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Author Topic: Can I schedule a pick-up/extraction?  (Read 132 times)


Can I schedule a pick-up/extraction?
« on: December 10, 2009, 12:04:37 am »
Farros followed a group deeper into the deep than he ever thought had been created.  Problem is, I had no clue how deep it actually runs.  So I over-estimated my play-time vs. my real-life time, and found out not even halfway throught hat at an hour from my bed-time, the trip would at least take 4 hours longer.  I have work in 8 hours from NOW, so I need to pass out now.  Meanwhile the party digs deeper.  Could I perhaps schedule a GM-assisted extraction from this area tomorrow afternoon?  I work from 8am to to 6pm, usually available 7pm EST.  Let me know if this is ok with you.  I never would have gone in there had I know it would take a 6-hour realtime trip there and back, late night on a weekday.  I can't miss work as I have bills and rent and car payments and insurance to pay.


Re: Can I schedule a pick-up/extraction?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2009, 12:37:17 am »

I can pick you up and out of there tomarrow. If you have IRC access that's fastest or I will do my best to watch the forums when you are avail.



Re: Can I schedule a pick-up/extraction?
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 08:24:07 am »
Thank you very much.  I'll try to get home by 7ish and check IRC for you then.


Re: Can I schedule a pick-up/extraction?
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2009, 06:04:35 pm »
Grateful skald picked up by Rowana and whisked to the nearest tavern with buxom dwarven lasses.  Thanks!

