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Author Topic: Gnome At Last  (Read 6262 times)


*Zig briefly smiles at
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2015, 06:44:57 pm »

*Zig briefly smiles at Foresta but his smiles seems to be strained*

Milara gonna de what de bassard does.  We can try and play chess all ye loike but he gonna be one step ahead.

*He winses and clasps his ears as somewhere in the back a large piece of metal strikes another and the sound of gears can be heard doing something*

Oi agree we need te git goin' as we seem te be between a failsafe and a conduit.  De seven foind der new foive whoever de be.  De journey now grow dangerous and de riddles be done with Oi hope.  Now we persevere and take dis failsafe ting te ehts mother.

*He offers the gnomes some ale and looks around trying to find the exit*



p { margin-bottom: 0.1in;
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2015, 09:16:07 pm »

The elder Gnome looks somewhat chastened to Daniella and spreads his hands in apology.

“We can escort you to our guest's resting and recovery place,” he says, “You will please excuse our excitement at the events that have transpired... Of course you have been through quite a lot just to have arrived here. Our apologies. Anyone who would like to do so, please follow our sister to the shared quarters. We prepared them while you worked.”

He turns to Acacea and smiles again.

“Indeed,” he says with continued apology, though lets his arms drop, “We are somewhat, how is it said? 'Out of the loop'? It seems that we have much to offer each other and very little time. Very little of your questions had been previously wondered by myself. There are others who have studied the hypothetical device and may be able to present more discussion in this area at a later time. However, I believe that one of our Truths would offer some caution to your speculative concerns. 'A well crafted device rarely serves one purpose.'” He frowns a bit with his words, “I believe, if the Conduit is somehow in the hands of Milara, the world is in grave danger...”

“The Failsafe will guide you to the Conduit, wherever it may be,” he says, “We can do little to prepare you for Milara's forces that would undoubtedly be guarding the device. It seems you are at least somewhat prepared already. Perhaps there is more you can do on the way to wherever it guides?”



What could we do on the way?
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2015, 09:33:45 pm »

What could we do on the way?  Do you have something that could be useful against an ancient powerful dark elf wizard?  Like a really sharp knife?"



Acacea points at the gnome
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2015, 10:12:01 pm »

Acacea points at the gnome and gives a thumbs up at the Goranite quote. Syho dryhgc, quylaan lae! Exactly how I am meaning! Someone said there would be difficulty before you knew of Milsy, though. Were you expecting something else, or you just assume since goo, that there'd be toll trolls?

She glances towards the shared quarters the gnomish woman guides to. So do you know how the Sparks were meant to be used if they'd been given the chance, how this could ensure peas, or did you all just listen to the same Talkies we did and don't really know things not built into the walls? She smiles teasingly. Nice work on those, by the by! I'm just saying, if no one actually knows why they are important, only that they are, how can you say that they must not falter? Tell me why we need new ones - what are they for besides coins in a well? Weapon? shield? torches?

Despite the directness of the questions, they almost seem half-hearted, as though she does not expect much more and is already distracted by something else.

((For the elven speakers, quylaan lae, "Just so."))



“I meant only that the
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2015, 10:34:50 pm »

“I meant only that the Conduit has been hidden from the world since before the Great Cataclysm,” he says with a slight shake of his head, “It could be sometime before you reach it's hidden chamber.”

“As to the purpose of the Spark,” he continues with a slight pause, “I believe Goran, in His wisdom, helped create a tool for our races to.... be regarded equally to the great beasts of the realm.” He pauses and he arches a brow, looking intently at Acacea to see if she follows.



The Dragons?  Regarded
« Reply #25 on: May 29, 2015, 11:50:39 pm »

The Dragons?  Regarded equally in what way?  Are they Gifted also?  Do they have some stake in this going as planned?  Or would it benefit them if it went wrong?

So many questions, so few answers, and so little time to piece it all together...



*Swipes some hair out of her
« Reply #26 on: May 30, 2015, 01:21:35 am »

*Swipes some hair out of her face*


I just ain't got the patience, it's a curse I tell ya. Gets me all worked up and everything.


*Yawns and smiles politely*


You said somethin' about bed and snacks? I be satisfied with that. Thank ya ever so much.


*Her rash of questions forgotten, her interest in the rest of the conversation gone, she is onto something new*





She mutters to herself in a
« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2015, 09:36:51 am »

She mutters to herself in a fluid language with an exaggerated, dramatic tone, though cause and content are unclear. Glancing to where the sister led to quarters again, she grins and lifts her hands. I want snacks, too. And maybe some golem introductions. Have you ever met Jalgo? Never mind. Hopefully we will talk again, about stuff like, "How in Strife would we get a new batch of families through the resistance expected to the Conduit?" ha! She laughs again at herself, as if the humor of the image strikes anew.

With a gesture and a murmured, half-sung phrase, she attempts to conjure the minorest of protections around the gnome, should he allow it. Magic keep!

She clinks-and-jingles off towards the shared quarters, waving Charm to come see what sort of gnomish fare is available.



She calls after Acacea.  "I
« Reply #28 on: May 30, 2015, 10:38:49 am »

She calls after Acacea.  "I have a feeling that those there at the Conduit at the time may end up the new progenitors of these new families."



She throws a weird look over
« Reply #29 on: May 30, 2015, 12:59:00 pm »

She throws a weird look over her shoulder. One time, I had a broken few years when I forgot Common, am I doing that again? That would explain SO! MUCH! She giggles at herself and runs to investigate snacks.



Foresta places an
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2015, 01:10:21 pm »

Foresta places an acknowledging hand on Zig's shoulder as he warns of action with his words "Milara gonna de what de bassard does.  We can try and play chess all ye loike but he gonna be one step ahead.""You may be right Zig and if you are you may call me Indi." She retires to the back of the group as the gnome and the halfling get round to talking about rest and food. She vanishes to be repalced by a white wyrmling which flaps noisily clucking away as she climbs to examine the back wall. To all intents and purposes she appears to be looking at what passes for nature in this huge and ancient underground chamber awaiting impending rest.



The gnome watches those
« Reply #31 on: May 31, 2015, 12:46:03 am »

The gnome watches those departing with a touch of disappointment. He looks then to see who stays (if any at all).


The sister guides the rest, out of the chamber past many a watchful golem (probably more of them than visible acolytes for any who are counting) down a hallway, into another and then across a bridge. The bridge is quiet long and ends in a sturdy gate. This gate opens up into a very wide chamber, so wide that even those keen of eye cannot see the other walls. The wall that is closest to them is actually open most of the way, more like a fence than a wall. Bars drop down from the barely visible ceiling every four inches or so.

Within the area there are gnomish tinkered lights spaced out through the area, piles of pillows and blankets, some cots, bed rolls and several low tables furnish the room. Far from the opening some can also see some free standing room dividers.

“Foryourrest,” the gnome offers a bit awkwardly but with a smile. “This door. to. remainopenunless you. wish. toclose. We, bring.your.fastbreaking. Wewill” She nods to them a little, looking around to see if they understand her words or to see if there is anything else they might ask her.



Yeah! All the
« Reply #32 on: May 31, 2015, 01:06:28 am »

Yeah! All the questions!*Quenton follows Charm and Acacea*



*Falls in step with Acacea as
« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2015, 01:38:38 am »

*Falls in step with Acacea as she leaves. When Acacea stops to address Tyra, Charm pauses, watches each person, and then giggles with Acacea at her response. Then turns and continues on merrily to the resting quarters.* 



*He acknowleges Foresta's
« Reply #34 on: May 31, 2015, 03:11:24 am »

*He acknowleges Foresta's touch tilting his head down to his shoulder and then watching intently as the white wyrmling ascends*

Dat day may come sooner dan ye tink (referencing her "Indi" comment)

*He walks with the others to were the gnome leads them staying in the back of the group.  When they get to the big room he finds one of the beds near the wall and sits on it.  After many hours of drinking ale and scanning the room and the others he finally takes his rest as he know he'll need for what lies ahead.*



In the quarters, Acacea does
« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2015, 09:35:28 am »

In the quarters, Acacea does not rest after any potential food opportunities, but paces around, sometimes standing in a single spot and spinning and spinning and spinning until she gets dizzy enough to stagger. She never turns down food where it is offered, but thanks the gnomish woman absently in the wrong language and goes back to walking patterns on the floor or talking to herself in a chattery mishmash of words cherrypicked from different tongues.

At times she will stop suddenly, the cessation of movement more attention drawing than the movement itself, only to stand there looking around and singing tight, focused pitches that at times slide droningly down or curiously upwards, even spinning them into small cantrips. At others she will disappear after trying to taste someone else's snack (it might be better), only to be heard bouncing her thoughts incomprehensibly quickly off of a golem around the corner and asking him what he thinks.

She makes for a restless companion in shared quarters until she leaves them for good to chat up gnomes until the others are ready to leave.



Katelyn has been listening,
« Reply #36 on: May 31, 2015, 12:09:39 pm »

Katelyn has been listening, waiting patiently near the back of the crowd.  As it thins, she approaches and asks, "Do you know anything about what the Conduit might look like, how we can get past any protections on it, and how we can activate it?  How do we determine who the new families will be?  I'm thinking we'll need one of each of the five races, right?  Few of us in this group have children.  Whoever the heads of the new chosen families will be, how can we be sure they are good breeders?  Is continuation of the families even necessary, or is this a task to be done and over?"



The gnome nods to Katelyn's
« Reply #37 on: June 01, 2015, 11:05:09 am »

The gnome nods to Katelyn's questions, his expression kind. “These are good questions,” he says with a small nod. “Some of the others asked same ones but have gone to rest. Please. Take some rest. Those who wish to listen will hear our answers after. We will gather over a meal for refreshment and shared knowledge.”

Whether Katelyn (and anyone else staying behind) wish to rest or not, the Keepers depart from the chamber.

Several hours later, a pair of gnomes seek to gather the party, saying that anyone who wishes may leave the temple and will be escorted up.* The rest are invited to come and hear Ehkaheic. Dressed in fine robes with gears and tools embroidered throughout, he greets those who return, politely.

The room has a large oblong table that is laid out with various gnomish fare and a few basic foods (cheese, local fruit, bread). Each person is invited to sit among the gnomes, each also dressed in Goran themed finery. An effort was apparently made to find away to accommodate the much taller people at a second nearby table though it's somewhat inadequate for anyone over the average height of an elf.

“My name is Ehkaheic, eldest Keeper of the temple, and my apologies for not having introduced myself yesterday,” the older gnome from the previous evening begins as the group is still considering whether or not they will sit and/or eat, “I have much to offer and you, no doubt, have considered another hundred questions during your rest,” Without really waiting for an acknowledgment, he continues.

“First let me begin with what seemed to concern many of you last night,” he says, “Regarding the collection of new families, it is not a something that should be done for this moment. With the Conduit's still unknown location, it is not important to select who shall go. What is important is finding the Conduit so we may consider that question with the knowledge that it will be safe to ask of people to devote their life and that of their children's children's children to the Seven and the betterment of our world. We cannot know how many Gifted yet remain. By design, there should now be too many to count. Only the elves with their long lives and long memories can be counted well, and that Family has been in decline for some time. Current matters have made this much worse...for everyone but especially the elves.

“The Conduit itself, we have only ancient texts and a few pieces of art to reflect upon what it actually looks like. There is a room near by we have set up, away from the food and other dangerous items, in which you can look at what little we have for yourself. We will take you there once you have eaten your fill.

“The history tells us that the device was created centuries ago to create a shield of sorts. It was created to ward against another war as was seen when Bloodstone first rose to power, to shield the people from the ravages of dragons. To our knowledge this is the first time that shield has ever been brought up to defend the peoples of the world from the beasts since that time. With all that has happened in recent times, we fear the shield has been weakened beyond the point where it can be sustained.

“We know only the Gods can activate the device to give the Spark when they are happy with who has been presented. We do not know if the device could be used for other things, though as I answered last night, rare is the device that can only be used for one thing. If the device has somehow been discovered and put to use by the one known as Milara, it is probable he will have found a use that is not what the Seven intended, and he should no doubt be stopped if anyone is able. It should not have to be said, we and Goran object to the perversion of such a device and would risk much to help see the device away from Milara's control. We have little to offer but our knowledge but it is yours if it will help you gain control of the chamber.

“This is as much as we know of the questions you asked,” says Ehkaheic, finally seeming to wind down and going a little hoarse from the likely far more than usual words shared at such a volume. “These are the most important pieces of knowledge we can offer. Much of the rest is unimportant by comparison to time, how little remains. We will take those of you who are interested to see the other room. Please remember no food or fluid, no touching and even as little breathing as you can manage. They are delicate treasures that will soon be too fragile to survive.”

//*Please indicate in the thread if you were escorted to the surface with the first wave. Remember that if you have been escorted up in the first wave you will NOT have the information presented here, including this post, until a player who stays shared with you.



Plen has never left the
« Reply #38 on: June 01, 2015, 11:12:59 am »

Plen has never left the original chamber for rest nor food. He'd nibble on some rations onl when necessary. He continued to think quietly interspersed with prayer and devotion to Katia. When some were gathered to hear from Ehkaheic he joined in listening.



Tyra remains to see the room
« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2015, 11:29:33 am »

Tyra remains to see the room of artifacts.  She wraps a small silk scarf about her mouth, and puts her silk gloves on.