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Author Topic: emoting  (Read 272 times)


« on: June 25, 2007, 08:29:27 am »
First let me say that I have received a very warm welcome on the server, IC and OOC.  Thanks all. :)

I emote using [] as parenthesis. One player pulled me up about this in a tell, saying that I should use **, because [] confuses other players.

I hate to bleat about my problems, but I suffer from arthritis, and using ** involves using both hands, while [] uses one, and is much easier for me.

Is there a rule about this? I'd hate to break any in my first week out!



Re: emoting
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2007, 08:36:56 am »
There is not hard rule about this, people just use what others are used to I guess.
 So feel free to use [], just bear in mind that others might not understand that you emoting, but that is easily fixed by sending a tell and also if one reads the contents between [] one woudl soon realise you emoting.
 Another thing to bear in mind is that ** emoting it linked to actions in the game which will not be happening if you use []
 For example *laughs* or *waves* will make your character actually laugh and wave. Another thing to take into account is that dice rolls can also be invoke by using ** and will not work with [] for example *spot check* will actually roll a spot check.
 If you dont want to miss out on these nifty features I would suggest maybe you remap your keyboard to place the * on another key that you dont regulary use.
 Hope that clarifies it some for you.
 oh and welcome to Layonara!


Re: emoting
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2007, 09:12:23 am »
An easier way is to type "/o c emote" (for example, /o c sit). They won't be able to see the actual emote, but you can still make rolls etc without having to type * and *. It's really handy, and personally I've always preferred it that way. Less unnecessary screen text, really.

/o c spot check
/o c sit
etc etc.


Re: emoting
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2007, 10:01:25 am »
The square brackets [] are also used by the language parsing system, so they could potentially cause some confusion of a technical nature.

I don't know if it would help, but the * on the number pad would only require one hand to use.  Just a suggestion. :)


Re: emoting
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2007, 10:24:46 am »
I've also seen the -= and =- signs being used without confusion, surprisingly.


Re: emoting
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2007, 10:47:04 am »
It all comes from MSN or AIM Rp Interia *Emote* -Emote- [Emote] =Emote=, or my personal favorite from the old AIM rp days ::Emote:: .

The last of which is what I used to use personally, I had to train myself to use *Emote* instead of ::Emote:: and //OOC instead of ((OOC)) for Layo :-P.

Personally I don't care what you use, I'll recognize what you're doing eventually, but if Dorg says it may cause some technical conflicts, then its probably best to stick to something that well, won't.


Re: emoting
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2007, 10:55:48 am »
Oddly enough, I never considered using the handy little auto-asterix in the numpad.  Once you got used to it, it would likely even speed up RP.


Re: emoting
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2007, 12:23:43 pm »
:) :)

What a lovely lot you are!

I nipped IG, found myself a quiet corner and had an OOC practice! *chuckles*

** on the num pad works fine, so I'll give it a go, especially as [] is used for  the language system. Forgive me if I lapse now and then?

BTW, [] does work for actions. I found that out unintentionally last night when Elllis let out a rousing cheer! *grins* ( <> works for that too )

Thanks for your help, Layonarans :)



Re: emoting
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2007, 05:59:54 pm »
[] does work for actions. I found that out unintentionally last night when Elllis let out a rousing cheer! *grins* ( <> works for that too )

Never knew that :)