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Author Topic: A question for your consideration this is  (Read 143 times)


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A question for your consideration this is
« on: December 22, 2007, 07:22:22 pm »
A question for character approvers more than Gamemasters per se this is.

Contemplations I am having about a new character concept. Hmmmm, a wemic who has been subject to the terrible power of the dark side of Vierdri'ira. Captured as an infant he was and many horrors he did face. Forgotten the history and pride has he of his people and lives now to see the purpose of the Quarvalsharess fulfilled. Basically he was brainwashed to the point, a dark elf soul in a wemic shell, is he. The proposed class split, 5 barbarian 15 cleric (CN alignment), it would be.

Think this idea has merit, do you, hmmmm?



Re: A question for your consideration this is
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2007, 05:49:24 am »
Sorry, creative idea, but it can't be done.

The old lady of darkness states that dark elves are better than any other race, she'd never allow a non-dark elf follower.

(And as a side note, never a male either :)


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Re: A question for your consideration this is
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2007, 05:02:50 pm »
Thanks for the emphatic response. :D

My initial thought was such an representative of the Mother of Darkness would make an excellent agent on the surface lands to bring down those despised fair-skinned elves (and then sacrificed in glorious martyrdom after their job was done - so as not to dilute the ranks of the worthy).


Re: A question for your consideration this is
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2008, 07:42:42 pm »
this is where stereotypes hinder reality and creativity.

i know things like this happen in reality. people are taken from one place - trained and then returned to cause havoc.

or a person ends up in another country at a young age. the people bring the person up. when the person meets his "countrymen" - he does not accept them.

such things can happen. and political creatures will use any angle to affect their "enemy".


Re: A question for your consideration this is
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2008, 07:55:45 pm »
It's not a stereotype. It is how dark elves are.

If this was reality, then it's a different matter.  However, it's not.  In this fantasy setting, the varied races really do have significant defining characteristics.  Dark elves, for instance, really do believe every other race to be inferior.  At best, the individual above would be treated as a slave.

There's still plenty of room for creativity, but there are certain societal norms that need to be followed.  Individuals can break the mold, but in the above example, that society would have to accept such a freakish creature into one of its most revered institutions, avoid being killed by most of the rest of the population who would find a Wemic priest of a dark elf god/goddess to be an abomination and generally beat some extremely infinitesimal odds against the whole of dark elf society.  Something like that just wouldn't happen.


Re: A question for your consideration this is
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2008, 09:33:54 pm »
What about a Corathite Wemic...


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    Re: A question for your consideration this is
    « Reply #6 on: January 18, 2008, 11:37:48 am »
    I hink anyone could imagine a Wemic treated as a wild animal, caged, tortured, and abused from birth  becoming evil... The question that springs to my mind is wheher he would ever seek to serve anyone -even a god- after that, or he would turn into a rampaging murderer seeking out all those of the race that had abused him. Although many would see such a Wemic hunting Dark Elves as a good thing... It might work better if some uninformed villagers found him as a cub beside his dead mother (what killed her is unimportant) far from the usual haunts of wemics, took him home, chained him up as a watchdog, fed him scraps, beat him to force obedience and to make him vicious enough to keep intruders well away, and generally abused him all his life until the night he found a rusted length in his chain and managed to break free. He might still wear the welded collar with a length of chain dangling from it.

    Even more interesting, if the village (now deceased to the last child) had included not just humans but some other group such as gnomes or dwarves (most elves would not tolerate such treatment of even an animal)... Now he is hunting not only humans but the other group as well. Because he is paranoid, he hunts with great stealth, makes sure of the odds before an attack, and strikes like a berserker.

    Problems are that there would be few, if any role play opportunities. Such a creature could never be induced into the strongholds of his enemies even in disguise, lest he be recaptured. He would never risk that.

