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Author Topic: Geir Sigurdson  (Read 659 times)


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Geir Sigurdson
« on: May 03, 2006, 06:16:05 am »
Character: Geir Sigurdson Level: 20 (bard 10/skald 10) XP to next level: ~11 mil.  [big] Original Submission [/big] Full Name: Geir Sigurdson  Nickname: Geir Skegglauss  Age: 18  Class(es): Bard (level 1)  Race: Human  Alignment: CG  Deity: None  Short Bio/Description:  Geir is the youngest son of Sigurd Ulfson, chief of the one of the strongest families in the region said to be second only to the Egilson family headed by Halgrim Egilson. These two families have been fighting a feud for centuries or maybe even longer since nobody knew why the feud started but a legend tells that it started as a fight for the land when the area was settled. Sigurd was however of the opinion that the fight must have been over a woman “Nobody fights for decades over a piece of land, that sort of thing would have been dealt with over a cup of mead. No my son, this must have been do to someone making the wrong wife pregnant, which must have been a man from our kin since the Egilson’s are lesser men than us!”. As his father always said when he tried to be humorous about the feud that had cost one of his brothers and his son Helge their life before they turned twenty. Sigurd always warned his sons of killing someone of the Egilson family that had more status than whom they had killed from the Ulfson family, since this would bring only more bloodshed. Despite his fathers warnings Heiden and Helge at the age of 16 and 14 went out to revenge a killing of a peasant by the Egilson family and killed a nephew to the Halgrim Egilson (the head of the Egilson family). This of course had to be avenged and four men went after the two brothers and caught up with them. During the following battle Helge died and Heiden suffered a great wound and won the nickname Skarp-heiden.   Geir has lived all his life on the island Krashin. He lived with his parents Sigurd Ulfson and Ylva Ingvarsdaughter as well as his older siblings the 9 years older brother Heiden (called Skarp-heiden due to his fighting skills), his 7 years older brother Helge and his 3 years older sister Sigrid. They lived in a small village on the northern shores of the island, where they lived of the land and sea.   Geir always held great respect for the sea and the power and might of it. Often people would see him sit near the water on a cliff, watching the waves wash over rocks and sand. No one really came near him, as he was thought a bit strange. When he sat there he dreamt of the world across the sea, how wonderful it would be to see it, to meet other people from afar. A smile always played across his face as he sat in these daydreams.   Geir was not like the other young men of the village when he was 17 he had still not grown a beard, not even a single hair had shown itself on his face. The other youngsters in the village mocked him for that, calling him Geir Skegglauss (meaning Geir Beardless), and for not being as strong as the others. Geir was not a fighter, he loved to sit and spin tales of heroes and villains, to recite a small poem or just to think and wonder about things. He was slim and perhaps a bit fragile looking, but what he didn't have in strength he had in agility. He was fast and nimble and that did save him quite a few times when he had taunted the others boys in town and they chased him. Normally he ran to find his older brother Skarp-heiden who was a tall muscular man. Although he was just a young man he was strong, perhaps one of the strongest men in town. He always took care of Geir and saved him from the other boys. Geir felt very close to his brother, and also appreciated that Skarp-heiden was one of the only persons he knew that would listen to his words and even though he didn't always understand, he always believed that Geir was right when he had an idea. Together Geir and Skarp-heiden were a great team, when they hunted Geir scouted ahead while Skarp-heiden stayed a bit back until the prey was found and then he fought it while Geir watched from safe distance. He normally bore a short sword, which many found strange and perhaps even childish, as the weapon of a man was the axe, but Geir was not really strong enough to wield the great axes, used by the men of his family, so he kept using his old short sword despite the mocking.   Geir loved to wonder about things, like right and wrong. What would it mean to be good and what is evil, and could one exist without the other. For him there was only one thing and that was the greater good, Geir never minded breaking a few rules when it meant that someone would be better of from it. People thought that strange as the only thing that mattered for them was honour and the rules of the land, no matter how strange they were. The rules hold us from being like beasts some said, but Geir did not believe that rules and especially rules that restricted people from things were a necessity. He loved to sit in the evenings discussing these topics although he could never convince anyone of his ideas.   Geir was not yet married as his older brother Skarp-heiden who had been married at the age of 23 to Gro Gunnarsdottir the daughter of Sigurds closest ally Gunnar Eskilson in order to strengthen the bonds between the two families. Geir however had his eyes on one of the servant girls working for his family. Her name was Kolfinna and she was just a year younger than Geir, her black hair and pale skin made her look like a statue of cold white stone, but Geir knew better. They had often spent time together, walking in the forest, hiding in a shed telling tales of the world and the like. Often he had watched her from afar when no one was looking, and his head filled with visions and tales of him and Kolfinna leaving this island together, to see the world. However, it would not be tolerated that he had feelings for a servant, especially one that some said worked magic in the forests at night. Magic or not, Geir didn’t really care, he liked her anyways, and she didn’t seem to mind that he was beardless and not as strong as other men. So they saw each other in secret when the opportunity arose.   At some point the losses to the feud made Sigurd decide to end it by arranging a marriage between his only daughter Sigrid and Halgrim’s oldest son Egil. This was bound to end in a catastrophe, not because feuds couldn’t be ended that way numerous cases had shown its success, but because of the Eigilson’s where wicked men. Skarp-heiden, Geirs brother, had warned his farther about this, but his father wouldn’t listen and two years passed after the wedding without incidences and Skarp-heiden slowly forgot his worries about the marriage. But then the catastrophe occurred, his father had invited both families for a great feast, with more mead than could be consumed by twice as many men.   During the feast, while ale and mead was flowing, Geir decided that he would rather enjoy a good time with one of the servant girls. He didn’t care much for ale and mead anyways so he quietly left, making sure he looked a bit drunk and muttered something about that he had to take a leak. As soon as he was outside he quickly searched for Kolfinna and asked her to come join him in a nearby shack.   On this evening they quickly entered the shack and hid in a corner. Just a few minutes later the door opened and Skarp-heiden entered, Geir heard him miles away, as he stomped around and belched loudly from all the ale. Geir didn’t understand why this belching was so great, it sounded disgusting, but somehow others found it pleasant. Geir got up, excused himself and went over to Skarp-heiden. They then had a lengthy discussion on whether or not it was better to entertain women than drink.   Suddenly they heard screaming and banging coming from the hall they had left earlier. Now the hall was burning and all the Eigilson’s where standing outside it killing the Sigurdson’s when they came out. A few yards away Halgrim’s youngest son was standing with a sword, his father had properly thought that he was to young the join the action and placed him far from the slaughter. The youngster charged Skarp-heiden but in a swift move Skarp-heiden had grabbed him and thrown him headlong into a boulder so hard that his skull cracked. Quickly Geir and Skarp-heiden ran to escape what would be certain death.   The next day their sister and perhaps last living relative found them in the woods in the hiding place they used as kids. She brought them clothing and weapons: a sword for Geir and a great axe for Skarp-heiden. Sigrid didn’t say anything but Skarp-heiden later told Geir that he had clearly felt that she wanted him to take her life or ordering her to do it herself. He had ignored this unspoken wish and told her they would be back before she turned grey and kill her husband and making sure she got another man, which pleased Geir since he could see no honour in dying here or that it would restore any honour. As the head of the family Skarp-heiden had ordered Sigrid to find out what had happened to his wife and to try to protect her if she could. Then he swore a solemn oath that he would shave his head and lead his beard grow wild until his kin was revenged and his father great axe was retrieved. Geir did not swear any oaths, but in his mind he knew that even though they had to leave Krashin they would return some day. Then they would set things straight and avenge what had happened.   Geir wondered what had happened to Kolfinna, but he could not go back to search for her, Skarp-heiden would know then that he felt more for the servant girl than could be allowed. He tried to assure himself that she had either been captured or had fled. Then she would at least be alive, and one day he would come back to save her. Well, perhaps it was Skarp-heiden who would do the fighting that would be needed for that, but that was not really important.   [big] Resubmissions [/big]   Resubmission for skald Resubmission for Diety set to Aeridin Resubmission for Dwarven Ear Resubmission for Deity field blank Resubmission for Deity set to Mist   [big] After Geir Came to Hlint [/big] Many things have happened to Geir since he left Krashin. He has met many people and has become friends with many of them. Death and combat has always been around him, even though he from time to time has shunned it, fearing for his life. Yet somehow he still seeks the danger, to help his friends, and these days also for the thrill of combat.   Geir has learned of the gods, which he knew little of when he first arrived and even became a follower of Aeridin for a while. However certain events made him lose his faith in an unending circle of life, and so he turned from worship. Still he respects the gods and especially Mist as her blessings through Rolf has brought him back to life countless times.  Adventures there have been plenty of. Undead is those who he hunts most feverishly, but still he seeks adventure and stories wherever they may arise. He has often helped his friends when they have asked for aid in things and he is not one to turn people down. Even as his power grew he was not one who said no when a new arrival in Hlint asked for a bit of help or advice.  With his brother and friends Geir started to work on various crafts, in time this grew to a small business which they named Raven Trade Company. Now they are an official guild, with a fairly good business and a good number of people involved.  Along with another bard Geir started to do the Storytellers Nights where bards could come and tell their tales to people. This event has happened four times and many a good tale has been told at them.  Geir know many people and especially he has good friends in the dwarves he knows. He has learned their language, as Fenrir honoured him by teaching him. In some ways Geir sees himself closer to the dwarves than to so many others.  So much more happened that it is far too long to explain, but it is all written in his journal.  Geir’s Character Development Thread can be found here , this describes the above and more in detail.  I have chosen to do this very short summary of the development thread as the thread covers everything about Geir, except one secret which I will not disclose in the forums. There is no way of doing the story of his first 20 levels short so I will refer to the development thread for a complete story of his life up till now.   [big]Notable Things About Geir[/big]
    Geir and Owen Lo’kiar started the Storytellers Night events
    Geir is one of the founders of Raven Trade Company
    Helped Kobal destroy a bloodpool on Dregar
    Was amongst those who recovered and gave to the Sielwood Witch a ring that was wanted both by drow and a dragon
    Is considered a friend of the Ulgrid dwarves due to his involvement in bringing a cure to them.
    [/list]  [big] Quest Participation [/big] A list of quests, both scheduled and some impromptu that Geir has been involved in.

      Into the Unknown: A merchant in Velensk hired a group to retrieve his goods in the desert, but turned out to be in league with vampires.
      Leeches: Leeches seemed to overrun Hlint and was found to originate from the High Moors, Geir helped clean the moors.
      A Short Quest: Geir was part of the group who escorted mage Dalton to Casterly Castle; subsequently he left the group as he deemed he was not needed.
      Short Quest: Geir was part of a group who escorted workers into the Sword Rusts and settle a dispute with local druids.
      The merchant of Krandor: Again the trip was to the Sword Rusts to settle a dispute between druids and the workers up there.  
      When the Music Stops (4 parts): Geir was part of the group who uncovered a drow party on Rilara who were after something hidden by the elves that the drow pursued.
      A Trip to North Point: Part of a group that helped an old man from Lorindar to North Point to visit the temple of Aeridin. On this trip Geir acquired his dislike for pixies.
      Geir’s CDQ (3 parts): Geir met with the Dorian of the Eneffable Chord and indeed was accepted to come to the academy in Rodez, but instead he chose to travel to the Storm Horn Mountains where he found his inner power, the power he needed to be a skald. He also learned of the Ulinrann Hrill, local tribesmen and met his Vhillig Ossug in the form of a snow owl.
      Dribble: Watched a play by a small troupe in Fort Hope after helping them restore their scene which had been vandalized.
      Rayenoir CDQ (2 parts): Told Rayenoir of shadows and shadowdancers and later joined her in Broken Halls to find the Shadowmaster.
      Lost but not Forgotten: A man was found in Krandor who had lost his beloved, she had been taken and killed by monsters, yet in death they were united. This event deeply moved Geir as he had never seen such love.
      Fishing II: A hunt for Big L turned quite deadly and in the end an abandoned temple of the Elven Pond Dweller was discovered. It turned out that the shark was an elven woman.
      Ichitan CDQ: Geir investigated rumours of bears and the Witch of the Black Isles on Krashin, but was indeed not impressed with the people he encountered.
      The Orcish Horde (9 parts): Geir was one of those who got transformed into orcs to stop Corash the chosen of Grand from launching an assault on Lar. For months he stayed hidden in his orcish form and finally the few who had changed did save the day deep below the Grey Peaks.
      Rolf CDQ: Geir helped Rolf discover the truth about his parents.
      Geir & Skarp CDQ: Geir and Skarp went with their friends to avenge the murder of their family. However it turned out that it was the Witch of the Black Isles who was behind it. They followed her to her dimension in the planes but alas she escaped with Skarps son.
      The Cure: A small girl died from the Velensk Rash, Geir did however not care as much as he thought it was a doom brought by the people of Velensk themselves as they did indeed not listen to the man who held a cure and he thus left them.
      Abi CDQGeir went with Abi to so she could become a shadowdancer. This involved a trip into the plane of shadows and finally freeing her heart
      The Hunt (6 parts) A simple package delivery did go bad and soon the party was involved with Drow, nobles and an obsessed hunter.
      Dawn: Undead was in the Hampshire lighthouse and rumours of a vampire were spreading.
      Something’s Going to Happen: Bloods ships were on their way to Mistone, so ships set out from Velensk to stop them.
      Port Hampshire Lighthouse (6 parts) The lighthouse at Port Hampshire grew dimmer and to make it work again four crystal shards were needed. Geir was part of the group who set out to the corners of the world battling to get a crystal shard of each element. Finally they set the crystals in their place under the lighthouse and made it shine once more.
      Waking Undead – Setting Sail (2 parts) Along with many others Geir travelled to a hidden pyramid, a prison made of the Druids of the Higher Path to slay the Witch of the Black Isles who was held there. As they entred the prison they fought Mechidil the demilich and some undead lord before meeting the witch whom Skarp, Lia and Geir decided to set free so they could kill her once and for all on the prime material plane.
      Kobal ECDQ – Bloodpool (2 parts): Geir was one of those who went down below Mount Norad to destroy a Bloodpool. In the process he twice rose as an undead, and it had a great impact on how he saw life.
      Gloin ECDQ - War Plans: Geir was amongst those who helped Gloin and the Ulgrids to clear a passage through the drow infested tunnels.
      A Cure is Needed (2 parts): Geir was part of the group that went down a wild magic area and fought off Eon’s Golems to retrieve a Star Gem to cure Gloin. A cure was subsequently made by the healer of the Clan Stonebrow and they took it to the Ulgrids, fighting many of Eon’s golems on the way.
      A Halfling in the Rift (impromptu): A weird Halfling appeared in the Rift and things seemed to get out of hand in what should have been a simple trip.
      The Call of Muninn – Shadow Over Blackmouth (3 parts) The Town of Blackmouth was once washed away by the sea, by some freakish incident Geir and the group he was travelling with got taken to the days of that event and witnessed what had transpired.
      The Haven Investigation: The presence of mindflayers in the Haven mines were investigated, but seems more is afoot, however this remains unclear. Geir was part of the group who went down the mines to investigate.
      Town of Stones: A town was turned to stone, Geir was part of the group that discovered this and set and end to the evil of a Drow and his Stone Crawler.
      The Call of Muninn – Farewell Quest:
      The Pandemonial Horses – The End?: Geir was part of the team that went to Pandemonium to deal with Koralawyn.
      [/list]   [big]The ECDQ[/big] I would like to see it involve Krashin (Barbarian Isles, a title Geir hates) and perhaps the relation between Leilon and Krashin. One of his main issues is how people who do not come from Krashin see the krashinites as barbarians and he has tried ever so often to correct people. For him to improve relations between Mistone and Krashin would be a goal.  Another option he wishes to pursue is to slay the Witch of the Black Isles once and for all, by doing so he would hope to unite the Krashinites and have old feuds laid to rest, as they all turn to a common goal or ideal. This is somewhat vague perhaps but the idea is that by killing the witch you prove you are powerful and thus get the respect of the Krashinites.  With his newfound faith in Mist Geir strives to attain perhaps the title of Voice, something Rolf always urged him to seek out and become as he would be the man for it according to Rolf.  Geir has a dream of seeing the Raven Trade grow to be something big, how to accomplish this he is still in the dark about though, but it is a long term goal.   [big]Geir in the Epics[/big] In the epic levels I see Geir continuing as a bard, as it is what he is in his heart. There is not much to say about this, he is the Geir he has always been, less of a cry-baby though but still just Geir.   [big]GM[/big] I have spoken with a few GM’s and I’ll apply with Orion as he probably is one of those who knows Geir the best, since our chars have travelled together so often.


Re: Geir Sigurdson
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2006, 06:56:30 am »
Approved and good luck. Grab a GM but keep in mind the waiting lines and the GM phased time off that is coming to an end soon.


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Re: Geir Sigurdson
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2006, 06:57:15 am »
Thank you very much L :)