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Author Topic: HiPS versus Stealth  (Read 621 times)


Re: HiPS versus Stealth
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2007, 01:00:17 pm »
Quote from: Makashi

Plus shadow dancers can 'summon a shadow' to use to hide in. Won't see many rogues trying that one I bet.

Stupid question: According to this statement, the summon can be a static shadow of an building or tree, or is the summon "alive" ?


Re: HiPS versus Stealth
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2007, 04:41:36 am »
The summons are there, but they do not have the ability to think for themselves, don't know how many would agree with me, but I'd personally say it is literally the shadow of the shadow dancer, who is manipulating it, it is only 'alive' as such because of the commands it is given.

Defeinitely disagree with them speaking. Shadows lack vocal chords.


Re: HiPS versus Stealth
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2007, 02:24:21 am »
Quote from: Makashi
My personal view is both are going to roleplay using the shadows. Fact is, if you need to be hidden, a dark place is a good idea to be in.
 The movie The Predator is a great example of invisiblity.
 Stealth makes me think of a hunter or sniper using camouflage (color, grass, shadow, mud, bark, clothing patterns whatever is available) and slow movement. Camo to break up his/her silouhette so he/she doesn't look like a person. Slow movement so the person can watch where he/she steps and to not draw attention to oneself.
 HiPS...sort of the same as stealth but the ability to 'fade' into the surroundings once already seen. Some really good snipers/hunters can do this. You watch them and then they just sort of fade away until they move again.


Re: HiPS versus Stealth
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2007, 04:20:19 pm »
Sorry, but I have to throw a monkey wrench in here.

So, how does a shifter in kobold shape use HIPS?  It is very effective tactically I might add.  The ability to evade creatures in mele, and then come back and sneak attack them makes for a powerful flanker.



Re: HiPS versus Stealth
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2007, 05:39:55 pm »
Quote from: AeonBlues
So, how does a shifter in kobold shape use HIPS? It is very effective tactically I might add. The ability to evade creatures in mele, and then come back and sneak attack them makes for a powerful flanker.
 I would have to answer this with some previous answers I have seen, which is...
 ..."just because you can do it, doesn't make it right."
 I really have no opinion on this. I have seen it used by several people, and mostly agree on its use. However, since it does raise the question, makes me lean towards the side of an exploit. It is a power tactic, but it is probably using the game mechanics to your advantage.
 Is it logical? Does it make sense? These questions I ask myself when I do things IG.


Re: HiPS versus Stealth
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2007, 06:52:59 pm »
That comes back to the fact that there is no clear definition of what HIPS is.  To answer my own question, though no one has asked IC, my thought is that this power is representative of the shifter's skill. The kobold shape is small and exceptionally stealthy, as it gets +10 Hide and MS.  Combined with the shifter's ability to change appearance, he is able to add an extra layer of camouflage that blends perfectly with his surrounding.  So the game mechanics is HIPS, but the RP if asked in IC, would be that kobold has a chameleon power.  :D

I did give the exploit factor some fore thought, as I knew a long time ago that this would come up.  My view is one of game balance.  To take a class ability away from any class, would disrupt that classes balance.
