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Author Topic: Shadow dancer Ability Question  (Read 296 times)


Shadow dancer Ability Question
« on: February 16, 2015, 03:18:04 pm »
I play a dark elf shadowdancer, who prefers to keep his identity hidden. I thought it would be neat that, instead of wearing a mask like most other dark elves, he used his shadow dancing abilities to create darkness under his hood so that no one could see what he was. However, on the shadowdancer page, it says that...
 a Shadowdancer cannot manipulate shadows of objects or people in any way except by what can be done by manipulating light and shadow through normal means. For example, they cannot make a person's shadow move, though they could produce a “shadow play” by casting shadows of their own from some source of light.
This made me think that perhaps this idea would not work, because in order to cast shadows of their own they must cast them from some other source of light. However, as a darkelf, he also has darkness as a spell-like ability. Could dark elven darkness coupled with shadowdancer abilities justify shadowy concealment of his race?


He could -probably- do this
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2015, 04:48:10 pm »

He could -probably- do this using his own shadow with GM guidance. The darkness ability would not last long enough to augment but for a few minutes (depending on duration). However,  I feel compelled to point out that he would have no protection from users of True Sight which is standard on -some- NPC gate guard equipment in certain realms as well as commonly used by PCs.



