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Author Topic: Wolv Toklin  (Read 287 times)


Wolv Toklin
« on: September 09, 2005, 04:39:00 pm »
Character Name: Wolv Toklin
Current Level: 19
EXP to Level to NEXT level: 560,000

Wolv was born and raised in Fort Llast. He lived in a home with his grandfather (Wolv Korniker Half-Orc Paladin) His mother Mary Toklin (sort of quarter-orc paladin of Toran) and his father John Toklin (human cleric of Toran). When he was young his grandfather would tell him stories from when he was a adventurer. At the age of 10 wolv entered the temple as an initiate and began his training as a paladin. He was very nieve to his lineage and did not understand the hatred and distaste that some held for those that looked half-orcish. (even though wolv had very little half-orc blood in his veins genetics had made him look almost identical to his grandfather excluding the green skin) All he had ever known to that point was Toran and Faith. When wolv was 16 his grandfather died from old age and the complications that come from it. This was very hard on wolv the younger and he desperately searched his soul to make heads or tails of how he should deal with it. Slightly embittered but still faithful wolv continued his studies. At the age of 17 wolv was nearing completion of his path to paladinhood. He left the temple one day to gather firewood and just outside the gates of fort llast wolv encountered some mercenaries who had nothing better to do and an evil temperment. They beat him because of his appearance and tried to take his money (which he had none) Overwhelmed and outmaned wolv cried out to Toran for help. Pleading with his god for divine intervention, yet no intervention came. Lieing in a pool of his own blood and near death he cursed the name of Toran and left his faith lieing there. Wolv stumbled to melnon where he found an inn and with the help of the barkeep got into a room where he was tended to for a few days while he recovered. Wolv never returned to the temple and strayed far from fort llast as long as he could. That is where he entered the online world of layonara. He spent his first 11 or 12 levels cursing toran yet on odd occasions you could still find him in the temple of Toran. During his time as just a regular fighter he rarely entered another temple but he was enticed several times by demons and powerful undead asking him to join them for great reward. One faiteful day wolv was asked to join the High Council of Layonara which he did reluctantly. Wolv felt strongly that the invitation was because of things his grandfather did not on his own merit (and still feels somewhat like this today) In wolvs eyes he will never stand up to his grandfathers example and still feels quite guilty for denieing Toran... to the point that he fears speaking with his mother because he knows how hard it was on her when he left the faith. One afternoon when the council decided it was time to reveal themselves in hopes that the people would join them in defence of layonara and it instead turned into a slanderous attack on the council from those that disagreed with thier hiding of the council wolv devoutly defended the council and what they were trying to accomplish. That day wolv expressed to Quintayne his fear of attempting to return to Toran and ask for forgiveness. Quintayne encouraged wolv and with his help and several of the other members of the council wolv went to the temple and asked for forgiveness. Toran came to him in a booming voice and chastised him and told him to never stray again and that through his faith and loyalty he would once again walk the path of paladinhood. Wolv has quickly and ferverently sought the trust and loyalty of those who lived in the area as he worked to become a paladin again. Being sent on several quests by Toran himself to show his faith in Toran and build himself towards paladinship Wolv found an old friend of his grandfathers, Arlor a Androsphinx. While helping Arlor Wolv was guided by a visage of his grandfather and Toran himself to the resting place of Toran's Prime (the very first paladin of Toran) At the tomb with writing on it that only wolv could read he awoke Prime and spoke with him. The first paladin gave him council then left to return to Torans side, leaving wolv with his sword, shield and a magical horses bridle. Wolv returned these items to the temple of Toran. Wolv recently has found Hope Sandell who is his soulmate. She was raised to respect Half-Orcs and was even trained to use an orcish weapon. She loves him for who he is on the inside not who he appears to be on the outside. They are now married and just recently Hope gave birth to thier first son Will.

What should happen in his epic quests: uh.. im not totally sure on this and would probably need to discuss it a bit with the DM. But he will be becoming a champion of Toran so that would be part of the quests.

Edited by Max Sterling 10/17/2004 5:18 PM


RE: Wolv Toklin
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2005, 04:40:00 pm »
Is this character still played at all?

If you are still around and still want this run please reply to this thread. If not replied to in 21 days this request will be deleted.


RE: Wolv Toklin
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2005, 09:13:00 am »
Clearly this player is not around. As such this ECDQ will not be run.