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Author Topic: Voyage from Huangjin  (Read 1484 times)


Voyage from Huangjin
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:42:42 pm »
A few days after the semi-secret meeting at the Citadel, a series of ships depart from the port city, each spread out over different days and carrying a fraction of those who attended the meeting accompanied by a number of relatively unknown faces. The latter consist of guards from the Citadel as well as others that accompanied the Lucindite contingent...all of which are dressed in plain clothing without indication of their affiliations. Of note, Rork O'Mallory departs on the first ship while his assistant Maala, the Rofireinite Daniel Benjamin Poetr and Katia's Bird Lord Plenarius Ashaley depart on the second. The remainder spread themselves out over the three vessels. Notably absent is Commander Daniella Stormhaven, who was not seen boarding any of the three vessels. Each of the three ships depart in different directions.With the possible exception of the presence of Plenarius and his rather obvious wings, most observing the departures would not think much of them.Some time later, a series of three ships arrives in Spellgard. Rork O'Mallory steps off the first and proceeds with purpose toward the Temple. Over the next few weeks, the other ships arrive, with the one carrying Daniel and Maala arrives last. In the case of this arrival, the passengers are escorted to the Temple, which seems appraised of their arrival and the reason behind their presence.

----Days pass, and there is extensive consultation between all involved parties. At the end, a counsel is held and the following analysis is provided:

  • The book is heavily warded, which comes to the surprise of no one
  • The book has several layers of magical warding applied, and seemingly from multiple sources. At least one of these sources is extremely old, though if its origins are true, this fact is not surprising
  • Some of the wards can be relatively easily removed over the course of a few weeks time
  • There seems to be a consensus about the danger suggested by the notebook in an intellectual sense, and, at least by the Lucindite philosophy, it does not particularly advance Magic nor suggest means to break or damage the Al'Noth, there seems to be no particular negative to the destruction of the artifact
  • Full removal of all protections and wards of the artifact might well be a lifetime (in human terms, at least) endeavor, but they believe it can be accomplished possibly at the expense of the knowledge contained within
  • There is absolutely no resistance in within the Lucindite hierarchy to the idea of placing the artifact into the Vault
Given this analysis, and with deference to those with an investment in the overall cause, the Lucindites open discussion on the fate of the notebook to those who have brought it to their presence, seeking their input and perspective before its fate is decided.
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Daniel speaks when asked, "It
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2015, 08:40:23 am »

Daniel speaks when asked, "It is desirous for both myself and Champion Stormhaven that this book be destroyed first and foremost.  Given the realities found, it must be secured at all times until its destruction can be assured.  Unless I have strong assurances that it will be kept safe and secret during the entirety of the removal of its wards, the book should be placed in the vault."


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


One on the council, an elvish
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2015, 12:02:00 am »

One on the council, an elvish woman of indeterminate age, cants her head slightly to the side at Daniel's words an threads her fingers together. "Sir Poetr," she says in an easy, if slightly bemused, voice. "Pray tell what 'assurances' would suffice? The notion of secrecy seems to no longer apply, given what has happened so far. It should not surprise anyone that agents of our enemies are inhabiting Spellgard at this moment, seeking some advantage to acquire the notebook from our possession. But what we can offer is this: We are uniquely prepared and equipped to handle artifacts such as these, whether that is to unmake them fully or enough to lock them away." She pauses briefly in her response, seemingly to draw in a slow breath.

"I understand your skepticism; you are being asked to take us at our word in an effort that may well span beyond your lifetime. None of us here can predict what layers this yet may hold. It was made over centuries of time, and it will not be unmade quickly. Yet if there is one thing we understand it is the dangers of Magic misused and how to address such misuses. If we were trusted enough to provide counsel on this artifact, I would hope trust in our abilities to see this effort through to its conclusion. All in this room are in agreement with what fate should befall the artifact, and we can assure you that every effort will be applied to this end.  In this context, enlighten us as to what further assurances you require."



(( I forgot to mention
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2015, 09:07:01 am »

(( I forgot to mention earlier, this thread will close on Sunday, April 19th, 2015. Please be timely in any and all responses. ))



"It's a book!" Foresta offers
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2015, 10:45:33 am »

"It's a book!" Foresta offers replying to Daniel's point. As if in some way this explained everything the Druid turned away with a belief the matter was likely settled and appeared to have little interest in the artifact. "I mean it is not like it is a Yew staff or something like that is it. " She added putting the book firmly in it's place in the library of life. "Put it in their bookshelf and be done with it - there are other things growing in the garden."



"It's far more than a book,
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2015, 12:28:31 pm »

"It's far more than a book, Foresta", Katelyn remonstrated.  "From what we've surmised about it, it's a tool of terrible power.  While I agree that the Lucindite mages are best equipped to disassemble it, I do wonder if they can adequately protect it during that process.  What might try to take it away?  Armies?  Dragons?  Demons?  Thieves?  I don't know how they can reassure us without giving away secrets that must be kept.  But, I must admit I am most uneasy."



Daniel spreads his hands, "I
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2015, 02:54:56 pm »

Daniel spreads his hands, "I was asked to deliver both the book and the message as a matter of duty and friendship and I have done so."  He meets the elvish woman's gaze. "I still find it extraordinary that Champion Daniella Stormhaven was willing to relinquish the book to the Lucindites at all, M'lady.  If it is the will of those knowledgeable in such matters that the book can be destroyed, your word will suffice as to its safety.  As my daughter, Katelyn, expressed;  I, too, am uneasy.  This is no trifling power, book or no."  he bows slightly in deference.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


The elven woman smiles and
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2015, 09:16:16 pm »

The elven woman smiles and nods approvingly. "Indeed, Sir Poetr," she says. "You should be uneasy, and your daughter shows wisdom beyond her years. Only a fool would feel otherwise. This is a task far from trivial. The destruction already wrought on this world through the use of the knowledge within cannot be understated, and we can offer no guarantees of success or of security against those who would conspire to possess it. However, I myself and the Church of Lucinda can pledge ourselves to the greatest effort possible to unmake this artifact and to keep it and its contents safe and secure until such time as it is rendered to ash. Will this give you some measure of comfort in our intentions?"



"Of your intentions, I am
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2015, 09:44:15 am »

"Of your intentions, I am assured.  I wager all that can be done will be.  Is there anything more we few can do to help?"

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


"In time, perhaps yes,"
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2015, 10:24:31 pm »

"In time, perhaps yes," answers the elven woman with a look of gratitude on her expression. "For the moment, we must take time to learn more about what we do not know before we begin plucking at threads to unravel this rather tangled and knotted mess."



*Griff would agree by all
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2015, 10:20:10 pm »

*Griff would agree by all means that the book is destroyed.  He reluctantly agrees to let the Lucindites possess it and study it, because he comes to the conclusion that to undue magic you need magic.  He sails to Spellgard and once arrives his main goal is to inspect their security procedures and strengths and weaknesses.  He would attempt to meet with those in-charge of security at Spellgard and counsel them on possible improvements if needed.  He would also offer to provide some Red Axe troops if needed to help bolster their castle patrol.*

//sorry I missed the last one, but didn't want to leave Griff out 



davidhoff wrote:*Griff would
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2015, 02:35:07 pm »

Quote from: "davidhoff"&cid="2757412"

*Griff would agree by all means that the book is destroyed.  He reluctantly agrees to let the Lucindites possess it and study it, because he comes to the conclusion that to undue magic you need magic.  He sails to Spellgard and once arrives his main goal is to inspect their security procedures and strengths and weaknesses.  He would attempt to meet with those in-charge of security at Spellgard and counsel them on possible improvements if needed.  He would also offer to provide some Red Axe troops if needed to help bolster their castle patrol.*

//sorry I missed the last one, but didn't want to leave Griff out 

// PM Sent



The council, finding general
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2015, 02:49:19 pm »

The council, finding general agreement on a course, disbands with a few words of thanks given to those who brought forth the book, indicating that if their further assistance is needed, someone will contact them.

// This thread is effectively closed. Thanks to all for your participation! Any further actions or commentary along this line of things should come to Rowana and I via PM, which will be handled according to importance and priority.