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Author Topic: Oggie  (Read 407 times)


« on: December 15, 2005, 05:57:00 am »
DM Name: Oggie

The name Oggie is a nickname for a famous Cornish Delicacy called a Cornish Pasty , it used to be the staple diet of Cornish Tin Miners. As the thick pastry crust could be used to hold it while eating, then discarded so as to avoid injesting arsenic that was on their fingers. Why this name? you ask, well; when I first logged on as a GM, I had to think of a name, and as we were having Cornish Pasties for Dinner, the choice was obvious, well it was to me.

Forum Name: Rasterick
Real Name: Pete Mitchell
Age: 46
Location: Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Timezone: GMT
About Me:

I have many interests, Layonara being one of my favourite ones; but I must admit to being a fanatic follower of the gentlemany art of rugby, as a player, a coach for a juniors team and an avid supporter of England and Liecester Tigers. I also enjoy making furniture, as a hobby, and sadly, not an occupation. I work as an IT Consultant and Software developer, prior to this, I spent many years as a Engineer on Submarines in the Royal Navy, so water holds no fear or suprises for me.  ;) Long periods away from home developed my interest in gamiing and my passion for fantasy novels.

I am a father of four children, aged 10, 7 and twins of 5. So beware, they can all use a PC, and  are not afraid of hideous creatues, and are particulay fond of large groups of beasts. So if during quests you see very peculiar actions by NPCs, and see them speaking in strange dialects, you know whats happened.  :o

I have been on some great quests, both scheduled and impromptu, and must admit to enjoying the impromptu ones the most. So guess what? I hope to be able to spring stuff on people, spice up their lives in Layonara and get them to react, adapt and get thinking. No longer will a simple trip to the bank be the same, you never know who you may meet.

Dont be afraid, but be prepared, this is a potentially dangerous world. Dangers lurk round every corner. Hlint has a population of 2000, so expect to see of the populace from time to time. Not all of them are as savoury as you would like to think. All is not what it seems.

In terms of quests, I like things that are out of the ordinary, mystery and Intrigue will feature highly, as will seemingly quite ordinary characters and scenarios (but not always), simple beginings can soon take a turn to become something much more inolved, sinister and dangerous. You will need sound tactics and strategy, analytical skills and most of all a sence of humour, (A man who can laugh in the face of danger is either very brave, or completely mad), so be prepared for a comical twist. I dont give up information easily, so if you need find something out, the direct approach will not always work, and it will not always reveal the truth.

So much potential exists in Layonara; so I hope to tap into some unexplored and uncharted facets, that I hope will get you to RP until your keyboard melts.

I hope to create some fun stuff for you, and never forget, if your character ends up dead, imprisoned or turned into a bat. It aint personal...

Pete AKA Oggie.