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Author Topic: CDQ, a DM and U  (Read 505 times)


CDQ, a DM and U
« on: September 02, 2008, 03:50:49 pm »

I have heard a few rumors and would like some confirmation:

1- A player can request a DM to "change" an item he has.

IE: make the craftable Dragonslayer Longsword made into a Scimitar instead. The item has the same in game statistics but is a different type.

If this is allowed, should I have the item ready to be "changed" or wait and rp it out? Darkstorme mentioned that the above is possible but if you want multiple items "changed", you need to request a CDQ.

2- Can you request a CDQ to get a custom item made?

IE: get a Admantium shield made from a Dragon Turtle Shell or what not. Same satistics but it is now user friendly to us druids.

If necessary, I can toolset the item and provide the erf.


Lord of the Forest

Re: CDQ, a DM and U
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2008, 03:55:07 pm »
1) I never heard about anything like this in my entire time here on Layonara.


Re: CDQ, a DM and U
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2008, 04:03:09 pm »
This is no way any official answer, but from my own gut feeling:

1) No unless this is a truly extraordinary (WLDQ? Plot quest?) situation. Changing items from one type to another tends to be a fundemental change in power too (if we use "price" as a way to compare the value of items, a +3 wisdom ring can most likely be sold for about 150,000 trues while a +3 wisdom helmet would most likely reach 300,000+).

2) No unless the item primary only has RP value and is very "weak" and not "really" mechanically useful.

If druid items are wanted for number two... there are wooden shields present in game. :)


Re: CDQ, a DM and U
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2008, 04:06:15 pm »
I don't recall ever saying that an item can be "changed" from one type to another.  Certainly not just for convenience's sake.

When was this, and what were my exact words?  (I have a notoriously bad memory, but I don't ever recall saying that.)

I believe the conversation you might be referring to was one that took place in Tells while I was occupied with something - and if you got the impression that "changing" an item was something commonplace, or at all likely except in extraordinary cases, I apologize for the miscommunication.


Re: CDQ, a DM and U
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2008, 04:13:05 pm »

1- A player can request a DM to "change" an item he has.

IE: make the craftable Dragonslayer Longsword made into a Scimitar instead. The item has the same in game statistics but is a different type.

In order to do that, you'd have to make a scimitar in the toolset with those properties and we'd then exchange the sword one for the scimitar one.
While we could do the above, it will not happen, sorry.

2- Can you request a CDQ to get a custom item made?

See Weeblie's answer.


Re: CDQ, a DM and U
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2008, 04:20:55 pm »
To add a slightly finer point on a few things...

1) In your example, besides being equipable by Druids, a Scimitar has other mechanical advantages, so they're not just a "swap" but an upgrade.  As Ed said, this isn't going to happen.

2) As Weeblie mentioned, there are plenty of Druid-friendly shields in-game, put there a fair time ago with properties equivalent to the copper/iron/adamantium/mithril, only in hickory/oak/mahogany/yew.  They're even craftable!  

Also, the druid class is often about compromises. It can be a tricky but rewarding class to play, if one finds a way to work within the built-in restrictions.


Re: CDQ, a DM and U
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2008, 04:21:51 pm »
1) I'm not sure what Darkstorme was referring to, but I'm sure he'll come out and explain later. Still, a change from one weapon type to another (or, really, just creating a weapon with the qualities desired, such as those of a Dragonslayer Sword), is possible, but there would need to be an appropriate IC and OOC precedent. To use the Dragonslayer example, Dragonslayers are only made as longswords, and that's part of the world. You simply won't find a "Dragonslayer" weapon with the same qualities as the Dragonslayer Longsword.

2) A CDQ just to get an item usually isn't granted. If there's some other story element or something that really affects your character development and/or place in the world but still involves an item, the CDQ might be considered.


Re: CDQ, a DM and U
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2008, 05:56:19 pm »
What you may have heard or someone else got mixed up -- A DM can change the NAME of an item in game.  Ie a iron longsword can be named - Peter's Pigsticker or somthing like that.  The name gives no added attributes and is persistent in crates and chests but not on oxen.  
 I'll do this in my quests sometimes to mark and item in someone's inventory - ie a character uses a piece of parchment and charcoal to make a rubbing - I'll rename the parchement as "Rubbing of XYZ" for them.


Re: CDQ, a DM and U
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2008, 07:22:01 pm »
I just misunderstood Darkstorme.

Thanks for the clarification.

