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Author Topic: House Re-Modelling Questions  (Read 121 times)


House Re-Modelling Questions
« on: May 12, 2009, 08:22:51 am »
Question 1:  Aside from the stock NWN interior tilesets, are there any other interior tilesets available in Layonara, and if so which tilesets are they?

Question 2a, b, & c:  (a)  I've noticed that there is at least one guild-hall/shop that has more than one entry point, one for customers and one for guild members.  So, I'd like to ask, if it is possible, can a player choose to have any extra doors on the exterior of their home made usable as entries and exits to the interior of the home?  (b)If it is possible to have multiple entries/exits, can such extra entries/exits be made secure either using the same scripting as on the 'main' door of a house, or by simply checking to see if a character has the proper house key?  (c)What would the extra cost for each extra entry/exit be when a house is being remodelled in such a way if there is extra cost involved?


Re: House Re-Modelling Questions
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2009, 09:02:24 am »
1) Associate our HAKs with a new module and you'll see all the tilesets we have as available options.

2a) Guild halls are special cases typically, and the secondary door is always perpetually unlocked.  For personal homes, clearly this presents a security issue unless the interior is designed with blocked-off areas, such as the Orc Bashers shop.

2b) I believe there is a reason why there is only one "real" door per housing area, that being the main door "remembers" some things at runtime. If there are two doors, they can get out of sync with one another.  As well, the door tagging is critical both for the function of the door but also for the proper functioning of exits from the interior.

2c) Unless the exterior house tile already has a secondary and unused door, having multiple doors would take an external change as well, which I believe we have priced as adding the original house cost to the remodel cost.

As further comments, with 2b, I would only entertain the possibility of having a secondary exit (i.e. inside-to-outside only) assuming that a secondary unused door exists on the exterior.

As well, we don't do any custom scripting for housing (normal or guild) for any purpose.  Along the same vein, we won't issue custom keys to secondary doors, whether to lock an internal door (i.e to secure a room) or to allow an alternate means of entry not linked to the housing system in a mechanical way.


Re: House Re-Modelling Questions
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2009, 11:36:15 am »
Hmm...  Okay.

I have some more specific questions then, based on those answers above.

My character Amgine recently purchased 173 Blackford Castle.  The exterior model used for the home has four 'usable' doors.  The front door is tied to the housing system for normal access.  The other three doors aren't currently being used, of course.  What I would like to do is have the 2 doors on either side of the ground floor open into areas of the home only accessible through those doors that if done similar to the guild/shops customer entries would stay un-locked at all times.  In essence the door on the left side would go into a stable for my ox and later my horse too.  The door on the right side would go into a sort of cellar.  Could this sort of set-up be done?


Re: House Re-Modelling Questions
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2009, 11:40:37 am »
Oops, forgot to ask also, is there any special order the Layonara Haks need to be added in on the Custom Content screen in the Toolset?


Re: House Re-Modelling Questions
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2009, 11:01:03 pm »
Ooops, forgot about this.   Yes, there is a HAK order, and I've made a post on it for everyone's reference.


Re: House Re-Modelling Questions
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2009, 01:24:20 am »
I think that's the order they come up automatically, so as long as you go from top to bottom  you should be good.

