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Author Topic: Question about Wemics  (Read 4572 times)


Question about Wemics
« on: June 18, 2019, 10:00:06 pm »
I've been slowly reacquainting myself with my wemic character. I notice that when she runs, I feel some disappointment or suspension of belief, as it looks like she's running in slow motion. When I see a large four-legged creature like a wemic I expect it to at least be able to run faster than most smaller two-leggeds. Is this something the GMS will consider adding to a wemic - a slightly faster run speed? Or do I need to take a level in Barbarian just to feel like she isn't running through taffy?


Re: Question about Wemics
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2019, 03:10:19 pm »
I'm not sure if giving Wemics any type of speed improvement will improve the way the animation looks. When you're running on one of the pathways that speeds you up (like Windjammers Bay) does it look good enough?


Re: Question about Wemics
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2019, 04:28:13 pm »
Smart! good idea!

I just logged on.
Running on the road is a huge improvement. It doesn't look like she is running through water anymore.

I can show you when you are on next....


Re: Question about Wemics
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2019, 06:31:18 pm »
for what it's worth, I just refreshed my memory with the wiki on wemics and it says that wemics do get Barbarian Fast Movement (though in-game they obviously do not).



Re: Question about Wemics
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2024, 03:08:48 pm »
Silly question, or not?  Wemics have 6 limbs, well 7 including the head.  Do I treat the middle two (front half of lion body) like feet, boots & such, or like hands gloves and such?  I'm going to assume magical items handle all four ground touching limbs so I should not need two pairs of magic boots.


Re: Question about Wemics
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2024, 05:34:03 pm »
Wemics have four feet (paws), and two hands. So if the wemic chose feet coverings, it's assumed they would need four. But yes, as far as the equipment menu and magic items, the footwear slot assumes coverage of all four feet.


Re: Question about Wemics
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2024, 12:35:35 pm »
On , it states

Wemics are always seen carrying a few spears and a short bow. These are the weapons of the hunt, and these are the only weapons, with the exception of their claws, that are used in killing prey.

So, wouldn't a wemics preferred weapon be a spear or short bow, but yet as a druid, I cannot use a short bow. Even though in my bio,

Finally, the day of the hunt arrived, Aziza was well-equipped with her shortbow and spears, wearing little except a bandolier and a quiver for her arrows.


Re: Question about Wemics
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2024, 02:42:24 pm »
I think it's conceivable that wemics who leave their homeland and are exposed to other races and cultures can learn to use other weapons if they choose to explore that.


Re: Question about Wemics
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2024, 09:36:10 pm »
On , it states

Wemics are always seen carrying a few spears and a short bow. These are the weapons of the hunt, and these are the only weapons, with the exception of their claws, that are used in killing prey.

So, wouldn't a wemics preferred weapon be a spear or short bow, but yet as a druid, I cannot use a short bow. Even though in my bio,

Finally, the day of the hunt arrived, Aziza was well-equipped with her shortbow and spears, wearing little except a bandolier and a quiver for her arrows.

Honestly, the bit in her bio about her using a bow probably should have been addressed by me in the role of approver, since you stated she wanted to play a druid. Even so, druids are allowed to use bows (they do not violate the 'no metal' rule, and elven druids are known to use bows), but druids are not trained in bows as part of their druidic training. So if you think it is important for Aziza to be able to use bows as part of her heritage, you can take the Weapon Proficiency (martial) feat, and just use the longbow/shortbow and roleplay only being trained with those.

