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Author Topic: Questions regarding changing character class  (Read 203 times)


Questions regarding changing character class
« on: January 22, 2008, 04:05:35 am »
it seems that i am learning the coyote way. making the mistakes that get me noticed.

slip would like to branch out into fight. i have been rping with lots of barbarians and fighters.  

i would like to multiclass into: rogue - fighter. it fits because slip fights with a bow and a long sword. she adventures on her own - solo. and she fights with others. she has been fighting - traveling with some serious heavy hitters and i want slip to be able to contribute.

what happens next.


Re: character class change - slip
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 04:24:25 am »
at this time i am traveling with and rolling with skullcracker headbang. he has offered to be my mentor so i can become a fighter ic ig.

does rping this in game assist with this process?

i have dealt with other fighters in the game that have inspired me. slip respects them and wants their respect.

slip has been told to hold her own or others won't want to travel with her. dying all the time ain't fun. makes the people i travel with sad.  and then they have to go back and assist me getting my body back.

so i am learning. slip is learning. and her travel companions are teaching.

let me know if you want me to do a write up about this request?

thanks for all of your dedicated effort and care,


Re: character class change - slip
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 11:12:40 am »
Yes, RPing a transition in-game assists with the approval of said transition.

It would also be good to detail the training in your CDT as well.  (Bear in mind that CDTs are meant to be in-character descriptions of what takes place - only more florid. :) )

Once you've kept your CDT updated with the training for a little while, apply formally for the change.


PS.  Bear in mind that the primary differences between a rogue and a fighter are proficiencies with all manners of weapons and armour, and more emphasis on being able to fight an enemy to a standstill, rather than scoring that one crippling hit.


Re: character class change - slip
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2008, 06:04:14 pm »
i will look into a CDT.

i will start posting.

basically all this happened in character while rping.

i am enjoying the rping and i would like to follow the tread that is being created.

just wondering, how does a person do a do a gm lead quest?

may i request a gm quest to assist with a class change or a prc - prestige class?



Re: character class change - slip
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2008, 07:14:18 pm »
There are forty or so GM-led quests/month.  Just check out the Caldendar to determine which ones you can attend. :)

As for a personal quest for a PrC, these are called CDQs.  Some PrCs do not require them - most class changes do not require them, barring extenuating circumstances.  Please read the CDQ rules before applying for one, however.

Moving this thread to the appropriate forum.


Re: character class change - slip
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2008, 08:04:57 pm »
Character development and class changes.
(is this the king of writer up/request you are looking for?)
do i need a CDQ to become a shadowdancer (SD)?

1. fighter
2. shadowdancer.

I am lvl 5. Soon to be 6: 31.930 out of 40.000.

I have read that its best to keep the classes close and within 3-5 of each other. So my next lvl will have to be a fighter.

1. I petition to become a fighter because:
a. my character has traveled with many fighters that have taught her things. We have rped this transition.
b. she want redemption from being a thief/rogue.
c. she wants to become a benefit to the team – a better fighter. Contribute more.
d. she wants to stand her ground when creatures get close – like rats in a sewer.
e. it fits her story – she is looking for her lost family. Her parents disappeared when she was very young. She became a thief to survive. Now she wants a new career:
figher, venturer, and supplier – gathering supplies for others (this is kind of a solo gig.)
f. skully and others have mentored slip in the arts of swordplay.
g. I am using my sword more often.

2. after being an venturer for a while – slip will want to be come a shadowdancer.
a. this is the full circle. Theift (fingersmith) – to venturer (figher) – to supplier (shadowdancer)
instead of stealing form good people – individuals – she will make an honest living sneaking into places and taking the resources like aloe and others.
b. after learning how to stand firm in direct close combat, she will want to apply all of her skills into one prc – shadowdance – the summation of all of her hard work. Now she can be a thief for good and help other with her sneaking around.
c. she needs the shadows to sneak in undetected to get stuff – this will reduce the amount of death she has to do to succeed.
d. with sd, she can use her bow and sword more effectively. Now she can get SA more often to be a benefit to her team.

This is the justification for the class changes. I will keep my CDT up, too.

Let me know what you think?
Send me questions so I can perfect this.



Re: character class change - slip
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2008, 08:18:54 pm »
for this class change - it is necessary for a CDQ or can i continue to rp it ic - getting mentors? using my sword more in combat?

for SLIP becoming a fighter - venturer is a life changing event. she wishes to redeem herself form the days she was a fingersmith. she wants to give back to those that have helped her along. she sees them using a sword - a flaming  sword no less - and she wants to do that too. she is young and impressionable. i understand that you are busy and want to save any CDQ for becoming a shadowdancer - if necessary.


Re: Questions regarding changing character class
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2008, 01:54:56 am »
As usual, Darkstorme is right on. Just to clarify, all class changes must be approved (I actually learned this the hard way, the coyote way as you call it, not long before I became a GM). However, as mentioned, some need CDQ's for the change, and for the rest you just need to have documentation of the character's change over time, either through a CDT or through in-game logs (See here.).

As one of the approvers, Darkstorme was giving you an obvious hint when he said, "Bear in mind that the primary differences between a rogue and a fighter are proficiencies with all manners of weapons and armour, and more emphasis on being able to fight an enemy to a standstill, rather than scoring that one crippling hit." Part of what that means is that in order to be approved as a fighter, your character needs to show not only how she's become better with a sword, but also how she's learning to use axes, warhammers, chainmail armor, full plate armor, and all the rest of the battle apparel the fighting class puts to use. I think you'll find that questions about these sorts of things will be raised by the CA's (character approvers) during your approval process for multiclassing into the fighter class.


Re: Questions regarding changing character class
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2008, 02:53:24 am »
that helps alot.

at this time she is working on her basic swordplay, possible two weapon. she wants to focus on shield and sword for now.

also looking into wearing chainmail shirt.

she does hope to evolve more and more. since she is only lvl 5, she has a lot of time to figure things out.