and the amount of new followers would dwindle. Who would want to be a follower of a god where other followers kill members of the temple? This would significantly weaken the Longstrider. If the second option was satisfied, then that person would probably be tasked with the same that I had. Again, this would put the Longstrider at risk. The third would be the likely option. However, nothing developed and very few ideas were thought of. The last hope and plan was to inform and unite the gods against Pyrtechon. We thought to seek high priests and followers of allied gods to be communicators to their gods to join forces with Folian S’pae. Our reasoning was if we could unite the gods against Pyrtechon then Fisterion would loose interest in us. In addition, if we make Folian a hard target then Fisterion would possibly just go after another god. Power was what he seeks. In light of all of this, my final decision is to let the Great Red know that I was coerced by the Blue was that the Blue was trying to manipulate the Red. I do not know how it will play out, but that is the plan.

*Rodlin stands and continues down the river bank walking in the soft grass with his boots off to relax while he reminisces. Flashbacks of tough times for the temple returns from the back of his memory.*

Eliniawith decides to leave the temple. The temple would be left with no healer or no on to run it. We have to convince him to stay. After many efforts and with some final pleas, he decided to stay on as the healer of the temple. During which, I almost had to but myself into the clutches of another entity and submit myself once again. I would have rather died then to go through it all over again. My heart if with Folian!

*A tear runs down his cheek as he thinks of Yar; the one person in all the land that even came close to his childhood ‘friend’.*

My dearest friend from the time I arrived on Mistone is now gone forever. He fell no more than five feet from me. I could not save him. I gained consciousness just as the ‘harvester’ removed Yar’s soul from his body. The Soul Mother arrived and took his soul into her arms. Then they left. Yar’s body was empty. No life left. It has happened again.

*Stops for a moment as the feeling of pride straightens him.*

I witnessed the most tremendous event in my entire life time. I saw the Silver Veign being planted. This strengthened my ties with nature and with Folian and I know where my heart belongs.

*Smiles to himself as he recalls returning to Voltrex for only a mere day.*

There was a disturbance over the desert on Dregar. Slaads were swarming on to the continent. Something had to be done. The anchors had to be destroyed so the ‘portal’ could be closed and secured for another thousand years. The last anchor was on Voltrex in the Lilanthier Forest. The trip was quick and there was no time to stop in the Ulambree for a visit. The slaads are now contained.

*Scratches his head and he thinks of the current situation with the Triumvirs.*

Who is this Janis and what does she want and how do we stop her?

*Grins to himself as he thinks about his ‘student’.*

He has made me proud! I am glad that our paths have crossed and I was able to get him started and give him guidance along the way. He is a great person and shares the same views as I. I have seen from his companion’s reactions how they feel about him and that he is a good person. He has quickly become my equal!

*Continues to grin and his thoughts shifts to another person that is starting to have a great impact on his life.*

I do not know exactly what I feel. I DO know the feelings that I get when I see or hear her. I do not know how our relationship will change; only Folian knows.

Rodlin Today --

His patience and tolerance for the other races has grown short. He understands the mentality of his people now and how they feel about the other races. Rodlin has gotten the ‘Elven Mentality’.

He has fully acquired the tracker (Ranger) role. He likes his solitude, hates towns and cities, doesn’t talk a lot in crowds, rarely fights when alone unless he is forced to, has adventured and knows most lands (island and continents alike) very well, aids people that are lost or needs guidance in the wilderness, developed his stealth skills to be able to hide from most enemies, and has incredible tracking abilities which have greatly benefited a few expeditions.

Due to his dealings with death and the number of times he has fallen, he has started to cover his own tail. Before, he made sacrifices to save people. He still will, but more conservatively. To some, this seems unjust. Actually, he has evolved into his alignment. His manners and politeness have somewhat faded. This is due to the solitude and the ‘Elven Mentality’ of superiority.

What do you think should/could happen to your character during Epic Levels? --

1)   To resolve the dealings with the Great Red
2)   To return home to visit his grandfather and show what Rodlin has become
3)   To gain favor with the wood elves / elves to be able to come and go at will

Character Development Thread:



Re: Rodlin Serim
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2006, 06:34:53 am »
Your request is noted. The team and I will discuss and I will get back to you inside of a week.


Re: Rodlin Serim
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2006, 06:33:16 pm »
Hello. At this time you are not approved to be a world leader. You may apply again if you continue to play the character. See the world leader information to find out the requirments of applying again. You may still level as normal.