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Author Topic: GP Question  (Read 135 times)


GP Question
« on: October 29, 2009, 01:37:20 am »
Okay here goes...

Under the GP policy if you can't prove something was from a bug, leg etc. it cannot be reimbursed correct?

Now... there is no way I can go back and figure out which deaths my character had that were from the invisibility bug. (and there were several) And of course since they were not reimbursable before I never bothered to apply for them. I have no way to remember which deaths they were from in the last two years. I have no logs, and I certainly kept no records of those deaths since at the time there were no GPs.

So basically I now have a shell of a character who is unplayable (again), though I'm positive some of his deaths were from bugs. Yes, I can go back in Lore and look at deaths, but that helps me in no way shape or form when it comes to asking for a GP from some death I can't remember a year ago.

I'm just looking for any other sort of answer as basically, I have another character who will NEVER get soul mother defense due to the 3 million XP from 20 to 21st level, and with how his personality is he will NEVER sit in the back with a bow trying to soak XP from a party. (and the like 5 million XP on limited play time to get to 21 even if I'm lucky will take me years even if I did that)

I feel disheartened that all the RP and all the time I spent was basically for nothing now with this character, he is basically a ghost now. Why would I bother keeping playing him when I as a person know that he is doomed? I understand that perma death has its merits, but just because I can't prove things like an invis bug from a year ago I get no GPs?

Sorry if that was a rant, but I just watched alot of hard work go down the drain in 3 hours.



Re: GP Question
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2009, 02:09:45 am »
Quote from: merlin34baseball

his personality is he will NEVER sit in the back with a bow trying to soak XP from a party.

Pfft you kinda make it sound that bowmen (woman) are soaking xp from a party.. aaaand as a bow lover.. i kinda resent that :\\

lol Jk :p


Re: GP Question
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2009, 02:22:50 am »
Ha! I didn't mean it that way, more like if he was in the back he would feel like he was doing nothing (which is absolutly not his style), and I'd get bored and feel like I'm just soaking XP and doing nothing. Not that he really would be doing nothing, its just how I'd feel after how he has been since creation, if that makes more sense.

Its just that the SS thing basically alters how you have to play your character, and if you play your character as they have always been played your just marching them to their graves, and why would I invest time just to kill my character?

It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth that just because I have no logs, no proof, that I'm simply out of luck because I didn't put in requests that I knew were going to be denied so I could dig them up again now, where some people seem to have logs from a long time ago that they're dredging up to get SSs back.


Re: GP Question
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2009, 03:07:01 am »
Totally understand you there.


Re: GP Question
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2009, 08:52:22 am »
Quote from: merlin34baseball
Okay here goes...

Under the GP policy if you can't prove something was from a bug, leg etc. it cannot be reimbursed correct?

Not correct.

Under the GP policy, the burden of proof is very slight.  Generally just some vague recollection about when-ish, where-ish and/or what-ish caused the strand loss.  There's no need to "prove" it was from the invis. bug.  We'll take your word for it. That's the inherent purpose the Graceful Plea.

Now granted, we, in some way, need to be able to match up a death in our logs with your request.  Going back through LORE records can be very helpful in that respect.

Hope that helps.


Re: GP Question
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2009, 10:19:44 am »
Quote from: merlin34baseball
Ha! I didn't mean it that way, more like if he was in the back he would feel like he was doing nothing (which is absolutly not his style), and I'd get bored and feel like I'm just soaking XP and doing nothing. Not that he really would be doing nothing, its just how I'd feel after how he has been since creation, if that makes more sense.
 Its just that the SS thing basically alters how you have to play your character, and if you play your character as they have always been played your just marching them to their graves, and why would I invest time just to kill my character?
 It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth that just because I have no logs, no proof, that I'm simply out of luck because I didn't put in requests that I knew were going to be denied so I could dig them up again now, where some people seem to have logs from a long time ago that they're dredging up to get SSs back.
 Not nescessarilly so.  It is possible, if not very probable, that your character could continue to frontline (assuming that's how you play your character) and be very lucky and not die often, and make successful saves versus the Soul Mother every time they do die.  Yes, there's great risk that the character could perm, but on the other hand what an epic achievement and story it becomes the longer they continue to face that chance of death bravely!  What glory when they shine through with all the gusto and adventurous spirit that got them there in the first place, and perhaps an ounce or two more of common sense, wisdom, and caution in learning from all those misadventures along the way!
 I mean really, are you playing the character simply because you want to see them reach level 40 and then retire and live forever?  It's a great achievement to strive for, but it shouldn't ruin your fun if you can't pull it off.  Or are you playing them because it's fun to face that risk that they could lose everything trying to really be a hero and change the world in some way?  Me, personally, I'd rather have fun making my mark on the world, even if my character perms out early.  I'd rather hear other players/characters reminescing about my character's daring deeds and unique quirks, and great times had along the way together, then go all the way to level 40 and not be remembered except as that guy who made it to level 40.
 The way I see it, if you spend a lot of time leveling up a character and they perm anyway, it's not wasted time if you were really having a blast the whole time you were playing.  But if all you do is play it safe simply so you can max out your level and it impacts the fun you have while playing, then you are wasting time.
 Sure, deaths from lag are a bummer, especially if it results in loss of a SS.  Deaths from the 'invisibility' bug are a bummer too, perhaps.  Though those I tend to take anyhow with the reasoning that maybe that day, one of those foes who don't normally have a spell to see through my own had one that time.  It's a scarey and changing world after all, and we really shouldn't expect all the encounters in an area to always be the same, even though Out-Of-Character we know that they are due to the mechanical limitations of the game.
 Meh... I'm rambling again.


Re: GP Question
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2009, 01:04:29 pm »
Thank you Dorg for the clarification, I just saw everyone posting logs and screenshots and assumed that was necessary. I guess we all know what assuming does...

And @ Neh, it does change how you play your character IF you want to keep them alive. If you don't then continue on as before, but, unfortunatly for me anyway I get way to attached to my characters to march one into certain death, but... that's just me.

So... anyhow, I'll be going back through lore and seeing when Chaynce got squished by giants, cause that's when I remember running invisible with a pack behind me beating on me, twice that I remember which should take care of the pleas! :D