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Author Topic: Grannoch v. Sulterio?  (Read 262 times)


Grannoch v. Sulterio?
« on: June 09, 2008, 08:33:10 am »
Hi, team!
 In looking over the deity relationships for my new cleric of Grannoch, I noticed that Sulterio appears on both the neutral and unfriendly lists of her diety write-up on LORE.  I believe the chart shows Sulterio neutral to Grannoch and Grannoch unfriendly to Sulterio but I'm not sure I'm reading it in the right direction.  Can someone let me know for sure which status to go by, in case I encounter one of our new duerger PC's in game?
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Re: Grannoch v. Sulterio?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2008, 08:40:52 am »
Deities perceptions of each other do not have and in fact rarely match up.  Deity A may think B is the scum of the earth but  B may just laugh it off and really have no strong opinion on A.
 So in this case Sulterio is a dwarf and a deep one at that and in Grannoch's books is scum... may not enough scum to pound like a fence post on sight but scum.
 Sulterio on the other hand seems to have no hard opinion of the giantess one way or the other and thus remains neutral.


Re: Grannoch v. Sulterio?
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2008, 08:43:35 am »
So that means unfriendly is the correct listing for Sulterio, and he shouldn't be on Grannoch's neutral list then?
 PS: I know the deity relationships can be topsy-turvy, I just wasn't sure whether my side was the topsy side or the turvy side.


Re: Grannoch v. Sulterio?
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2008, 10:26:05 am »
The issue is that the Sulterio line is duplicated. Consider it fixed in a few seconds; just have to verify the relationship via the chart.

Edit: Grannoch: Unfriendly with Sulterio. Sulterio: Neutral with Grannoch.

Fixed, and documented. Thank you for pointing this out for us.

*Tips his hat.*


Re: Grannoch v. Sulterio?
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2008, 02:05:47 pm »
Also Sulterio is a hilarious god in the sense that he likes other gods like Pyrtechon, Corath and the like, but even they are unfriendly to him.  The only people neutral to him are Dorand and Toran, which I really don't get because Sulterio-ites ripped down Toran's temple in Prantz.

Plus, I really don't get why he likes insanely chaotic gods like Pyrtechon, Shadon and Corath who dislike or hate him, and is only neutral to Rofirien and Dorand, and hates Toran who is one of the two other gods who can stand him.  A LE god who sides with CN and CE who dislike him greatly, and who vehemently hates a LG diety who is one of 2 who can tolerate him.

It goes beyond topsy turvy at that point.

At least he and Branderback have some mutual lukewarm respect (neutral both ways) going. heh.  Business is business, especially greed.  And Dorand and he see eye to eye since one needs to craft well for a war, even though he wants to kill all surface dwarves.  That's about it, everybody else spits on him, or he hates them.

I just imagine him to be the most hideously deformed, rude, isolationist god in all existence, and Normalize the whole list to Unfriendly for easier reference.  He's the main magic-hating iconoclastic god who has no allies at all.  In a sense, he could even be the god of people who hate gods. :P


Re: Grannoch v. Sulterio?
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2008, 02:24:33 pm »
Well, Shadon makes him laugh. The others make the world a more fitting place for his rule.

Dorand doesn't mind him, as they're both very much about the craft, and Toran respects his utterly lawful nature.



Re: Grannoch v. Sulterio?
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2008, 02:31:40 pm »
I wouldn't doubt it if Shadon was the ONLY being in all existence to make Sulterio laugh without setting somebody on fire or killing them.  And the latter requirements being filled by Pyrtechon and Corath's penchant for cruelty. ;)


Re: Grannoch v. Sulterio?
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2008, 02:36:17 pm »
Gods aren't two dimensional products of their alignment any more than characters are, nor are the short descriptions of their ideologies all they are, there are stories and interactions that we may not know, but gods, like anyone else, have histories.

A given deity may represent an idea that seems at odds with another god, but maybe Corath and Sulterio went on a picnic once and became friends, forgetting their differences... or maybe gods' ideologies make them seem like they'd get along, but this one time a god party, Toran had a little too much ambrosia, and said some nasty things about Sulterio's new friend Corath, and ever since then, Sulterio's not been able to stand Toran...

Yes, I know this is a silly explanation... but read some mythology; odd alliances are formed (think Loki and various Aesir), broken (think Loki and various Aesir), reformed... point is, it's their  stories that should define deity relations.


Re: Grannoch v. Sulterio?
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2008, 02:37:47 pm »
Oh, I don't disagree with you, Yclep; it's just that us poor mortals don't have access to these amusing anecdotes, so we come up with our own.

