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Author Topic: craftable healing potions  (Read 330 times)


craftable healing potions
« on: April 11, 2009, 04:31:01 am »
I think the healing potions (moderate, serious, critical, etc) that you make in alchemy are still of the pre-3.2 update style.  I'm not sure if this was intended or not.

It would be nice if they were stronger like the ones you buy, especially for the "self" potions you can use when polymorphed, because those can't be purchased.  Just wondering if they could be updated as well.




Re: craftable healing potions
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2009, 10:18:26 am »
The "targeted" Cure potions should reflect the new items.  The non-targeted ones are actually standard Bioware potions, which we can't improve without essentially duplicating them and doing a bunch of extra, redundant work.  One might ask why keep the old Bioware stuff them if the new ones are better.

The answer to that is simply that the standard items, which are self-use only, can be activated upon oneself much quicker and easier than the targeted potion in a tense, combat situation, as there's no targeting involved.


Re: craftable healing potions
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2009, 05:56:48 pm »
Alright....thank you for the explanation and that sounds perfectly reasonable to me