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Author Topic: How do you see ALL your deaths?  (Read 268 times)


How do you see ALL your deaths?
« on: June 24, 2009, 01:59:44 am »
I remember hearing that on LORE one can see every single death they ever had.  I can only ever find the most recent.  How do I pull up the full list?


Re: How do you see ALL your deaths?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2009, 02:04:45 am »
Lower right hand corner - number that represents different page versions of the character.  Flipping thru them looks at past versions when the last death info may be different.  Its not an exact method as there was a period of time after the Oct 08 change to the new server host that LORE was not updating characters for a period of time.


Re: How do you see ALL your deaths?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2009, 02:13:02 am »
Sweet, thanks!  Flipping through the deaths, I see Farros has most recently been killed by 2 dark elves, a soulstripped ettin, G'ork and Beasty Headmasher! :D

Earl seems to have gotten 3/4 of his during that 6 month stretch where he had no recollection of the events. (LORE wasn't updating).  I'm going to RP those as either old age creeping up on him, or he was just so drunk he doesn't have a clue.

I'm trying to compile as many deaths as I can just so my characters can remember a few battle stories to tell, and figure out what creatures they have vendettas against.  Think Farros hates dark elves extra now, and has nightmares about orcish assassins and frothing barbarian halflings!


Re: How do you see ALL your deaths?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2009, 06:21:23 pm »
That is super cool to be able to do that. Just Curious though, when I look back at the past stuff I can see all of my character stats, carried items, feats etc. But on the most recent pages I cannot see all that. Any ideas why?

