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Author Topic: Krashinite Tribes  (Read 471 times)


Krashinite Tribes
« on: August 11, 2011, 03:12:32 pm »
Several questions if you guys would indulge please:

First is about mechs: Does the level 5 and 10 abilities of Barbarian Rage and Greater Rage on the Bear Warrior class grant a bonus use if you are a Barbarian Class or are they worthless to all except a Battle Rager (ive not read the class but presume their rage is different to a barb)?

Second: With references to longboats, them being northeners who raid in tribes, have skalds, rely on the sea etc etc would you compare Krashinite tribes similar in nature to Norseman?
Accents, appearances, weapons, mentality (outside of tribal tradition) etc is what I wanna know.

Third: Why is the bear the only form you can turn into? I assume its not just the Bear Clan that possess this ability and all the others have as well? Or is there just no mechanic in place for the other tribes if they are capable of taking on their shall we say, 'totem form' or their tribe animal (I know totems arent mentioned in LORE, just using it here)?


Re: Krashinite Tribes
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2011, 08:05:12 pm »
The first two I'm not very sure of but I second the third question. Perhaps could make a few new classes like the Bear Warrior like say:

Talon hunters/Warriors(ether one): Rangers and/or barbarains dedicated to the ways of the bird. Shapchange to hawk (or some other bird)

Feral Warriors: dedicated to wild cats. Chapechange to panther?

Wolf Warriors: Ok perhaps a tad close to werewolves but would be great for Felion Barbarians. ;)

Though perhaps a slight down side to these (especially for barbarions) they may require a bit of stealth. Especially the Feral and wolf.

Anyways, just a minor suggestion... if at all possable?


Re: Krashinite Tribes
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2011, 08:30:19 pm »
Meh, stealth isnt a necessity, and dont forms take own their own skillsets?
But even so, if they were to make those, attack bonuses for the birds and the obvious RP benefits of being able to turn into a bird. The wolves could have improved movement speed, wolverines get the ferocity.. I dunno.
Perhaps this should be moved into Suggestions xD.


Re: Krashinite Tribes
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2011, 02:13:06 am »
I can answer the second and third to some degree for you.

Yes there are some similarities between the Norse/Viking pantheon and the krashin barbarians.

We could make bear warriors, wolf warriors all sorts of warriors. Dorg might be able to add more here but we can't have everything its just too onerous so we have one option. Given that barbarian is not a widely used sraight class there are just the couple prc's available.


Re: Krashinite Tribes
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2011, 03:29:19 am »
Also worth noting is the fact that Krashin is a fairly inhospitable place.

While mechanically there could be wolf/bird/cat shapeshifters, there wouldn't likely be wolves or great cats in Layonara's arctic, past the tree line, any more than there are in ours.

Given that totemic worship is laid out as being unique to the Krashin tribes, this would rather strictly limit the totemic creatures employed.


Re: Krashinite Tribes
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2011, 06:00:40 am »
Understandable, I was kinda expecting an answer like that Dezza and thankyou for clearing it up dark, though there are those winter wolves that the goblins ride on krashin.. or maybe they were wargs, but yeah.

Now just gotta wait on how that Bear Warrior PrC works

gilshem ironstone

Re: Krashinite Tribes
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2011, 09:41:05 am »
Are you asking if the various rages stack with one another?  The only thing I know of in the mechanics is that the duration is the sum of your barbarian, bear warrior and battle rager levels.  I know, I know... Big help ;)


Re: Krashinite Tribes
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2011, 10:23:34 am »
Okay here's what I mean: As a barbarian you get Barbarian Rage (obv I know) and the charges for its use increase as you go up levels and it eventually gets upgraded to Greater Rage.
Now if your taking Bear Warrior levels, at level 5 & 10 where LORE says you get the feat Barbarian rage and Greater Rage.. does that do anything if you already have it? Do you get an extra use as if you'd passed level boundary on Barbarian (to have another Rage use added)?

gilshem ironstone

Re: Krashinite Tribes
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2011, 10:52:36 am »
That I am not sure.  Maybe Silver Draco can weigh in on this if she sees it, as she is the only character I know of that progressed far enough in both classes to give an accurate answer.


Re: Krashinite Tribes
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2011, 11:08:33 am »
If a bear warrior could weigh in and tell me how many times per day they get the rage, I'll update LORE.


Re: Krashinite Tribes
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2011, 06:20:56 am »
Quote from: Dremora
Several questions if you guys would indulge please:

First is about mechs: Does the level 5 and 10 abilities of Barbarian Rage and Greater Rage on the Bear Warrior class grant a bonus use if you are a Barbarian Class or are they worthless to all except a Battle Rager (ive not read the class but presume their rage is different to a barb)?

Me and mechanics don't mix well, so I'll have to leave this to somebody else. I do not think we tweaked it from default NWN though, so whatever it does in "normal" NWN it'll do here.

Second: With references to longboats, them being northeners who raid in tribes, have skalds, rely on the sea etc etc would you compare Krashinite tribes similar in nature to Norseman?
Accents, appearances, weapons, mentality (outside of tribal tradition) etc is what I wanna know.
Yep, they can be compared to that.

Third: Why is the bear the only form you can turn into? I assume its not just the Bear Clan that possess this ability and all the others have as well? Or is there just no mechanic in place for the other tribes if they are capable of taking on their shall we say, 'totem form' or their tribe animal (I know totems arent mentioned in LORE, just using it here)?
It's because of the Bear Warrior PrC that was part of NWN. Since that PrC came out, we wrote that shape shifting ability into the text. Like Dezza says, we could make more PrCs with wolf or wolverine warriors and whatnot, but it wasn't (and isn't) really worth the effort.


Re: Krashinite Tribes
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2011, 06:51:12 am »
Cheers all you guys, thats answers my questions, well except for the first one but oh well. ;)

