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Author Topic: Kavil Yodin  (Read 676 times)


Kavil Yodin
« on: May 08, 2006, 01:53:56 pm »
Character name: Kavil Yodin
Class: Sorcerer
XP TNL: 10,200,000
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good

Original character submission:
Full name: Kavil Yodin
Age: 19
Class: Sorcerer
Race: Human
Subrace: n/a
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Lucinda
Domains: n/a
Kavil grew up on a small farm a few leagues east of Braswell. The fourth son of six, his was a relatively normal childhood. Average in build and height, he nevertheless stood out amongst his brothers because, well, there was just something about him.

He was well-regarded throughout the area as he became known for helping out those who needed it. Even as an adolescent, he found that he could often persuade others to his way of thinking, even if only for a short time. This was especially handy whenever the local bullies threatened him or his brothers.

Realizing at the age of 18 that there was little future as the fourth son of a farmer, and not really being all that fond of farming anyway, Kavil took to the roads to see what the future held for him. After a few months of wandering, an old man took up with him, displaying more interest in him than most people did, although why Kavil could not say. This man introduced the teachings of Lucinda to him, and showed him that he had a gift and how to use it. For the first time Kavil felt a sense of purpose, but for what he did not know.

Character Development thread:


It seems I have reached a seminal point in my life. To move forward, to learn more--both of myself and the world around me, to do more...or perhaps to accept that what I have done so far is enough. It will do me good to reflect on my past so that I may perhaps chart a course for the future.

I remember those early days, when the Weave was new and wondrous--it is still wondrous but now is more an extension of me than a new discovery and something that I could not imagine living without. I knew little of the Lady of Magic but thought She would have a profound influence in my life since it must be Her gift that I use. Yet still I do not know if what I do with this gift is what was meant. And if I let my thoughts wander too much, the thought that perhaps this is not Her gift sometimes finds its way into my mind. But if it is not...then from what does this power come?

I recall meeting those first friends -- Yar, Rodlin, Esimon, Dorax, Emerald, Rawkwin and especially Annun. More friends came in time but few that would be as important to me as these. Those days, so many years ago, seemed simpler, more care-free. I knew so little back then. We sought adventure and we found it, testing ourselves, growing and learning as we did. In time, we grew comfortable with each other and learned we could do so much more together than we ever could apart. Our triumphs were more special because they were accomplished together; our failures were made more bearable by sharing the sorrow amongst us.

But some of those friends are gone now. Yar, taken by the Soul Mother. Emerald, perhaps she's searching still for her family but I have not seen her for many years now. Rawkwin, gone these past few years--I've heard he has returned but I have not yet seen him. And Annun...I pray she still walks softly about the lands but I am no longer what I once was to her.

Yes, life seemed simpler then. I slowly began to learn that it was not life that was simple; rather, it was me that was simple. Life is complicated.

One of the first experiences that showed me this was an ill-fated trip that began in Hurm. Here I learned of the Sea Elves and unwittingly helped to betray them. At their request, we sought to find and free Carocsa, avatar to the sea-goddess Shindelaria. That journey brought us to the temple of Pyrtechon where she was held captive. And there, a priestess of Mist who had travelled with us slew Carocsa in cold blood, weakening a god and scattering the Sea Elves while at the same time forging a pact between Pyrtechon and Mist. The shock of that betrayal is not forgotten and never could be. Although I did not know it then, I think I began to question the ways of the gods. How could a god ask such a thing -- to murder in cold blood?

I have heard Shifter speak of terrible things and seen some of those things come to pass. One thing he foretold was the fall of Roldem to Blood’s forces. A rescue mission was mounted just before to rescue a Lost Soul that was vital to our efforts to defeat Blood. That mission was bittersweet; we saved the Soul but lost Roldem. And although Roldem has been reclaimed, it suffers still because Bloodstone's army had been there.

I witnessed the Soul Mother's minion come to claim Yar in the Serpent Mountains. The feeling of emptiness and despair that day has not been forgotten nor has the doubt of the worth of a paladin's vows to his god.

I have seen stars in the sky move and shift as the events unfolded in the world. I saw Beryl’s star fall and traveled with others to her temple in Stone to see what it meant. There we found Stone sacked by an army of demons and there I fell along with so many othersin our failed attempt to take the city back from them; only Lalaith survived and it was by her efforts that everyone was brought back from death's door.

Perhaps the greatest adventure that I have been part of, or the one that has most affected the world, was the retrieval of the Soul Necklace and Xandrial’s return to his home plane. A terrible journey through some parts of the Abyss that I would hope to never repeat proved successful. Xandrial’s departure weakened Blood and the Soul Necklace later given to Moraken.

There are some that would consider my ability with the Weave to be strong. While I know that I am not as strong as some others, I have previously thought myself rather skilled with the few things that I can do with the Weave. However, I  have begun to wonder at this more and more. Am I truly all that skilled? I used to be able to hold giants motionless and defenseless by wrapping them in the Weave; that rarely works now, although what I do with the Weave remains the same. Is it my strength that is weakening? Is my knowledge lacking? Is the Weave weakening? Or have all creatures in the world mysteriously become more resistant to the Weave? I fear that I will not be able to fulfill the promise of my future if I cannot answer these questions.

There remains much to be done to make the world safe from Bloodstone. And if we prove successful, much will need to be done to restore what has been lost since his shadow fell across the world. I seek purpose beyond that of power for the sake of power, and perhaps I can find that in the service of the Lady.


Quests of note:
1. Shindelaria's Tears – the fall of Shindelaria and the Sea Elves
2. Rodlin and the Red
3. Dregar series
4. Lost Spirits
5. Soul of a Lost Ancient - Lost Soul and Shifter
6. Fall of Stone
7. Vortex
8. Soul of a Lost Ancient - Soul Necklace and Xandrial
9. numerous spontaneous quests

Goals for the future:
1. Kavil has become increasingly interested in learning why he can work the Weave through force of will and would try to learn the source of his arcane abilities.
2. Possibly become a Servant of the Weave


Re: Kavil Yodin
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2006, 07:59:05 am »
As this is written here, and with the discussions that the team has had about this application we do not see how the character is an epic character. You have accomplished things clearly but at the same time I do not see how it is epic in proportion. Sorry.