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Author Topic: Quintayne Rosewyne  (Read 466 times)


Quintayne Rosewyne
« on: September 09, 2005, 04:29:00 pm »
Character Name - Quintayne Rosewyne
Level – 20
Exp to next Lvl –

Update –

After a nights prayer Quintayne received guidance from Rofirein to bring together a council of souls that could guide and aid the world in the times of Stife to come. The “High Council” was born. As the thirteenth vote Quintayne is the decider and can, when votes are split, sway the council to one way or the other. From time to time Quintayne receives the name of others in prayer that should join those upon the council. Souls touched by the gods perhaps who have shown commitment to their fellows and to the world. Many call him the leader and in many ways he functions as one though dislikes the term and does not impose himself as such. Taking every opportunity to correct any that would call him a leader. He is a humble in his leadership. It is his wish to serve the people and the world as he does Rofirein. He hopes to one day see a new age of peace and contentment sweep across the realm once the threat of blood and his minions are finally defeated.

As High priest of Rofirein Quintayne continues to dedicate himself to honor, strength and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Quintayne cannot be swayed in his belief that law is essential for peace and in the end all shall be judged be it in life or in death. Everyone shall answer to justice and Quintayne has been known to call his companions to answer to it. Thusly Quintayne is currently pursuing a trial against Rufus Coldfinger who has been implicated in the massacre at Dalanthar. Quintayne hopes and prays that Rufus is not guilty though has no reason to doubt the word of the one who brought Rufus’s confession to him. Quintayne believed Rufus to be much like Nathan Birche. While necromancers they did not use their art for ill but only good. He trusts in the monarchy and Rofirein that if Rufus is guilty then justice shall find him.

The greatest two events in Quintayne’s life today have been his marriage to the beautiful lady Kasha Lyonard and the birth of his twins Aurhinius and Jadaria. His wedding held in the outskirts of Krandor beside one of the greatest waterfalls in mistone was attended by the seven sisters while the ceremony itself was blessed and conducted by Queen Alurial of Mistone. Many of his companions attended and he was honoured and blessed by their presence. The vows he spoke bound his soul to Kasha’s and they have become one, their souls forever entwined in love. There are no words powerful enough to describe how strongly he loves his wife. He cannot understand why she chose him above all others but does not question it. He could fill a book with metaphors about her character and her beauty and still barely scratch the surface of how she appears in his eyes. She is strong and he knows she is capable of taking care of herself though he believes it his duty.
His two children were his second blessing given to Kasha and himself after a night of innocent passion and born in the house of the sielwood witch once again in the presence of the seven sisters. They have grown quickly and already are showing they have their own distinct paths to follow. Quintayne protects them feverishly from anything that the world may throw at them as well as he does his wife. He would give his life for them all without a second thought. He sees the future within them. They are his hope.

The Shifter -

Since the events that lead to the failed ritual to free Nathan from the shifter he has aided Nathan at every chance to regain his missing soul often taking him to dark places at the bequest of the shifter. Quintayne has been within the tower of darkness many times and recently travelled to a temperoral vault to recover a part of the shifter he may used to regain his “Amulet of power” that holds his soul.

The blood wells and the Ancient–

Quintayne has been close to one of the failed blood wells that were used by Blood in his attempt to bring his army to the world. It was a place of torment and perhaps one of the few places he felt truly alone and cut off from his god. Within he and the others encountered the ancient councillor. Quintayne still believes to this day though the councillor is now free that it should not be trusted for its nature is still unknown. Was the creature imprisoned, by whom and why?

The Golden Viper -

Quintayne has given much of his time to a group of brave souls that called themselves “The Golden Viper” aiding them to defeat a demon their single goal. It took many adventures to many to list here. Key events included –

The recovery of a small Halfling’s body and journal that would lead them to an obsidian stone.
A journey into a realm of dreams to recover the soul of a bronze dragon and free it from imprisonment where Quintayne was given chance to speak with it and given a stone that would lead the group to an obsidian stone.
The completion of the obsidian stone and a wish granted to rid the world of the demon and restore all things to their just state.
The recovery of the soul of the golden Viper Boroin and reunion with his love.
The final defeat of the demon.

The seven sisters –

Quintayne has for some time been trying to aid the seven sisters to unite together believing it to be their wish. They were able to free the lost lady that had for many years haunted the world as a spirit. Now free the sisters have stood together yet still seem divided though Quintayne remains hopeful they shall come together. He believes each of the seven have an individual plight that must be solved yet they are each unable to speak of it directly. He hopes he may be able to aid each of them in turn in times to come. He has most affinity for Queen Alurial for she has always been most respectful and kind to him. He believes her a true leader and would aid her above the others.

The Lost Library – For some time Qunitayne and those of the council had been seeking the lost library and now that it has been found he finds himself once again with many new questions of blood, his generals, the soul mother and many more. He was able to ask his most desired question of Arenski Prellarn though he was disturbed by the answer. “Where may I find the remaining of Rofirein’s good kin”

Dragons –

It is hardly surprising that Quintayne is fascinated and awed by the metallic dragons. He has devoted his life to a gold dragon. He believes whole heartedly that he will be able to find the metallic dragons that remain still within the world. Hidden from all and sleeping, waiting for their call, waiting for when they shall be needed by the people. Such noble creatures would not abandon them. Surely if Chromatics remain within the world their metallic brethren must also. Quintayne has gathered together all information he can in the form of books and documents pertaining to the metallics to aid him in his search. He is confident he shall find them and that his faith and persistence shall see him succeed. If only he may find and have them agree to aid us. If nothing else the presence of one would be a great symbol of hope for the people a rallying sign and something to hold on to in these dark times. With this in mind Quintayne had guarded a golden egg until he was able to give it to a great silver wyrm in a chance meeting believing the creature to be the dragon god known only as “Silver” the love of Katia. His hope that Silver may nurture the egg and perhaps, just perhaps, a new life could come of it. The first born of the dragons in a new age.
Quintayne also seeks the relics of Rofirein and his metallic kind that he believes lay waiting to be found by those with good in their heart. It is his belief that such wise and ancient creatures would have foreseen the return of blood and the rise of his generals. Had they seen such would they not leave behind artefacts that may aid the people whom they nurtured and watched over for so long?

These are but a few of the events Quintayne has taken part in. I have no doubt there are many more that are not listed and by no means are they less important or enjoyable.

Ideas for ECDQ –

Kasha and I wish to combine our ECDQ’s as we are both close to the same point and never really play without one another. While this may be challenging for a GM to fit things in that will develop both characters it would be welcome.

Quintayne has done many things and met many souls. He would aid any of them if they once again called upon him to do so. If their cause is just and their heart good.

Just where are those metallic dragons?
What happened to that egg?
Learning more about “Silver”
Rofirein and his faith.
The plights of the seven sisters.
Quintayne’s ancestry – he knows nothing beyond his mother and father.
The high council.
Kasha and the childen.

Honestly I am entirely open to any direction and am sure I will not be disappointed with what you come up with.

Surprise me – in a nice way ;-)

GMs requested to carry out our CDQ –

Leanthar and Seth. – These two GM’s perhaps know Quintayne and Kasha the most and have developed their stories in the past so would be the best choice. Pankoki may also wish to add some input and will be able to fill you both in on the things that occurred on his quests of which we have taken part in most.

Feel free to ask many any questions or elaborate on anything if you wish. There is bound to be things I have forgotten.

"Better too have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"

Quintayne - "What do you see up there"
Kasha - "Endless possibilities"

"Be true too yourself for only then can you be true too others."


RE: Quintayne Rosewyne
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2005, 08:19:00 pm »
Update on this please.


RE: Quintayne Rosewyne
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2005, 03:16:00 pm »
Tentative first part date proposed to Aurhinius. Thought process initiated *chuckles evilly*


Re: Quintayne Rosewyne
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2006, 11:06:31 am »
After discussion with Aurhinius, it was agreed that this ECDQ will not continue.


Re: Quintayne Rosewyne
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2006, 01:04:27 pm »
*nods* Tis a bummer but understood.

