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Author Topic: Unholy Champion Classes  (Read 179 times)

Krell Himmler

Unholy Champion Classes
« on: January 23, 2008, 11:02:08 am »
Just wondering, how would one gain such a class, with a CE alignment restriction?


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2008, 11:07:00 am »
i would say that you can't gain this class, simply because of the alignment restriction, but im not the boss.

they may have another reason.

Krell Himmler

Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2008, 11:08:35 am »
Oh sorry I didn't mean myself personally, but I meant that the CE alignment isn't allowed, one becomes an NPC if one gains it. But the classes state CE only.


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2008, 12:19:55 pm »
You can't, but we have NPCs who have it.


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2008, 04:45:35 pm »
My wife built her entire pc around becoming a champion of prytechon only to find out that the class is unplayable. Why the class is even listed in Lore as a playable class for new people to work towards I don't know. I have brought this up in the past and was once told that with the coming of V3, the Champions of Corath and Prytechon were going to be changed.

I am not complaining, just giving you the history of those PRCs as I have dealt with them. There were plenty of other great things with V3 to over shadow a few missed ones here and there =).


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2008, 04:54:04 pm »
To be honest, if the Unholy Champion is supposed to be the Anti Paladin, I understand the CE alingment, but wouldnt LE make more sense for them?  They are in essence Evil Paladins, and Paladins are Lawful...  so...


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2008, 05:15:53 pm »
I don't know, all the paladins I met so far follow gods that hate Prunilla and her poor peasant farmers as much as they do Corathite Cultists and Pyrtechite Marauders... so if you're asking for Paladins to make sense, don't know what to tell you.  Would the antipaladins, being a contrapositive of the LG ideal therefore think fondly of the Prunillite Farmers they were sworn to set fire to?  Perhaps.  I find it very strange for a Paladin of any faith to scream "Defenseless Peasant Farmer!  I Refuse to heal thy wounds or share blessings with thee, oh those I'm sworn to protect! Thou art vile as any Corathite, ye farmers of produce goods and bakers of tastey pie!" but that's how Toran rolls, according to the like/dislike chart.


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2008, 05:18:19 pm »
That is pretty retarded...  But then again, someone should be able to notice in RP wise that it shouldnt matter what god they follow when talking to a commoner.  Heal and enemy gods Cleric/Paladin, fine, that I understand.  But a FREAKING layperson?  >.>


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2008, 05:19:14 pm »
Well, but they aren't the anti-paladin, (Yes, I know it's mechanically like blackguard) they are champions, and particularly of Pyrtechon and Corath. They are supposed to have an ideology aligned with their deity, in both cases CE. If Sulterio supported a champion order, perhaps lawful evil might work.


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2008, 05:21:33 pm »
Okay, but Shiff COULD have become a Champion of Beryl if I ever tried for that as my WLDQ, but he's NG and Shes CG...  I think the Champion thing kinda messes it all up

Or maybe L should just implement the Blackguard back as a LE Paladin and just get rid of the Unholy Champion


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2008, 05:22:37 pm »
A sulterio-ite champion would be very interesting indeed, especially with Prantz under Rael.  I imagine though he has his own order or Deep Dwarven Defenders and Adamantium Order Monks to fill that role.  As for Branderback or the Drow Dieties, Assassains would fit their mold well in that respect.

It'll be interesting to see how we can tackle champions and divinity in the new MMORPG format.  From what I've read so far, character classes will be far more flexible than our d20 system.


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2008, 06:03:38 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
I don't know, all the paladins I met so far follow gods that hate Prunilla and her poor peasant farmers as much as they do Corathite Cultists and Pyrtechite Marauders... so if you're asking for Paladins to make sense, don't know what to tell you.  Would the antipaladins, being a contrapositive of the LG ideal therefore think fondly of the Prunillite Farmers they were sworn to set fire to?  Perhaps.  I find it very strange for a Paladin of any faith to scream "Defenseless Peasant Farmer!  I Refuse to heal thy wounds or share blessings with thee, oh those I'm sworn to protect! Thou art vile as any Corathite, ye farmers of produce goods and bakers of tastey pie!" but that's how Toran rolls, according to the like/dislike chart.

While any given farmer may generally pray to Prunilla more than any other god, the vast majority aren't so devoted that they would have 'Prunilla' written in their deity blank.  Most of the people of Layonara, including farmers and adventurers, probably make small prayers to multiple gods, the favorite-god-of-the-moment dependent upon the situation at hand.  It's a rare person who is devoted enough to a god that he should be considered as devout and have the name of the god in his deity blank.  So while farmers may think more about Prunilla than Toran (probably a lot more), they aren't necessarily Prunillan.

Even for cases like the Brownies - "Brownies worship Prunilla" - there's no requirement.  A player submitting a Brownie should not read that and think, "Oh, I guess I must put 'Prunilla' in the deity blank."  Instead, she should think, "Oh, if my Brownie is devout, I probably ought to go with Prunilla. If I want something other than Prunilla, though, I'm going to need something extra detailed and important in my submission."

Also, Toran is only Unfriendly toward Prunilla, Rofirein is Neutral toward her, and Lucinda and Aeridin are Friendly toward her.  They are all Enemies of Corath and Pyrtechon, so it isn't as bad as you were suggesting.  The Toranites are pretty low, there, yeah, but not Corath-level.


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2008, 07:08:12 pm »
Methinks the dissonance between the faiths is personal rather than dogmatic.  It's not that Toran has anything against farmers, the hearth and family or any of the tenants of Prunilla's religion, it's just that he had a very bad encounter in a farmer's petting zoo as a child, and just thinking about farms makes him erupt into visions of goat swarms eating his hair as a toddler.  Unbeknown to him, Corath had a hand in it, having snuck straw into his curls when he wasn't looking.

And Shiff, I think you qualify for Champion of Beryl if you manage to polish an emerald, enchant it and set it into a gold ring regardless of class, and a Champion of Bjornigar if you sell it for less than 60k.


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2008, 07:15:12 pm »
LOL  Well I can prolly Polish and set the emerald, no promises on Enchanting.


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2008, 07:24:12 pm »
Ha! Can someone please update the legends, myths and artifacts thread with this new information!!??


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2008, 07:28:45 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
And Shiff, I think you qualify for Champion of Beryl if you manage to polish an emerald, enchant it and set it into a gold ring regardless of class, and a Champion of Bjornigar if you sell it for less than 60k.

If I do both, what Am I though?


Re: Unholy Champion Classes
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2008, 08:30:33 pm »
A bit off topic but since it came up again... Prunilla is CG. It has nothing to do with disliking the feeding of peasants, regardless of how good an argument it makes when shouting how ridiculous something is. She's also a halfling and inseparably wed to the god of traveling trade and luck. There's really not a whole lot to do with Toran there, nor in fact any room for him. The unfriendly attitude doesn't really seem all that odd. I'd put them at neutral at best, because the deities of the entire halfling race (all three of them) don't really fit all that well with Toran nor want anything to do with him. Can you imagine the patron of halflings being Toran's little right hand man for anything but to put choking powder in his swim trunks? Not me...

