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Author Topic: Multi-classing my fighter to fighter/paladin  (Read 288 times)


Multi-classing my fighter to fighter/paladin
« on: October 30, 2008, 07:00:07 pm »
I am new to Layo and was contemplating the idea of multiclassing my level 5 fighter to a fighter/paladin.  At present I have chosen no Diety.  When I made my character I think I answerwed "no" to the question do you plan on Multi-classing.  My alignment is lawful good.

Question can I just pick paladin next time I level up or do I need some kind of gm approval?  I assume I need to pick a diety first, such as Torn.  How would I go about picking a diety.

I would appreciate any help on if this is possible and how I would go about this If I choose to do so.




Re: Multi-classing my fighter to fighter/paladin
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2008, 07:07:25 pm »
well First of,
 A paladin is as the cleric, the most devout people to a deity that you would find in the world. Your character would have to have a faith so strong that he would find grace of the deity he is following, for the deity to bestow your char with his powers.
 That would require a lot of RP into finding a deity, extensive documantation in a cdj, a cdq, if not more, for taking the paladin class.
 It wont be easy if you go that way, but I'm sure, if it`s allowed, it is something that would be quite interesting.
 You also have to know that if you are approved as a paladin and pass the cdq. Once you choose the paladin way, you wouldn't be able to take any more levels as a fighter, unless you leave paladinhood through an other cdq.
 you can find some information about it using this link.


Re: Multi-classing my fighter to fighter/paladin
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2008, 07:44:53 pm »
Paladins are the most devote of warriors and only certain Layonara deities actually even have paladins.
 LORE is an excellent source of information. Paladins is a good place to start as it lists those deities that have them and gives an idea as to the mindset of the different orders.
 Restricted Multiclassing - Cleric Paladin and Champion Submissions - Paladin Spells - Oaths and Vows
 If you wish to make the change then you will have to wait until level 10 when you are eligible for a Character development quest as per the rules for Character Development quests.
 Prior to the GM running that quest you will be required to submit to Character Submissions an updated biography that hightlites your character's progression into the faith as well as link to your current character development Journal where you should be chronically your role play interactions with others of your intended faith and your characters mental and spiritual transition to the intended faith. The character approvers will give you the nod to proceed to a CDQ or point you in the right direction of your role play to get you want to be.
 Once you enter the paladin path you may no longer take any more fighter levels. Paladins cannot freely multiclass with anything other than champions (Toran and Vorax) or Undead Slayer (Aeridin) unless it is a Lucindite paladin who can freely take levels in the wizard class (not sorceror). If you wish to take the champion/undead slayer route you may do so with another application and CDQ as long as it is 2 months after your first. If you were heading the Lucindite protector route your RP would have to substantiate learning magic but a CDQ would not be necessary to take wizard levels, just an updated character submission and approval of the character approvers.
 It sounds like a long process but really it's not that bad if you keep a good journal and reach out to other players of your intended faith for help in the converting process.
 Feel free to ask away with the questions if I missed anything