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Author Topic: The next day in North Hampton, Vanavar  (Read 2476 times)


The next day in North Hampton, Vanavar
« on: November 20, 2014, 11:36:33 pm »
The day after their visit with Biela and Ilselferi Dsearilaêny', Daniel, Tyra, Katelyn, Grog and Stygian pay another visit to the home.  The door is answered by Biela, who is very clearly in a somber, reserved mood.  She invites you all inside and bids you all to make yourselves comfortable, apologizing for her home's limited comforts and offering tea and breakfast. She disappears into the kitchen before any answers can be made or questions asked, emerging several minutes later with a large tray heavily laden with a teapot and simple but apparently freshly-made pastries.She sets the load on the table and dutifully pours a cup for everyone. Taking a slow breath to steady herself, she thanks you all for bringing news of Era, however dire it may have been, and she informs you that the visit, however brief, brought some small joy to Grandfather on his final night. She says he woke sometime after everyone left and asked after you, expressing a wish to speak again of the past.  "He passed in peace in the night," she says. "exhaling the last breath of his life, never to draw in another."  Though she speaks with sadness in her voice and in her expression, there is also a comfort and closure in speaking such words. "He is with Aeridin now. What remains will be put to ground tomorrow."
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Stygian accepts his cup of
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2014, 11:03:00 pm »

Stygian accepts his cup of tea, smiles kindly, and takes a sip of the hot beverage. After a few moments he sets it back onto the saucer resting on the table and says, “Biele. I am very sorry for your loss. Would you allow me to spend a few minutes with what remains of Ilselferi Dsearilaêny' to offer my respects and prayers?”



Daniel's eyebrows raise at
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2014, 09:48:27 am »

Daniel's eyebrows raise at the tone of Stygian's request, but he nods, "I too, wish to pay my final respects to your grandfather and will accompany Sty if you allow my lady.  While I am no priest of Aeridin, I am all too familiar with their burial rites.  Given what your grandfather spoke of and his rather startling manifestation, I may be forced to call upon you again, my dear.  As his grandfather spoke to him before the cataclysm, five families seem to be key this great gathering and you do have his blood."


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


 Stygian smiles at Daniel.
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2014, 11:36:10 am »


Stygian smiles at Daniel. "Do not let me inconvenience you sir Knight. The Lady could probably use your comforting words... and I will not be long. Ilselferi Dsearilaêny' reminded me of my own grandfather, and it tugged at the heart strings if you know what I mean. I should be away 5 to 10 minutes at the most...”



"Le!", Biela says rather
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2014, 12:01:00 pm »

"Le!", Biela says rather forcefully and suddenly before composing herself and taking slow breath. She speaks more calmly after a moment.  "No.... no one will see, touch or attend Grandfather until after our priest calls. You may pay your respects when he is put to ground."



Stygian smiles again. "Very
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2014, 12:15:33 pm »

Stygian smiles again. "Very well Lady. I for one am happy to abide by those wishes. I'll pay my respects at the grave site..."


*Inwardly he grimaces and thinks to himself... "I was hoping to do this without any digging..."*



Tyra sits quietly, sipping
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2014, 02:15:40 pm »

Tyra sits quietly, sipping some tea.  She has returned to wearing her shadowy black leathers and cloak, though he hood is respectfully down.  Two blades, one of a golden metal and one of a red, hang off her hips in simple wooden scabbards, wrapped in black clothe.  She eyed Stygian warily, especially after his request to see the body.  Biele's assertion that the body be left alone until an Aeridinite priest put her at ease, for a moment, until she hears Stygian's easy acquiescence.  She'll have to keep an eye on him.  It's not the first time she's experience his scheming.



Daniel seems more at ease
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2014, 04:53:40 pm »

Daniel seems more at ease after the outburst rather than put out, "Of course, My lady.  As you say.  There was one other item I wished to give you , I know it diminishes none of your grief,"  Daniel hands over his money pouch containing 500 true coins. "but I wish you to have it.  You have been most gracious and helpful." 

If she refuses to take the pouch, Daniel will leave it somewhere in the house.

Before leaving Daniel goes over what grandfather said in elvish with the other speakers of that tongue.  "Now let us be clear, He did say 'Five families saving the world from the beasts' did he not?"

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Tyra keeps her eye on Daniel,
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2014, 05:47:39 pm »

Tyra keeps her eye on Daniel, and more specifically the pouch, when he offers it to Biele.



Biela makes no effort to
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2014, 10:50:00 pm »

Biela makes no effort to accept nor reject Daniel's offered pouch of coins but instead alters the course of the conversation. "I am grateful for your thoughts toward Grandfather," she says with poise and grace. "and for bringing news of my brother, however dire it may have been. I believe now, I wish to be left in peace and solitude to await the priest."

She walks toward the door and opens the latch. "Please do not think me rude, but I am not presently of the mind or disposition to entertain strangers."


Dorax Windsmith

*Grog grunts slightly
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2014, 06:00:04 am »

*Grog grunts slightly surprised to hear that Biele's grandfather has passed so quickly but instead of clumsily offering words he simply sighs and heads out the door when she opens it to show them out*



*nods*  "Of course, Biele, we
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2014, 07:58:49 am »

*nods*  "Of course, Biele, we will respect your wishes.  You have our deepest sympathies.  If there is anything we can do...perhaps someone you'd like to send a message to...we'd be glad to help."



When Tyra hears the jingle of
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2014, 09:10:57 am »

When Tyra hears the jingle of the coins from within the pouch, she loses interest in it immediately, having mistaken it for the pouch containing the vail holding what was left of Era.  She returns the tea cup and thanks Biele for her hospitality, and waits for her companions to leave.

More specifically, Stygian.



As Stygian exits the dwelling
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2014, 10:56:28 am »

As Stygian exits the dwelling he mutters something about “business to attend to…” and with a few arcane words teleports away.

He reappears out of sight in vegetation not too far from the elven dwelling, incants another spell creating a “greater sanctuary”, and awaits the priest of Aeridin and movement of the old man’s body to its burial site. He hopes for a prompt arrival and burial, as time is now of the essence.



As Stygian vanishes from
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2014, 11:24:53 am »

As Stygian vanishes from sight, she grins to herself.  "You already showed your hand, Stygian," she mutters to herself.  "You should not have been so eager to see the old man."  She then pulls a lantern out of her satchel, and gives it a gentle pat.

She looks to Daniel and says, "I say we attend the burial, and stand vigil."  She then lights the lantern.  "Just in case."



Daniel considers carefully,
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2014, 01:37:36 pm »

Daniel considers carefully, "Perhaps at a distance, Tyra.  Biele has made herself clear.  Although, it may be best if we did observe..discretely."  He looks meaninfully at the lantern for a moment.  " I will not be near, but I shall be near enough."



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Stygian departs and vanishes
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2014, 10:39:00 pm »

Stygian departs and vanishes from sight.  The others also leave Biela's home and begin walking to some other destination within North Hampton. Despite their precaution with the lantern, Stygian's presence is not revealed within range of its activation. As they are leaving, a trio of figures dressed in robes and bearing insignia of Aeridin walk somberly up the path. The one in the center has his hands tucked into the sleeves of his robes and held to his midsection while the other two bear packages of some sort under one arm and a long, plain staff in the other.  The one at the center of the trio knocks on the door and all three are admitted when Biela answers. The two with the cart remain outside.

A little over an hour later, the door opens, two of the trio emerge carrying a litter bearing what appears to be a body covered in a fine white cloth. Behind them, the third Aeridinite and Biela emerge. The former looks just as he did upon entering, and the latter has her head hooded and shrouded by a veil. The pair walk together behind the litter, Biela's face lowered.

The group makes their way through town to the Aeridinite temple, and many passers-by offer their sympathies and condolences. A few, apparently known to Biela or her decesed Grandfather, join in the procession, but all others give them a wide, respectful berth, and the procession continues unhindered to the temple.

Biela pauses outside of the temple and turns, offering a simple and silent bow of appreciation to those who followed before disappearing into the temple herself.  The gathered crowd disperses.


// Just a quick note on Lusaxen Lanterns...  As the item was unknown to us, we checked with one of the GMs responsible for these and they are not always-on detectors of magic or invisible creatures. They have a power that can be activated which purges Invisibilty within a rather large (20 meter) radius upon activation.  That's it. It is not a tool for secret or at-a-distance observation of someone who may be concealed magically or over an extended period of time. It cannot check for general magical presence or influence.  I wanted to get this out there so that they're used appropriately.

// Having said this, it's perfectly OK for your characters to believe they work in whatever way they wish, but the actual results we will offer are going to be in accordance with their stated, defined abilities.




Something more than an hour
« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2014, 11:11:37 pm »

Something more than an hour later, but less than two hours later, Biela emerges from the Aeridinite temple and begins the trek back to her house. She walks alone, her hooded and veiled head turned down, making eye contact with no one. As she grows nearer to her home, a few close friends and neighbors fall in silently beside and behind her. At the path to her home, she pauses. Along the path are a series of freshly-planted flowers, each with a cultural or religious symbolism associated with life, death or purity. A neighbor standing at the foot of the path hands her a pitcher of water.

Biela takes the pitcher and crouches before each plant, offering each a quiet prayer as she moistens their fresh soil. She continues this simple ritual up to the last, offering it the last of her water. At her door, she turns and faces she small collection of familiar faces.

"My Friends," she says, offering a sad smile. "Share with me the mourning of those who have passed, so that tomorrow we may share in their lives." She opens her door, leaving it open for the others. One at a time they file in, and behind the last the door closes again. Hours pass into the early evening before the door opens again. Biela and her guests exit the home. Spirits are still somber but seem raised by some small amount. As a group, they process back to the temple grounds to a pyre set up in a courtyard. Atop the pyre lay a figure draped in white linens. Standing nearby are the three clergy from earlier plus a few more clearly associated with the temple. As dusk falls, torches are lit surrounding the pyre, bathing it in a ring of firelight.

At the last light of day, Biela takes a torch and holds it aloft. She speaks to the gathered in elvish, lifting her voice for all around to hear. "Following Grandfather's wishes," she proclaims. "I commit this shell to flame." With no more ceremony than this, she touches the torch to the kindling and the linens in several places. Within a short time the flames are raging, consuming both the pyre and the remains of Ilselferi Dsearilaêny' alike.

The flames burn on and eventually fade, growing smaller and smaller until only embers remain. A priest speaks quietly with Biela for a time before they part ways. A few of the temple staff remain behind to keep vigil on the fire and the rest, including Biela, depart. She returns home in the company of several friends, but they leave her at the path. She offers her thanks to them and proceeds the rest of the way to her house alone. Lanterns turn up inside her house, their soft glow trickling out through several windows and beneath the front door. A while later, all but one lantern dims and is extinguished, leaving the house otherwise dark. The lone lantern burns through until morning.



The next day, around mid-morning, a sizeable crowd of people gathers outside of town, converging not on the cemetery but on the grounds of an orchard. Biela, robed in white, hooded but not veiled, is attended by an Aeridinite priest. She greets all who approach her, keeping a gracious and poised demeanor. Her smiles come easy to those she knows and those she doesn't, though they are larger for the former than the latter.

Eventually, the priest, being a natural orator, gets everyone's attention. The crowd goes quiet, but rather than speak himself, he defers to Biela. She steps forward and lifts her voice, clear and confident, speaking in elvish at first and repeating in Common to the benefit of those who do not speak the fairer tongue.

My Grandfather, known to many of you as Ilseferi...or simply Ilse to his closest friends, had great love for these grounds and the people who helped tend them,” she says. “He cared greatly for those around him and for this city...his home for centuries. He was not one to stand on ceremony, and so neither will I.” Biela steps aside and gestures to a large wooden box with a hinged lid.

It was his final wish to give his remains back in death to the land which had given him so much in life, that he might in some small way replenish and make fertile these grounds for what new life may wish to grow. Help me to fulfill wish. Help me cast him to the wind and spread across the ground.”

When she finishes her short speech in both languages, she opens the box, scoops up a handful of her Grandfather's ashes and carries them a dozen or so paces hence from where she stood. In an almost childlike way, she spins in the sunlight and lets the ashes in her grasp flow through her fingers. A loose sort of line forms as people queue up to take part the memorial, each casting their portion of ashes in their own unique way throughout the grounds.



After the memorial, a new event begins to bearing more resemblance to a celebration than a funeral. Food and drink is brought or prepared on-site by many hands. The bounty of the orchard is collected and shared among all. There is laughter and the sound of children playing. Light voices fill the air as people share their memories and celebrate the life of Ilselferi Dsearilaêny'.


// Just to let everyone know, this does not reflect the "typical" or "normal" Aeridinite funeral rites, but rather it is a depiction of the funeral rites for this family that is in keeping with their Aeridinite and personal beliefs.



*Kyle was restless. Since he
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2014, 02:25:21 pm »

*Kyle was restless. Since he went to book the boat to illness broke out amongst the crew...and caught him in it. The captain and healer on the boat would not let him disembark and confined him to quarters and gave Ferrit (if she went) her own. Now in his cabin...he is chomping at the bit about any news about what happened with the grandaughter.*



// Hey all...this wrap-up
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2014, 11:44:20 pm »

// Hey all...this wrap-up thread is basically done. Please do RP the end results of this as you will. As always, I encourage you to share what happened here with those who weren't here, but that's up to you. 

// If we can clarify anything, our inboxes are open.


