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Author Topic: Maddison Trenton  (Read 295 times)


Maddison Trenton
« on: September 09, 2005, 04:38:00 pm »
Maddison Trenton
Level 19
640,000 to next level

Looking back on Maddi's bio I sort of was a halfling RPing a half elf child who enjoyed casting spells at rocks...right...

Maddison started off as that kid who would always try and tag along with her older friends adventuring...the first person she met in Hlint was Merry Thorn, who helped her out skinning rats for money, Telvast and Xiao who started her off on tinkering and shoveling sand in South Hlint and Reventage, who is what I consider her best friend while she was still halfling size. Eventually she grew up and just became more confused as to who she wanted to be...her first guide was Rynolt Gibberhands (Dev quest by 8-bit) who was a befuddled old man who would teach her in Lucinda's temple in Melnon. He never really taught her what to be, but he instructed her on the use of spells against certain creatures. I suppose you could say she went through the "I want to be Nathan Birche!" stage... but he was nonetheless a figure in her life, not a big one or anything but I could say she definately wanted to be him at a point in time. That didn't last too long though, it was around then when Maddison became closer with Llunienunique...or however you spell her insanely long and complicated name.
      She always knew Llu but never really became good friends with her. She would make flasks for her earlier on in her life and get her random herbs to try and help her cough but that's about it. The friendship really started around the time of Maddison's trial for breaking Gotak out of jail. She taught her how to act in the court and such and helped her through those three days. After those three days Maddison asked Llu if she would apprentice Aeridin's temple she made some vows about following enchantment from now on and Aeridin's way to save life whenever possible and not to use direct damage spells unless necessary. It basically all changed from there, the casting style and personality, she just got happier I suppose.
      After the enchantress dealy I was really looking to start something new and different. Divination came into play when I tried it out on one of Leanthar's small plot-based quests. I really enjoyed my first time doing it and was lucky enough to continue and even have some CDQs to develop it. She has been involved with the Sielwood Witch almost all of these quests...I would consider her Maddison's teacher right now. Now to do the more updated bio-ish...

Many towns and cities on Mistone Rilara and Dregar know of the blonde Half-Elf who is commonly seen parading through towns on inane or noble adventures. Some know her as Maddison, some know her and the lady who at all their cookies, some just know her as the clumsy young adventurer who is constantly tripping on her robes...if they were to ask her about herself, she would explain to them that she studies the arcane arts and is focusing in Divination and Enchantment schools...she has a fondness for ice wine and cookies. She is a follower of Aeridin (Though she has slowly been moving more to Lucinda) and currently doesn't live anywhere but has spent alot of time in North Point dealing with some things about a temple of Lucinda. She would say her current teacher is the Sielwood Witch, whether that is official or not...she would say she has also studied under Llunienunique Artuillerosse (hope I spelled that right)

What I want to happen on her epic...or an idea anyhow.

The moment I read the Lucinda Diety post about the Council of Magic I knew what I would request for my epic. Joining the council of magic and becoming the Grandmaster of Divination sounds pretty epic to me. It's a role that I would love to fill, but it obviously comes with some complications...I remember asking Leanthar a while ago if it was possible for a player to become one...I think the answer was "I don't see why not but it would need looking into". I realise that this is more of an NPC role, but I would love to play this with Maddison and I think it is very possible for a PC to play it. She has recieved some IC information from the Witch about the topic on a CDQ ran by Pankoki a month or so ago, as well I have recieved some OOC information. Right now Maddison follows Aeridin and Lucinda secondly...I would want this to switch around so her primary diety is Lucinda.

The only thing I want to gain (material) would be a magical staff. They are unique and rare and shows an accomplishment. Something having to relate to divination would probably be best...

With Eight-Bit's leaving I have asked Aryn to take over. Thankfully he has agreed to run it.


RE: Maddison Trenton
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2005, 08:18:00 pm »
Update on this please.


RE: Maddison Trenton
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2005, 08:53:00 am »
I am sorry to elbow in on this thread, but I think Maddison isn't playing anymore, atleast that is what he said when I spoke with him the last time. Though hopefully, he will someday return. So please don't delete this only because of words. Just saying what I know.

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Maddison Trenton
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2005, 12:07:00 pm »
ECDQ put on stand-by until reactivated by Maddison Trenton.


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RE: Maddison Trenton
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2005, 06:38:00 am »
I'm not so dead yet. I honestly have no idea when I will be able to play though.

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Maddison Trenton
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2005, 08:09:00 am »
The ECDQ will be waiting for you Qui_Z. Send word when you are ready...


RE: Maddison Trenton
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2005, 09:18:00 am »
Does Q still play here?  It looks like he is no longer around.