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Author Topic: Vin Onyxshade  (Read 384 times)


Vin Onyxshade
« on: May 11, 2006, 02:47:03 pm »
Character: Vin Onyxshade
Level: 20

Original Submission:

Full Name: Vin Onyxshade
Age: 35
Classes: Rogue(13)/Shadowdancer(7)
Race: Gnome
Subrace: DeepGnome
Alignment: TN
Deity: Beryl

Vin was born and raised in the underdark in a small community of Svirfneblin situated under the Backbone Mountains on Talimar Island. The spot was chosen due to an abundance of fire opals and diamonds that could be found near. Unfortunately a few years before Vin was born, the Drow set up an outpost near the Svirfneblin. They used this outpost as a staging area for raids on the land above. Finding the gnomes rather easy targets, the clan was repeatedly raided. They took gems, jewlery, and even some of the gnomes to sell as slaves. As such Vin, and many others learned to hide extremely well. The dark skin of Vin and the others of his clan blends right into the shadows and many of the more adept learn to actually slip fully into the shadows and wrap them around themselves as if they were tangible blankets. Though Vin never attained this skill during his time with the clan, he did show great promise for the talent.

At 23, his father was killed in a Drow raid led by a Drow who called himself Dhaunrak of the House Barri'und. He led a small team of 5 but it was a successful raid and several of the clan were killed. Numerous gems were stolen and several women taken including his mother. It was during this raid that the Drow decided to expand their outpost and engulf the Svirfneblin clan area. Soon after the raid, the Drow returned with an occupation size force led by Dhaunrak. They stripped the gnomes of the rest of their possessions and forced them to mine the nearby gems for them. The gnomes were proud of their gem work and even under the boot of the Drow continued to produce exquisite gems.

Living amongst the Drow for several years Vin eventually learned the Drow language as many of the Drow spoke a mix of Drow and undercommon in order to get the gnomes to understand their orders. Vin had a quick wit and eventually became quite fluent in the language. He learned a great deal about both Dhaunrak and the House Barri'und. Dhaunrak was actually a minor player in the House, but held some authority in this Drow outpost.

He eventually learned his mother had been sold as a slave in an Illithid market. He decided to escape and go in search of her, but first, being young and brash, he thought to kill Dhaunrak. Vin slipped into Dhaunrak's private chambers. He waited patiently in the shadows and when the Drow retired for the evening, Vin struck. Unfortunately, though he gave the Drow a critical wound to his leg, Dhaunrak slashed Vin's face with an acid laced dager, burning a deep gouge in his left cheek. This marks makes him even uglier than most deep gnomes. Wailing in pain, Vin ran as fast as he could. Dhaurak, with his limp leg, could not follow quickly, but started to cry out to raise alarm. Before the near by Drow knew what was happening Vin had fled the outpost and into the shadows of the underdark.

He went in search of where his mother was traded. He survived in the underdark by slipping in and out of the shadows staying out of the way of most anyone he came accross. After following many trails and leads, he eventually found his mother, slave to an Illithid merchant, reduced to a mindless thrall. She did not even know him when he revealed himself to her and in fact began to raise the alarm that there was an intruder. Saddened, he quickly left, both crushed and filled with rage at what the Drow and specifically the House Barri'und had done to his family.

Vin has since become determined to become a master of stealth and one day hopes to have his revenge against the drow any way possible. He has dreams of slipping back into the underdark and hopping in and out of the shadows killing each and every member of the House Barri'und. Until then he has traveled both the underdark and above ground searching out those that can teach him to better manipulate the shadows. He greatly distrusts all Drow, though if he runs into any member of the House Barri'und, he will likely go out of his way to kill them.

Like many of his race and clan, he has enjoys collecting, carving, and working with gems of all kinds. He has been known to use his talents at hiding to fetch some gems that he wouldn't otherwise be entitled to. As a present on his 20th birthday, his parents gave him a finely polished black onyx as a representation of his family line.

Having only recently come to the surface he is still very sensitive to light and is rarely seen without a black cloth hood.


The character development thread:

The thread hasn’t been updated in some time, and for that I apologize. There have been numerous major events and happenings though and those with the most impact with be noted:


The quiet gnome tugged his hood down lower and looked across the sandy expanse. He noted that the sun was bright but low and the dunes cast long shadows. The gnome slipped playfully from shadow to shadow across the hot desert, idling every so often in the cool shade.

He had heard rumors of an underground passage that had been found in the desert town of Saudiria. When he arrived he found a small group of people, some of which he knew quite well. They planned to enter the foul Drow temple and unfortunately for the gnome the entrance to below was inside. Sticking to the flickering shadows along the walls he made his way through the inner chambers and into a side bedroom. He skittered down the ladder and found a vast underground network of sewers and rivers.

The group provided great protection and cover. Working with them he made his way to an area of long forgotten ruins. The lost ancients were smart and left a plethora of traps and riddles blocking the way. The bright gnome shined under pressure and solving many of the twists led the way down in his own fashion. Never the true leader, he merely scouted ahead removing traps and obstacles.

Either the ancients themselves or newcomers that replaced them actually inhabited the deepest depths. It was here that stones were found that could manipulate the earth itself as if the most malleable of clay. The gnome was fascinated by this and held onto one of them until it was forcibly taken.


The quiet gnome found himself with a group of adventurers outside Fort Velensk. The town was closed to outsiders and a political coup of sorts was unfolding within. The gnome did not care much for politics but was tasked by the Mistone Alliance Scouts to investigate one of the powerful houses at play. This was tasked to the entire group but the large clump of mostly confused humans had no better ideas than to argue and banter with the guards.

The gnome soon grew tired of waiting for this jumbled group and set off on his own. He waited for a clear moment and out of sight of the guards, he used a rope to scale the wall, dropping deftly into a cluster of welcoming shadows below making no more noise than a soft leaf falling from a tree.

He slipped carefully through the town, enveloped by the shadows and made his way to the house in question. Finding an open window he slipped in and quietly crept through the halls until he spied the master bedroom guarded by two humans. Thinking quickly he pulled a tattered scroll from his bag and mouthed the words on the page while wiggling his fingers. It seemed to be close enough to what was needed as a small flying book appeared next to him. He sent it down the hallway and the guards took chase. Using this opportunity he slipped in to the room.


The quiet gnome found the source of the undead that were plaguing the land. Deep in a cave a ritual had been carried out. Elaborate patterns were scribed and an orb cast a red beacon of energy around a small boy. Feeding off this boy, the energy fueled the ritual and the dead rose in swarms. Analyzing the situation quickly, the gnome decided the best course of action would be to cut off the source. The gnome crept up behind the boy and with a solid but fluid motion, sliced the boy’s neck with his kukri. No longer having a source to tap, the red energy flared back into the orb and went dark. The gnome crept away through the shadows. The others he traveled with finished off the remaining undead and found the boy as well as the disrupted ritual. They were saddened at the loss of the boy and confused as to what had happened, but as the gnome suspected all were glad the dead stopped rising and the ritual over.


The quiet gnome learned of a group headed down into the deep Underdark. Excited for the opportunity to revisit the evil depths while protected by this group, he added himself to the party ranks. The group delved deeper than the gnome had ever gone before. Numerous Drow were seen and the gnome took great joy in laying waste to any near him. His knives found temporary homes in many a dark skinned elf.

Eventually the group traveled so deep the Drow were no longer seen. Not wanting to stray from the group so deep in the Under, the gnome stayed close and continued into the depths with a wistful thought of the Drow that were left behind unharmed.

The group found an ancient city, seemingly deserted, and explored the streets and buildings. It was oddly quiet, yet the shadows seemed to dance and whispers were heard by those that listened. The gnome began to think he could even understand some of these whispers and they drew him deeper into the city towards a tall tower. Inside he found ancient creatures who seemed one with the shadows that drew heavily in the area. They whispered in an eerie fashion that was quiet, yet seemed to fill the air and buzz in his ears. He knew these sounds and these were the sounds of the shadows themselves. He often used similar whispers to talk with his shadow companions.

These ancient creatures gave him a gift of a new cloak, which he treasures, and asked for assistance, which the group promised. The gnome acted as translator though often he took the liberty of speaking for both himself and the group, failing to include them. During the time there the rest of the group found themselves immersed in shadows. Time was also distorted and many gained the knowledge the shadows held in days that normally would take years.

The gnome feels a tighter bond with this group than many others he travels with for this group can understand his shadowed whispers. Since this time the gnome has fallen into using these whispers more and more, often forsaking common or gnomish all together except when needed.


The gnome goes from group to group, often seeing many of the same faces. Adventure leads to more adventure and the mysteries of the world are slowly unraveled. Feeling more and more comfortable in the shadows, the gnome rarely fully exits them. He slips and dances from shadow to shadow and avoids places completely filled with light. Always one to whisper, fewer and fewer of his whispers are in common these days. Often his shadow whispers go unheard or not understood. When reminded he reverts to common, but most don’t even mention it as they are used the gnome being silent.


The Elven priest of the Mother has opened an inn with his colleagues. Business is weak and the gnome is asked to help with matters of gaming. In many ways a pragmatic gambler, the gnome sets up two games in the inn and manages these games of chance for the Elf. The gnome gets a piece of the take and his material greed is satiated somewhat. The gnome longs for more though and dreams of his own establishment. A multitude of games and ways for entertained patrons to lose their money.



Re: Vin Onyxshade
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2006, 08:00:03 am »
Approved. Grab a GM to have the quest in run but keep in mind the line for ecdq's. Good luck.


Re: Vin Onyxshade
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2008, 12:12:20 pm »
Foiled by a Beetle.  Can re-apply in two months

