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Author Topic: Grabbing masks and PVP  (Read 1086 times)


Re: Grabbing masks and PVP
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2007, 08:47:00 am »
Hehe...what was the line again? Something like:

Cardinal: "With a word, I could have you arrested."
Woman with dagger: "And with a flick of my wrist, I could change your religion..."

Or something like that.

Yeah anyway.... forced emotes = bad.  Common sense = goooooooood.


Re: Grabbing masks and PVP
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2007, 11:18:18 am »
"Phantasmal killer is not necromancy; if it is cast, you can bet half the dwarves around will not be screaming of illusion, but rather necromancy. Same with weird."

Don't mean to take this forum off topic, but I always found this kinda funny, as Vorax is actually more against that vile trickery that is illusion.


Re: Grabbing masks and PVP
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2007, 01:47:53 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
Hehe...what was the line again? Something like:

Cardinal: "With a word, I could have you arrested."
Woman with dagger: "And with a flick of my wrist, I could change your religion..."

Or something like that.

Yeah anyway.... forced emotes = bad.  Common sense = goooooooood.

Right on...Tim Curry and Rebecca De Mornay!!! Great quote.

As far as the "pulling the mask off" off or the "metagaming emotes", while I have had my share, I have never had a real problem with it. I simply send the person a tell and try to handle it there. If they don't want to listen, then I do a public //Doing emotes like that are considered personal attacks and considered pvp. It did not happen, but if you want it to have happened "then I use the pvp widget" you can do it after we are done with this.

Problem solved. You will be surpised how quickly someone stops metagaming or understands the situation at that point. It is also funny to watch the other people that may be in their group when they recieve the message that they are about to enter pvp.


Re: Grabbing masks and PVP
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2007, 04:42:00 pm »
Quote from: LynnJuniper
"Phantasmal killer is not necromancy; if it is cast, you can bet half the dwarves around will not be screaming of illusion, but rather necromancy. Same with weird."

Don't mean to take this forum off topic, but I always found this kinda funny, as Vorax is actually more against that vile trickery that is illusion.

Not really. At least, not in that sense specifically, any more than any other school...magic itself is vile trickery. ;) Illusion is known for it, yeah, blasted magic that makes you unsure of the ground you walk on, but Vorax is the father of righteous battle and honorable combat. To be killed with a word uttered is a death without even the honor of a blade drawn, and because few can understand it, it can't be protected against in the way most dwarves learn to protect themselves. It is, plain and simply, 'cheating.' And since necromancy deals with the dead, which is also usually inherently despicable - dwarves are very tradition-bound with very deep roots, and honor their fallen and past way way back; the thought of their desecration (which just sounds inherent in the word necromancy) is profane - anything that 'makes you dead' when there is no direct and obvious explanation (a gigantic rock falling on their head, a huge blast of fire) is often just called necromancy. I think they just have their own definition for the word, and death ward isn't in it.

Of course, magic in general is cheating and is a coward's fight, but there are a lot of dwarves with varying degrees of tolerance towards more accepted practices of the arcane; 'dark magic' tends to remain abhorred, however... but either way it's moot since most don't know the different schools of magic, anyway - we should just make a new one for dwarves called "foul magic" and leave it at that...each clan gets to make their own list of 'foul magic' ...hehe

Um. Yeah. Communication good. Common sense good. *Runs away after replying a bit off topic*


Re: Grabbing masks and PVP
« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2007, 12:38:04 pm »
My character being the new Dark elf on the block has not had any trouble so far, which is good, i have however in situations where i feel that its justified revealed my character against my wishes, but in the sense of rp realism.
Seriously if your character is near death no way you could hide the tears in your armor showing your skin colour and what not.

Its kind of fun really, had one point where my character approached arynne and it ended up in some strict rp pvp, where we basically went for whoever got to near death first lost hehe.

So in all fairness use the rp approach and follow the ways you think your character would respond to any situation, because i dont think many would try and peel the helm off a archer of ilsare, if they saw them.

But if you saw some guy dressed in spidery looking things and carrying all these evil looking things then one can safely assume he is bad news :P


Re: Grabbing masks and PVP
« Reply #25 on: October 02, 2007, 01:10:30 pm »
Quote from: iceyfire

But if you saw some guy dressed in spidery looking things and carrying all these evil looking things then one can safely assume he is bad news :P

Hey, save your personal jabs for some other spidery looking person! *grins*


Re: Grabbing masks and PVP
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2007, 11:21:41 pm »
I dont know what you mean :P


Re: Grabbing masks and PVP
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2007, 10:46:06 am »
perhaps the collector has to find the spidery evil looking one and find out how bad his news is