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Author Topic: Clarissa  (Read 607 times)


« on: March 04, 2008, 08:04:15 am »
Character Name: Clarissa
 Current Level: 30 (25 Paladin/5 Champion of Toran)
 Updated biography:
 Clarissa's father was a devoted Paladin of Toran and her mother an equally devout Cleric of Rofirein. Through witnessing her parents loving relationship she was influenced in such a powerful way that it was practically certain that she would also follow in their footsteps. She grew up watching her parents team up and adventure to dark places to confront the evil lurking their and desperately desired to go with them. They always warned her that she didn't understand the level of evil in the world. Their familiarity with evil made them a bit overprotective. This caused her to struggle a bit with obedience and he became somewhat of a free spirit among those who typically follow the paladin path. This struggle was never with the cause as she was as devoted to seeking out and destroying evil and bringing justice as either of her parents. But, she believed that sometimes evil needed to be pursued to the dark places rather than waiting in the safety of the temple for it to show itself. She felt that her parents conservatism at times gave evil a leg up in that the forces of evil would have time to prepare and decide the place and conditions of the engagement. She preferred to take the initiative and seek out the evil where it grew. She left home as early as she could and joined Toran's paladinhood following her father's leadership but she gained an appreciation for the fighting style of her mother who wielded a bastard sword and shield. This slight departure from the strict rules of Toran is an expression of her naive sense of rebelliousness and pragmatism. Having grown up in such a home she is as idealistic as they come and also as inexperienced in the world. With a gleam in her eye she has just left the temple in pursuit of her life in the service of The All Watching.
 Clarissa the Paladin
 Link to CDT up to becoming Champion of Toran:
 Upon venturing into the world Clarissa took her idealism to an extreme and tried with all of her might to rightthe wrongs done to Toran's reputation by those who fell from his grace. She wielded her mother's sword as a symbol of the old unity between Rofirein and Toran and even discussed with members of the Rofirein church the possibility of reuniting the two now strained churches. She sought to understand why so many churches strove against each other rather than cooperating together to achieve greater things. She became enamored with the magical ability of certain Lucindites and even encouraged cooperation with them when magical issues arose. In her pursuit she examined the paladin code and found issues with it. She found the churches immovable in their dogma and was drawn more and more to Toran's combined mercy and justice. She became dissolusioned with her desire to unite with the "Law above all else" Rofireinites and in the end set aside her mother's sword for Toran's favored lond sword after a vision of her mother and father.
 The Vision
 One night, as you sleep, your father comes to you in a dream. His face shows both pride and a slight touch of sadness. With him he carries a Bastard Sword that is very familiar to you. It is the one you have used for some time, the one belonging to your mother. He hands it to you. As you grasp the sword a familiar hand lands upon your shoulder. Your mother's gentle touch is unmistakable and the voice reassuring. "Daughter, " her hand gently grazes the sword and it begins to radiate a soft light, "you can feel it can't you? His blessings upon you, they have grown. " The sword's form becomes unsteady, ripples running along its surface as your mother's hand retreats. "This is your path and yours alone but do not be fooled. This is just the beginning. There is much hard work ahead for you." Before your eyes the sword edges pull back, its guard and hilt melting away until, in your hands rests a finely crafted longsword, an ankh clearly visible at the joining of the blade and
 the guard. An almost inaudible voice from inside you states, "You are to be set apart. Be my hand in a darkened world." You wake with a start to the sound of a storm brewing outside, thunder shaking your respite and unmistakable sense of purpose. You have been chosen...
 Clarissa the Champion
 Link to CDT after becoming a Champion of Toran:
 As she grew in her knowledge of understanding of Toran's nature Clarissa encoutered no end of suffering that needed to be remedied and evil that needed to be vanquished. She befriended a family in Fort Llast and through working with them she gained a good understanding of the plight of the common people in the age of darkness. Along with a few friends she founded an organization known as the "Council of Hope" which was created to help coordinate the efforts of organzations and governments to aid the common people. Before the Council could begin to make an impact light was to come into the lands as a strong conjunction of events empowered her hope. The completion of the great Citadel of Toran in Huangjin and the clearing of the sky were omens of the rise of hope and the power of Toran. With these events the Council shifted it's agenda to dealing with rising threats to the now reviving lands. Vampires, Liches, and Dragons began to come out of every crack and crevace of the lands.
 The Test
 After encountering a powerful dark elf sorceress and resisting her attempts to control Clarissa, she was cursed with silence (the dark elf didn't like the way she called out for Toran's power). This time of silence was a test of Clarissa's faith that brought her idealism into conflict with her lord. When the high priest of Toran suggested that those with arcane knowledge be sought Clarissa's thoughts immediately turned to her Lucindite friends. This was to be then end of both her idealism and her friendship with those of faiths that Toran opposes. After an initial commitment to help try to remove the curse, two of her Lucindite friends refused to aid her stating that Lucinda would not approve of their aiding a Toranite. This betrayal was very significant and was the first step in her observations that Lucinda appears arbitrary and greedy with power and knowledge. These conclusions have been confirmed by many other instances. While in the midst of this rejection an messenger of Toran appeared to Clarissa and declared that Toran was with her always and was disapointed that she had sought help from those of whom he disaproved. With a blinding light and a touch of his blade the messenger lift the curse of silence and declared that Clarissa was to spend a time without Toran's graces to remind her of where her faith should be. After failing this test but being shown the mercy of not being totally rejected she set herself to share both her shame and Toran's grace with as many as she could. She made a pilgrimage to all of the temples of Toran throughout the lands to share her experience and strengthen the faithful. After this experience she has resolved to never doubt that Toran will provide for her needs.
 Clarissa the Hand of Toran
 After a long period of time without Toran's grace the messenger of Toran appeared to her again and confirmed that Toran was again pleased with her faith and restored his grace to her. Since that time Clarissa has taken
 Toran's light to the dark places and helped to lay to rest 2 liches, numerous vampires, numerous werewolves, and many dark elves. She has also personally delivered numerous evil artifacts to the citadel in Huangjin for
 destruction including Tethalus' orb and vials and a sword found on some of Veira's servants. She does not tolerate threats to the people of Layonara and does not hesitate to aid those that ask for her help. Her goal is to be a shining example of Toran's very nature in every way.
 Quest involvement (many other smaller quests but these are the major ones)
 Who Dunit - helped to solve the murder of a young boy and his family and bring to justice the ones behind it.
 Exploring the Past - Helped to discover the mystery behind the curse of the leaders of the kingdom of Erilyn.
 Also participated in the acidental formation of a magical rift in the weave in the wolfswood forest.
 Honora's WLDQ - Aided in the restoration of the ruling family of the kingdom of Erilyn fixing the rift caused
 during the Exploring the past quest.
 Elemental Mysteries - Stopped Gimbol and restored the master of constructs, now harmonic entity known as
 Varka CDQs with the Voraxian council - supported proving the existence of Snowtooth in the Barbarian isles.
 Received a mark on her head allowing Snowtooth to know if she is ever on the Barbarian isles.
 Plot quest - helped to obtain the vial for Milara from the lost Rofireinite kingdom on Belinara.
 Plot quest - Met with Pyrtechon's representative warning of the green dragon cult meeting with Snowtooth.
 Plot quest - investigated going's on on Firesteep and shared much knowledge gained about the green dragon cult
 with all present.
 Veira and the vampires - Aided in stopping Veira from obtaining the final urn to revive Lafforan and
 subsequently aided in destroying Veira herself. This is an ongoing mission to destroy this vampire clan.
 Opportunity or Two - obtained the knowledge and artifacts needed to gain access to Mechidil's lair. Led two
 missions to obtain items from the lair for use for good or for destruction as may be appropriate.
 Innocent investigations - Currently working with Jennara and others to construct an observatory and continue
 pursuit of the mystery of Estibana.
 How do you see your character being or becoming a World Leader?
 I think she would be given a mission either
 by the high priest of Toran or by a messenger of Toran that would lead her to accomplish a task testing her
 faith in Toran and validating her service and establishing her as Toran's chosen.
 What sort of position and/or title do you envision for your character?
 I would like to see her become the
 captain of the kights of Toran stationed in the Huangjin Citadel effectively making her the leader of the
 paladins of Toran.


Re: Clarissa
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 09:51:19 am »
This is under discussion, we will get back to you in about two weeks.


Re: Clarissa
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2008, 02:53:27 pm »
I am withdrawing this request to persue some other things.  Thanks for your consideration.


Re: Clarissa
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2008, 08:16:52 pm »