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Author Topic: Graceful plea question  (Read 304 times)


Graceful plea question
« on: June 06, 2009, 02:41:21 pm »
I'm a little confused about the graceful plea criteria.
 it states

 "These Graceful Pleas can be used for a "no fault" return or reimbursement"

so does there have to be a reason to get a ss back using a GP or can I just say I want to use a graceful plea for a ss and its done?
Its a little confusing because the way its written it sounds like you can just have one back for a gp but everyone always gives a reason for wanting one.

Script Wrecked

Re: Graceful plea question
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2009, 09:22:59 pm »
The "no fault" component enables a SS to returned when it wouldn't normally, such as for lag. However, the instance for which you what it returned has to be a non proper(1) death. So, you still have to establish your "case". Otherwise, they might as well just give everyone three more SS.


Script Wrecked.

(1) there's probably a more fitting word for that, but it escapes me for the moment.


Re: Graceful plea question
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2009, 06:23:06 pm »
That's essentially correct.  While they're ultimately self-limiting, they were not intended to be a "Do-over" for ill-advised player actions.

So extreme lag, crashing, disconnections and other things that could not be verified...these some of the things for which the Graceful Plea system is intended.

"Oh, I decided to face Fisteron without armor or buffs just to see if I could...and I couldn't, and I lost a Soul Strand."  This is an example of something that is not in the intention for Graceful Pleas. Legitimately earned Soul Strands are also in this group, though less strenuously so. As I said, such things are self-limiting.

While Graceful Pleas are usable for more than just Soul Strands, that is predicted to be the greatest use of them overall.  So taking that example, let's look at the system behind Soul Strand returns. The system there was to give a means to address such losses due to factors beyond player control.  GM error, bugs, lag, crashes and disconnections to name the main ones.

GM error and bugs can be verified definitively.  The remainder generally had to be limited in order to keep it from being abused.  So there are criteria for such requests, and if the requests didn't meet the criteria (or burden of proof) then they were denied.  

Graceful Pleas allow one to make a request to overlook those conditions that caused (or would have caused) a denial.

So as to why we ask for a reason, it is primarily for transparency and accounting.  We want you to give some thought to the request and not just come to us with a hand out looking for, as Script Wrecked put it, three free Soul Strands.

Hope that helps.  If not, ask.


Re: Graceful plea question
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2009, 06:55:33 pm »
So to follow up on that, due to the last set of rules around what a person could and could not apply for many people that followed those rules did not apply for returns on things like:

- Lag based when no WL or GM was present.
- Disconnection caused deaths.
- Known bug caused deaths.

Now they have a chance to go back and "revisit" some of those types of deaths but for many people they are events that are spread out of a long time and most dont have records of those events. So if they know that they lost some SS to the above types of things but dont remember when and where should they do their best to guess?

I know that was very fragmented thinking ;) but I hope I got my point across.


Re: Graceful plea question
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2009, 07:00:32 pm »
Yeah, pretty much jrizz.

So far, with only a couple exceptions, people who have died and lost a strand due to stuff like lag or disconnections seem to at least remember what they were fighting and/or where, even if the "when" is a bit fuzzy.

Our logs can fill in the rest of it, and the whole request for any information related to the death and loss is just for a good faith sanity check.


Re: Graceful plea question
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2009, 03:43:47 pm »
Alright, but I have a character who lost at least 3 from the invisibility bug if not more. I stopped playing her when she got to 9, and that was over a year ago. Now, how would I apply for these back as I have no idea when and where they happened after all this time.

I guess what I see is that without some sort of evedence, she basically can never use her pleas until I have to use one for the last strand.

Am I missing something? I'd love to be able to play her at least once in a while without fear.

My Thanks,


Re: Graceful plea question
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2009, 04:50:45 pm »
Basically the same problem I'm having merlin. Im just putting up what little information I can remember and hoping for the best :-)


Re: Graceful plea question
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2009, 05:38:00 pm »
If you have the patience and you're lucky, you may be able to jog your memory with the aid of old versions of your Lore page.  Look in the bottom right corner, and you'll find a number that indicates the number of old Lore pages you have.  You can select a lower number and press the display button to see an old page.  With care, you should be able to figure out when and where you lost some strands.  That may jog your memory as to how it happened.  There are gaps in the records, unfortunately, but it's a chance.


Re: Graceful plea question
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2009, 06:12:47 pm »
Quote from: merlin34baseball
Alright, but I have a character who lost at least 3 from the invisibility bug if not more. I stopped playing her when she got to 9, and that was over a year ago. Now, how would I apply for these back as I have no idea when and where they happened after all this time.

I guess what I see is that without some sort of evedence, she basically can never use her pleas until I have to use one for the last strand.

Am I missing something? I'd love to be able to play her at least once in a while without fear.

My Thanks,

What Serissa said is a good start, or if you remember what you happened to be fighting. Any detail might help, but of course LORE is very useful in that.  Granted, there was a period where it was not updating. "Evidence" is not as critical in such cases.  A "best guess" will usually do.

