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Author Topic: Lueanne Lightfinger (finaly!)  (Read 540 times)

Thunder Pants

Lueanne Lightfinger (finaly!)
« on: June 13, 2006, 02:31:11 am »
Character Name: Lueanne Lightfinger
current Level: 20
xp to next level: 1,520,000 xp (or so)
updated bio (told from lue's perspective)

well lets see now, guess it all really started when i was 8 and timmy was ten back when dad was sneaking around that necromancer trying to get a peek at his book, as you can imagine the necromancer didn't take too kindly to that, when dad left that day it was the last time i saw him, well actually thats not entirerly true, but the last time i saw him alive see a few days later dad came home, but it wasn't really dad, me and timmy, thats my brother if i didn't tell ya about him yet, well i'll get more into him a bit later, had to put my dad down, mom never really was the same after that, i think it was the whole watching her 2 kids kill her husband, though kill isn't the best term in the world i suppose that is still kinda what we did, anyway it wasn't more then a few years later till mom passed ever since then it was just me and Timmy

after 5 years of living with just Timmy i met a man named Rayden, ohh he was the cutest halfling i've ever seen, well for a guy that is *giggles* anyway me and Timmy got into a big fight and i ran away and started living with Rayden, we lived together for a year but things were tough, i had to live as a pickpocket, which i did with Timmy anyway so it's nothing new, well we started to grow tired of living like thieves, so Rayden came up with a plan so that we'd never have to steal again, we'd just do one final job and thats it, but well as with all good plans, things didn't happen according to them, we think someone found out about it and tipped off the gaurds because they seemed to know we were coming, we had to run and get the heck out of there, but well the guards were tall and had really long legs we couldn't run fast enough so eventually they were going to catch us, then rayden pushed me through a doorway and slamed it shut and wedged it close so i couldn't open it, he told me to run and he'd slow them down, so i escaped and as you can imagine he was captured, his trial was short and people wanted to make an example out of him, and he was publicly hung, i was in the audience looking for a way to free him but it never came up, the knot was done wrong on the noose, stupid humans, probobly messed it up on perpose, so instead of being a quick death, he was slowly strangled by the rope.  well i realised i needed to get out of the town so i went back to the place me and Rayden were staying and started to gather my things, when i located his journal along with a small golden locket, the final entry dated the day before we went on the job stated planly that after the job he was going to ask me to marry him, and the locket, which i still have and wear always was to be his engagment gift

And then that brings us to when i arived in Hlint, nothing really out of the ordinary happened for a while until i ran into this scittish looking halfling carrying a box, she sure seemed worried about something so we talked to her and Me MT King, and Alexei decided to help her deliver the box, boy we didn't know what we were getting into then did we at the time, we ran into some bandits that wanted the box, and well like good messanger peoples we told them they couldn't have it and fought them off, but when we got to Echo to deliver the box the man we were to deliver it to got all weird on us, and well i kinda opened the box, which i was told not to do, and the man turned into a mummy, well me and MT and Alexei beat him up and what we found in the box was a flayed skull with the eyes still in it, and a lot of human skin, and the thing just kept staring at me.....even after i put it back in the box i could still feel it staring at me, well over the next couple months weird things kept happening, finding flayed remains of people odd mummy attacks, i looked into the skulls eyes once and what i saw was something i never want to see again, it was like another world, filled with just death, and blood, and gore, and all kinds of bad stuff.....well as the weeks passed on we finaly tracked down a place where we could destroy the box, which happened to be in the middle of the desert, well i finaly got the thing destroyed, and good riddence, the thing was trying to destroy the world ya know, and what i found was this weird peice of skin that kinda fell from the sky, it wasn't one from the box, i found out later that it was a peice of an ancient and it was later used to bring back Katia

then after we all brought Katia back Quint invited me to join the high council, being niave at the time i believed in Quint and accepted the offer, unfortunetly it seemed the council was doomed to fail seeing as it was headed by nothing but Buracrates, the only one that got anything done was Nathan, though he did tell me about a certain drow seeking my assistence in looking for the blade of shadows, i went to see the drow, i think i surprised her when i showed up in her temple all alone, and unharmed, not my fault drow can't see worth a darn, well i think she took exception to me showing her her defense was less then satifactory, so while she offered a job to me to find the blade she also sent the drow to kill me, it took a heck of a long time, but we finaly found out enough about the blade to get most of the special componants needed in the forging, then after some soul searching.....quite literally we were searching for a soul....we got the soul needed to give the blade the life it needs, and with Ta'ks help we got it forged, but it wasn't yet complete, we still needed to give it it's magical proprties, and with the help of Queen Allurial we did just that, after a ritual that guarding it almost all our gaurds fell in battle we finaly had the blade......and i thought we were safe untill a demon gated in from outa nowhere and attacked me specifically since i held the blade, he was aparently felled, as his body was laying there as Ta'k brought me back to the living, but i came to the conclusion......hiding just wasn't enough anymore, i needed a little magical support to keep all those Drow, Demons, and everything else that is after the blade which i still carry, from being able to find me with magical means, kinda an Anti scrying spell, but it'll have to be perminent, that should at least protect me from those blasted demons from poping outa nowhere to get me......

Wl Quest Idea:

i would like to see the Anti Scrying spell researched and eventually put on Lue and the blade of Shadows so that she can feel she can safely carry the blade without fear of being jumped at any given time by drow, demons and whatever is looking for it, i would assume a spell of this sort would either require a huge ritual or large amounts of matials or perhaps both

from talks with mages Lue has discovered that it's likely possible, but isn't sure how to go about doing it, or what it may require, but Lue is willing to pay any price to get this acomplished

optional Quest Idea's: Revenge on the Church of Baraeon Ca'Duz for all the suffering and pain they put her through during the course of the forging of the Shadow Blade

some Closure with the Shadow Theives (this is about a year old and just kinda ended) Lue broke contact with them, and it just kinda ended there, i doubt they would be happy about Lue quiting their ranks

i've already decided on a DM to run my WL quest and have let her know

why i feel i deserve a WL quest:

well apart from being one of the longest standing characters on Layonara, Lue has been involved in many things that have helped shape the world, such as the reserection of Katia, the destruction of a blood well, the creation of the shadow blade (which she carries) among other major events that i'm currently forgetting


Re: Lueanne Lightfinger (finaly!)
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2006, 07:24:00 am »
Hiya. I have noted your request and the team and I will discuss it. We will get back to you within a week. One thing I notice is that you do not list your quests. I know you have been on dozens of them over the past 3+ years but the problem is the player base does not know that. I need you to list at least the important series of quess.

Thunder Pants

Re: Lueanne Lightfinger (finaly!)
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2006, 02:15:24 pm »
fair enough, a few of them were somewhat refured to during the Bio, so Quests Lue has been on (that i can even remember the names to)

Seths "Skull in the box quest" (this was precalander and prequest write ups so i doubt theres much record of this one

Leanthars and Dezza's Shadow Blade quest

Pan's Elemental scrolls quests

Leanthars Revival of Katia Quest (forgot what you called it, might of been something like ritual of a lost ancient)

hmmm i know there were lots more, just can't think of them right now



Re: Lueanne Lightfinger (finaly!)
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2006, 01:41:01 pm »
Alrighty. Well we have a slight problem here. You were gone for quite some time. While you seem to be back now we do want WL to have a presence in game and on the forums, this is pretty important. Something we are going to be actively enforcing pretty soon.

For now I am going to deny this request. You can of course continue to gain xp and level just like everybody else.

Once you are around for a few months and remain active in game and on the forums then apply again and we will re-evaluate.

The only reason it is denied for now is due to inactivity for a long period of time.

