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Author Topic: What does it take to be a World Leader?  (Read 4357 times)


What does it take to be a World Leader?
« on: April 13, 2005, 06:36:00 am »
What is a World Leader?

World Leaders are players that support and protect the community as well as enhance and define RP in the world. They are some of the ones that the teams rely on in order to keep this a great place to game for families and friends as well as the community as a whole. These players will have shown that they are first-rate role-players as well as the fact that they support the community and world. Your actions in game and out of game reflect on Layonara and as such you will be held to a high standard. If these standards are violated then the World Leader status of the character and the player will be revoked. A World Leader is not just an in-game title, indeed the title in game will most assuredly be something else, and it is a title that references the player as a whole but gives benefits to the character that earned that title.

World Leader is a character that has earned a title in game by successfully completing a World Leader Development Quest (WLDQ). A WLDQ is a quest that is run by an approved member of the GM Team in order for a character to be able to earn a position of honor, authority and/or a title, within the game. All characters must be approved for this quest and they must pass a WLDQ in order to become a World Leader in game. World Leader characters must have made a difference in the world - combat does not count.

World Leader Information:
  • World Leader players may have more than one character that is a World Leader; there is no max except for the maximum allowed characters in the world. That means that all of your characters could be World Leaders at some point though this would take a long time - but it would be allowed.
  • A player can request to have a WLDQ run in order to become a World Leader at any time after reaching level 20.
  • The WLDQ will last a max of 25 hours.
  • Only one successful WLDQ will be run over the duration of a characters life time. After the WLDQ is run and is successfully completed all further specific quests for the given character will fall under the CDQ line of quests even for World Leaders and the same rules will apply.
  • Players will invite those that they wish to be involved in the WLDQ but there must be at least three players in a WLDQ; this is not the responsibility of the GM team.
  • If the WLDQ is not passed or not approved the player may request again, see below for the rules of the request.
  • If a player cancels two times in a row or three combined times during a WLDQ the quest is off and the player must get approved for a WLDQ again, starting the entire cycle over again.
  • World Leader characters will be able to hand out limited XP via items to characters for Role-Playing. As time goes on World Leaders may have other responsibilities and/or limited abilities to interact and reward the community within the game world.
  • A player that goes through the steps to get a quest put in to the world based upon their World Leader PC will be able to tell the story and in turn give players XP for learning that story via the PC Quest System that is in place. This happens after the WLDQ is completed successfully. This is the responsibility of the player and not the GM Team. This must be a well written and thought out submission or it will not be accepted.
  • World Leader positions are RP and in-game positions only, the players do not speak directly for, nor are they a member of, the Layonara Teams. They are World Leaders within the game world in a role-play sense of the word.
  • A unique item catered to each character's WLDQ will be created. This item could take quite some to create as it takes manpower hours and server updates so they could take up to six months.
  • Once a character becomes a World Leader the player may submit a modified and detailed biography on that character and it will be placed within the game world as well as within the history and lore of the game world. It should be between 1,800 - 2,500 words or about 10,000 - 12,500 characters in length. That is about three or four pages of text. It is the responsibility of the player to do this and if it is not done then the character will not go down in the history or lore. This is not the responsibility of the GM Team or the editors of information; it is the responsibility of the players. This must be a well written and thought out submission or it will not be accepted.
  • There is an XP barrier at level 20 that will require all non World Leaders to work through via quests and killing creatures. All World Leaders will be given enough XP to jump them over that barrier at the completion of their WLDQ - whatever level that may be completed at. That is a major benefit, along with the item reward for completing the WLDQ as well as the ability to support and aid the community once becoming a World Leader. The XP barrier can still be worked through by any player (or character) not desiring to become a World Leader. This means that everybody can level up to the max level allowed in Layonara, regardless of being a World Leader or not.
  • It is very important to understand that for everybody not going down the World Leader path and they continue to level past level XP barrier that you must continue to role-play, which is one of the staples of the community. It is perfectly fine for anybody to continue to level to the max level allowed and not become a World Leader, just keep in mind that one must be role-playing and respect the rules of the world as well as the community.

What it takes to be eligible to become a World Leader and be approved for a (WLDQ):
  • World Leader characters are a privilege and are not a requirement for any character. Players are not required to have a WLDQ ran for any character it is just another level of RP within the world.
  • The player must have been a member of Layonara for at least 12 months. At one time we allowed for this time to be adjusted but due to the difficulty in handling perceptions this is no longer the case. One must be a member of the community for at least 12 months.
  • The character must have existed for at least 12 months. At one time we allowed for this time to be adjusted but due to the difficultly in handling perceptions this is no longer the case. One must be an active character for 12 months.
  • The player must be a positive factor in the community as a whole - both in the public and in the game. The player does not have to be active on the forums or public communication locations but he or she must be a neutral or positive factor to the community. Examples of not being a positive factor are: Exploiting, Camping, Breaking of rules time and again, not role-playing or at least attempting to role-play, doing nothing but power-gaming, causing the GM Team extra work by having to discuss issues/concerns about that persons play or communication style, trolling, causing or being involved in flame wars - there are certainly more examples but these are a few. Be a positive aspect in the community if you wish to become a World Leader.
  • The character must have worldly accomplishments. A few things that would count are: forming organizations that last and make a difference to players or other organizations, running kingdoms or being at a high level of royalty that is significant, being actively involved on quests and making a difference on quests in ways other than combat, actively assisting or fund raising in a significant way for the under privileged nations, towns, cities, or NPC's, or receiving a significant in-game title or rank. We are not basing World Leader status on combat and action, everybody does this when they are a hero - that is not what we are after when it comes to being approved for a WLDQ and in order to become a World Leader.

Approval Process and Steps to Take for Approval of a WLDQ:
It is the responsibility of the player, not the GM Team, to have a well written WLDQ application that clearly spells out the accomplishments of a character through the characters life time up to that point. Players know their character better than the GM Team and as such that responsibility rests fully on the players shoulder.
  • You must update you approved bio and you must also point us to any and all character development threads as well as that updated bio in the WLDQ request.
  • Detail out any quests and accomplishments in the WLDQ request. List your level of involvement and/or how you helped with the end result. Be specific, the more specific you are the better your chances of approval. This is an important step that should not be glossed over.
  • The player must request the type of WLDQ they want run for the character, you know your character better than the GM's after all. But valid requests will always be difficult and will not be the average deliver xyz to a town or NPC. All WLDQ's have a significant chance of failure.
  • Within a week the request will be reviewed by the GM Team and will be approved or denied. If it takes longer, you will be informed within this week that it will take longer. GM's sometimes get really busy in RL and things do come up but we will try to respond within a week, in one way or another.
  • Once the request is approved you need to apply in a WLDQ GM's CDQ thread. Not all GM's may be available so that request must be accepted by a GM. You may not make this request until after your character has been approved for a WLDQ.
  • Once the GM that has accepted the request determines the quest to be run he or she will have clearly defined pass or failures options. All WLDQ's will be approved by Leanthar, Harlas Ravelkione and EdTheKet before they are even run - including the pass or fail options of the quest. This ensures that each WLDQ is sufficiently difficult and that each GM is is backed up by Leanthar, Harlas and Ed for passing or failing of a character.
  • The GM that runs a WLDQ may choose not to use your recommended quest and will at the very least change parts (perhaps major parts) of it so that you do not know what will happen on the quest. It will likely be the most challenging quest you've ever been on.
  • If a player is not able to make a detailed request then chances are the character is not ready for World Leader status and the request should wait until the character is ready.

It is important to understand that if you are denied for a World Leader or your fail a WLDQ you may apply again under the following restrictions:
  • At least two real-life (RL) months has passed since the WLDQ was failed or the request for World Leader was denied.
  • The character must have continued to be involved in quests, organizations, kingdoms, or something that makes them an intricate part of the world. Combat, kills, and action does not count towards World Leader, worldly accomplishments count.
  • The player has continued to play the character before requesting a WLDQ again. The character must have been active in the game world for at least 30 hours since the WLDQ denial or failure. This is not just standing around or going AFK (away from keyboard); this is being in-game and actively role-playing as well as being involved (and not just in combat) in the world. If a character was denied for a WLDQ then becoming involved and having worldly accomplishments is critically important before applying again.
  • The player must have remained a positive factor within the community (in the game, on the forums, IRC - or any Layonara sponsored site). The player does not have to be active in the forums or the various Layonara communication areas but they must be a positive element in-game and where ever it is that they are communicating.
  • There is no limit in World Leader requests or WLDQ attempts but it is important to understand that not all characters (I did not say player) are fit to become World Leaders. This is not a slight on the player. A character must have world accomplishments that do not revolve solely around combat and/or action. Killing epic sorts of creatures or powerful creatures does not allow one to attempt to become a World Leader - only worldly accomplishments and involvement qualify.

Keeping your World Leader Status:
  • World Leaders are players that support and protect the community as well as enhance and define RP in the world. They are some of the ones that the teams rely on in order to keep this a great place to game for families and friends as well as the community as a whole. These players will have shown that they are first-rate role-players as well as the fact that they support the community and world. Your actions in game and out of game reflect on Layonara and as such you will be held to a high standard. If these standards are violated then the World Leader status of the character and the player will be revoked.
  • World Leaders must continue to be active in the world at all times. Once a character becomes a World Leader that means the player must continue to play in Layonara at least somewhat frequently or that status will be removed at the discretion of the GM Team. The World Leader character must be played at least five hours a month and not just played during GM ran quests. They should be a part of the community and not just on GM events.
  • The World Leader player must be in the game or within the community environment (IRC, Forums, game) at least ten hours a month.
  • If the World Leader player leaves the community for a period of more than 45 days their status of World Leader will be removed. The exception to this may be if the player lets the GM Team know he or she is leaving and for how long - but it would depend on the reason or motive for leaving.
  • If the World Leader player or character loses their status as World Leader no XP is removed and all levels are kept. Items that are used as World Leaders or as rewards for World Leader characters will be removed by the GM Team.
  • If a World Leader player has more than one World Leader character and that player loses his or her status as a World Leader then all characters also lose that status and everything that comes with losing that status.

Regaining World Leader Status After Inactivity:
  • If your World Leader status is revoked because you have been away from the world for an extended period of time, you can regain your World Leader status when you return by being an active role model in the community and acting like a World Leader.
  • To regain World Leader status, a player must formally submit a request to the GM Team to regain their status. This does not happen automatically, and it is the player's responsibility to take this initiative.
  • To be eligible to regain their status, the WL player must have been back in the community, active, and acting like a World Leader type role model for 3 months. "Active" in this case is defined as 30 hours or more of involvement in the world with the World Leader character over those 3 months, be that in roleplay, exploring, questing, or other forms of active play.
  • This method of regaining World Leader status does not apply if the status was lost through abuse of powers, breach of the trust placed in World Leader players, or any other reason than extended inactivity and/or absence.


RE: What does it take to be approved to go Epic?
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2005, 09:06:00 am »
Another reminder on this folks. When a character is leveled really quickly chances are high that the character will not be approved forWorld Leaderstatus and on top of that you will still need to wait for that 12 month period (or at least 8 months for a given character if the player has been here for that long already). Fast leveling and powerleveling are not acceptable means of reaching epic status.


RE: What does it take to be approved to go Epic?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2005, 04:18:00 am »
An update on this thread:
Part of (a major part of mind you) being a World Leader and making it through the WLCDQ is for the player to create a detailed report to the GM running the quest. This report will include an updated bio with detailed objects for the character during the WLCDQ. Remember, you know your character far better than any GM, so help us out and make sure the information is detailed when sending it to the GM. An objective in an WLCDQ would not be something like ‘Deliver X to town Y and somewhere in between we are ambushed’ or anything like that. This is an important task for the players and can not fall on the shoulders of the GM running the quest. If this sort of thing can not be completed in a timely manner (within a few days of requesting the WLCDQ) then chances are the player is not really ready for World Leader status.


Re: What does it take to be a World Leader?
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2006, 05:28:29 am »
Today starts the counter on when I will begin to enforce the 45 day rule for WL's. I did not start right off because I wanted to give it a little time to settle in and people to start getting used to things. But starting today that 45 day timer/ticker starts counting from this day foward.


Re: What does it take to be a World Leader?
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2006, 01:01:51 pm »
Bumping this as a friendly reminder. All WL's are expected to be active in game and on the forums otherwise the WL status will be removed.


Re: What does it take to be a World Leader?
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2007, 10:02:13 pm »
What does it mean to be a World Leader (WL)?
 In my mind WL's put the community first in most cases. WL's understand that it is the community that makes the world tick. WL's do not travel in the same "group/cliques" day after day after day and never alter this travel and/or adventure. WL's branch out and work with others in the community, not just their friends, to welcome them and to help them out when and where they can. WL's set the standard for role-playing and do not get carried away in hack and slash and/or doing the same routine over and over. WL's support the teams, the world, and the community, they don't tear it apart; that does not mean they can't disagree with decisions or that they shouldn't give CONSTRUCTIVE feedback because they should.
 That does not mean that:
 1) WL ALWAYS put community before fun and/or action and/or RP. But quite often this would happen as that is what a WL does.
2) WL never travel with the same group or friends. Far from it, they have friends just like all of us and should be able to travel with them just like everybody else. But when they do they allow others to travel with them when/where it makes sense and they do not allow those that are not a "friend" of the group get kicked around or disrespected by said group. They try to help the person along to make sure that individual has fun.
 It does mean:
 WL's are held to a higher standard by the GM Team and most assuredly me. They do not break community or server rules nor do they "stretch" the rules to the point of nearly breaking them. We expect them to be great RP'ers and to be constantly RP'ing and setting the standard and TEACHING others how to RP better; not meta-gaming or any of that silly stuff. They take in to account (and RP) deity relations (as they are listed), they take in to account factions, lore, history, and all of those things that would cause situations to be altered.  We expect them to take others under their reach to teach them the world and introduce them to new things, without breaking server rules of course. We expect them to support the team and the world and the community, not tear it apart and/or spread rumors and gossip behind the scene.
 WL's work to ensure others in the community stay around and have fun while helping them improve in RP'ing and making new friends within the community. They are friendly and they communicate well with others and they help out where and when they can and it does not intefere with something they are doing at that time or coming very shortly.
 With all of that said, we are going to start enforcing this definition and I hope all current WL's agree with them. If not I respect that and understand but we need to go ahead and part ways at this time (as WL status).

